Ryan gosling is just autistic as we are. How come he can get girls while we can't?

Ryan gosling is just autistic as we are. How come he can get girls while we can't?

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He's famous as fuck, handsome and we're waaaay more autistic. He's a quirky normie at worst.

he won the genetic lottery

How is he autistic?

Also money and good looks are way more important than a personality.

Also, I would say that Christian Bale is way more of an autist. There was an interview where someone brought up his love for Metal Gear and he sort of spurgs out.

Because he's tall and good looking. Also he's famous, and not just average famous but famous as the star of multiple romance dramas. That's literally the ultimate halo effect.


pls link

It was an old interview. I know he's been asked a couple times, but this particular time he got sort of pissed.

He plays a lot of video games, though. I don't think he likes to talk about them or be confronted about it.

HOLD the fuck up, Christian Bale has a British accent???

Yeah dude, he's Welsh I think.

holy shit

It always throws me off a bit. I always expect a sort of west coast accent, and then I get a Welsh accent.

Yesterday I saw some hobo on a skateboard skate across traffic to follow a girl he saw. He talked to her for a moment, she did not seem repulsed at all, it looked like she gave him his phone number.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. A hobo on a skateboard can pick up girls.


I would watch a TV show about this hobo on a skateboard. I would not watch a TV show about your life. This is your problem.

Don't be so sure about that; I teach high school special ed

Oh god, you're a tard wrangler? Will you tell us some tales?

In that case I'd watch an elaborate TV show that follows the lives of both you, your students, and this hobo on a skateboard.

I'm sorry, but it would be a violation of professional ethics and it comes too close to the line of legality for my comfort.

I will say, however, that parents are the worst part of the job. They are almost entirely oblivious and think they are the best parents in the world when they are usually fuck heads who hold their children back even more than the disabilities.

Don't forget my aide staff. Every single one of them is a character.

As long as you don't use their actual names or post the name of the school there are no issues buddy. Tell us some tales m8

This. I love you buddeh, but you're being a faggot.

Just be confident.

This is why you don't get chicks because you don't tell hilarious tales of your group of tards. "Waaah violation of ethics a bloo bloo bloo" You vagina.

I get paid to not cave in to crying children all day. What makes you think the badgering from you retards will sway me?

Dude, this is Veeky Forums for all we know your stories are all pulled out of your ass on the fly. Even if we were to pretend they WERE true, just change names amd dont give dates or locations. You are an user after all. . .

I get it man, your worried the super sleuths at your high school will back trace your connection so they can take away your retard sheriff badge. I won't badger any further.

Because you claim to lead a more exciting life than a hobo on a skateboard, yet stall and stonewall on explaining said life on an anonymous Bolivian alpaca herding bazaar

>acts, sings, dances

Oh gee I wonder why

>retard sheriff badge

My fucking sides kek

Whoa whoa whoa

If you want to hear about me, that's an entirely different deal. I once rode 160 miles on be a motorcycle to get a tuna melt at a restaurant at which I had eaten fourteen years ago.

Negative canthal tilt. Low test cuck thin midface.

Nah Veeky Forums wants to hear about your tard wrangling adventures

He's like literally photoshopped

Well, the guy IS Welsh.

I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

This pasta needs to be revised because stores that sell food in LA County now charge you for bags and the cashier will always ask you if you want/need any

this is THE most autistic post on this website right now. those children have rubbed off on you buddy

Nice digits user.

Another nice set of digits you got there user.

It would appear that he's lying about his job and can't muster the creativity to make up some stories.

At least try and pretend you're making an effort to come off as being fitness related

Very good point and as an added bonus contributes further autism to this thread.


calling someone a hobo bcz he doesnt wear normie clothes is part of your problem

t. 23 year old skateboarder who has fucked countless 16 year ild girls because he is so "cool"

how the fuck would you define that as a sperg

So your TV show promises a man interacting with tards but delivers a man riding a bicycle continuously for 160 miles, while the hobo's TV show has him riding around on a skateboard in the city picking up chicks and dazzling autismos. I think the hobo's show wins.

>not posting tard stories
I hope you die a virgin you faggot

lmfao u think anyone cares about these bullshit words u incels made up.

He was clearly mad and raging inside

>told off white cunts and started banging a latina

is he /ourguy/?

>I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me
That's your problem. You need to grow-up

you just, talk to them, user. Every time you do you get better at it, then one day, three years down the line, you get a qt. Can't get gains without dedication and patience, it's the same for women.



He sounded like a pet store burning down to the ground.

You're on fucking Veeky Forums. You can spill the beans without violating anything you've signed. We don't need names, dates, and place. What do you think the chance is that a parent of one of your mongs is on Veeky Forums and going to read a story about their kid that you aren't even accurately describing?

Agreed. What an ass.

Bale is known for having a horrible temper.