How to stop binge eating?

Please, how do I kick this habit before it's too late?

Stop putting food in your mouth

Switch to OMAD and you won't feel bad about binge eating.

Sometimes I can. But sometimes I just love it too much.

This is intriguing. How bad is the transition?

Stop being a weak willed pussy and vomit that food up

>Food tastes good waah I must eat all of it right now :(
Learn moderation and selfcontrol you fat fuck. And OMAD only works if you eat at a deficit still, it doesn't magically cause 4000 calories to make you lose weight

I like my teeth and esophagus to work.
If I were able to stop being a weak willed pussy, I'd stop eating : /


>Make a mental note of your ((triggers)) so you can pre-empt when a binge may start.
>Replace binging on food with something else; do pushups, make a cup of green tea, continue a hobby etc until the hunger goes away.
>prepare smaller meals and agree to only eat what's on the plate (no going back for more)
>curb hunger with low call snacks like celery (add a little salt), or carrots
>learn to stop being a fucking child and have some restraint. Even a fucking dog can learn to wait for something you lazy fat cunt

Thank you.

Listen to this guy. I did this for a while (my routine was, during Lent, I had OMAD except Sunday I could eat whatever whenever and Friday was no meal at all). Eat whatever you want in your one meal; think about it and look forward to it, just do whatever to not eat in between. The trick for me was that I just started to feel awful whenever I ate my giant disgusting meal. I started to crave eating food that would actually make me feel good. Also, you have to tell yourself that it's okay to not finish whatever is in front of you; it's okay to throw away that last slice or two of pizza. Since I've been off of it, I notice that my portion sizes are smaller and I feel satisfied after eating less than before; I'm able to eat until I'm full, where before I could only eat until I was stuffed and didn't recognize being simply full. I think such drastic changes in extremes of eating (starving and binging) helps you to be able to recognize signals in your body a little better.

Hey, thank you. The idea of limiting to one meal and then really thinking about and looking forward to it seems chill. Is that going to be too much of an insulin rush every time I eat, though?
Anyway, I am Catholic and I have a personality of extremes, so this is very intriguing to me. Did you cold turkey it, or transition to fewer and fewer meals per day?

Stop being a low willpower bitch.

>This is intriguing. How bad is the transition
It sucks for a couple weeks, but it's worth it. I do 16-18 hour fast most days, with OMAD one day each week.

eat breakfast

drink a protein shake instead.
the gas alone will ruin your appetite

>Black coffee, drink all of it. Doesn't matter if you think it's gross it'll kill those cravings.
>Hot shower
>Start a video game or a puzzle book or anything, don't leave your room until you've completed it
>Hot tea or coffee every hour
>If you don't have a problem with it, have a smoke, it could literally just be weed, it doesn't have to be tobacco.
>Drugs have 0 calories, I take sedative like xanax and stuff to make me too high & tired to eat lol
>cardio workout but what sane person wants to do that honestly
>Shot of apple cider vinegar
>Paint your nails so you don't eat(assuming you're a girl but if you're not no one's stopping you from doing it still lol)
>again if ur a girl do a whole face of makeup, take your time, make it look good
>call a friend... or seriously you could just chat w some random person on omegle to distract you or something

Idk about the insulin, but make sure you don't have much to do the rest of the day after your meal, since you end up with a lot of energy in the fasted state and sometimes end up tired and lethargic for a little after eating (this is part of what I meant in feeling awful after eating). For the month or two before Lent, I was messing with the idea of fasting and would restrict my meals or even have a day of no eating (call it a 36 hour fast, between eating the last meal one day and the first meal two days later), but it was always random and I wanted to do something structured. It helped, though, with the previous experiences since it allowed me to overcome the mental barrier that I wouldn't be able to survive without eating so long; I would recommend doing something like a 36 hour fast sometime just so you have the experience to remind yourself of. It came from a recognition that I had an addiction to food and could barely control myself. Also, since your Catholic, I would recommend making it a spiritual practice: view it as overcoming a temptation rather than a way to lose weight, turn to prayer for the strength to continue, go to daily mass often to add more structure to your days.

sleep early and fast

>I have chosen to continue binge eating


Set up new rules for eating:
No eating in front of a screen.
No eating standing up.
No eating until the whole meal is ready and you have a plate/fork/knife in front of you.
Chew at least 12 times each bite.
You'll feel full earlier, and eating will get boring.
Finally, don't buy food you know you'll binge on, that's just setting traps for yourself.

I am so glad Alison Stokke stopped being fat

Eat a balanced diet that fills all your nutritional needs and has lots a variety. Dont eat the same bland shit erry day like a mong. If you need to cut do it with a modest defecit so you dont binge


This you on the left OP.
Be more mindful of your inner void, so you can stop yourself when trying to fill it with food.

binge happens after restriction
eat enough every day, and you will stop bingeing
also doing cardio on the reg, so that your body knows to stop asking for gazillion amounts of food
if you lift, but forget about cardio, your life becomes a hungry hell