What do you guys think?

Are doctors fat-shaming obese patients when they tell them to lose weight and wince at their medical charts?

This feminist professor published a article about fat shaming by doctors and gave a presentation to the APA.

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Fatties need to be reminded of the shame they ignore.


Obesity is one of the major causes of cancer

Fat people shouldn't hate themselves.

But they should hate the fat, and work to stop being fat.

T. Fatty down 21kg

>Psychology professor

My friend's a doctor of history, his chosen field contains what beastly Gaul savages used to eat. Shall I go to him for dietary advice?

Based doctors are some of the last organisms that can get away with fat shaming these animals while at the workplace. We need them. These fucking hogs need to understand the severity of their degeneracy.

I think she's right that doctors shouldn't wince at patients' medical charts and do similar things, because that's just rude, but I don't think that it's a problem that normal people get tests done while fatties are told to lose weight when they exhibit the same symptoms. The same blood pressure that's normal for a fat cunt means something's up for a normal person, so it's no surprise that one gets tests done and the other does not. Fat people are only 1.65 times more likely to have some shit misdiagnosed, that's not that bad.
>Chrisler acknowledged that it is impossible to prove causation behind her claim that fat shaming has negative health consequences, pointing out that “it would be unethical to do such an experiment.”
That's retarded, they could just ask the patients to rate how fat-shamey a doc was, and then compare health data over time. This way, they wouldn't have to actively fat-shame people in the experiment. It's kinda like how it'd be unethical to make subjects smoke to prove smoking causes cancer, but it is ethical to gather data on people who willingly took up smoking prior to the experiment.

There's a difference between giving medical advice and shaming a person. As someone who has always been athletic, I have no idea what it's mentally and physically like to be a fat person. I'm fairly certain that shaming someone for their weight does the opposite of what it's intended to do. People assume that fat shaming is the right response to fat acceptance, but I think the most effective solution is to promote the benefits of a healthy diet and active lifestyle.

>Female psych professor
Of fucking course it's a woman. If you're doctor doesn't tell you that your weight is an issue when it is then they're a bad doctor. It's their job to care for you and do all they can to keep you healthy. Why the fuck is it current year and these people still stick their fingers in their years denying the truth everyone knows that being overweight obese is not healthy and all it does is harms you

The problem is the standard of what they consider shaming in this age of "micro-aggressions"

I would just like to point out how hard it is to collect the blood work of an obese person. Even with a tourniquet the vein is very hard to find under all that fat, even with a skilled phelbotomist. Then the vein can often collapse under the pressure of the fat. What should take 3 minutes takes almost 30.

>psychology professor

>why are you trying to help me with my weight?! You're supposed to tell me how healthy I am while I eat a tub of lard with a side of mountain dew

american health care is so stupidly expensive partly because we already go overboard on shit like cat scans and mris

you could make an ebook together and make a few thousand dollars.
some dyel nerds will want to be a Gaul savage

As a fat fuck I can tell you that most doctors I've met, especially GPs, don't know SHIT about weight loss/management.

They'll tell you shit like "just eat less", "eat better food" without giving you specifics. You have to go to dieticians for that.

I lost 50 pounds in about 4 months between doctor's appointments, and my current doctor said it was amazing and wanted to know what I was doing. I think he thought I was starving myself when I said I was only eating 1500 calories a day, even though my macros and micros are a lot better than before.

>"just eat less", "eat better food"
these are the 2 key points tho desu

theyll die from clogged arteries eventually, let them sing their last song before their whale carcass keels over. I feel more sorry for morticians of deceased fatties

They are, but his point is that that isn't actually medically helpful. A doctor should be giving real advice about diet, nutrition, and exercise. "Eat less exercise more" is something that everyone knows but may have difficulty implementing without more guidance.

Doctors have more important things to worry about than the specifics of how to make fat fucks less of a waste of human potential. "Eat less, do more" is perfectly clear for those of us without 300 pounds of lard clogging our ears.

Yeah but it's so general it's borderline useless.

It's like saying "if you don't want to be poor, make more money than you spend"

Yeah it's right in general, but it offers no solutions to the way you do that: increasing income or reducing expenses

This is the inevitable result of a culture that is founded on hedonism and consent morality.
Since pleasure is all that matters, aside from consent, if a woman who willingfully stuffs herself with food until she balloons up to 200 pounds becomes sad after her doctors isn't happy with her condition, that's a real problem that must be solved. Her feefees should never be hurt.

Guys has aids

Doctor tells guy he should watch out for his aids

>DOCTORS are discriminating against people with aids.

Constantly raped and made fun of by both romans and germanics
Actually praised by Julius himself in de bello gallico for being so alpha

Except anyone who has lived a sufficient number of years on this planet should know the basics of nutrition through osmosis. Don't eat fast food, eat more vegetables. It's literally everywhere throughout our entire lives but dumb fat fucks can't seem to figure out the most absolute basic of basic human survival information.

>Gets CAT scan
>Yup you are fat

>Except anyone who has lived a sufficient number of years on this planet should know the basics of nutrition through osmosis.
We're in an age where fat people raise fat people who raise even fatter people.

Nutritional knowledge is terrible with most people.

'Basic human survival' wants you to eat as much food as possible because you don't know when you're next meal could be.

>A doctor should be giving real advice about diet, nutrition, and exercise.

That's exactly what nutritionists do, you wouldn't go to a Dentist for a broken bone, why would you go to a GP for diet advice?

>psychology professor
Stopped reading there

Actual medfag here
Current medical teaching does not emphasise the fine points of nutrition beyond severe deficiencies. Over time that job has been delegated to nutritionists, which can be seen on an inpatient or outpatient basis.
I feel like a simple Internet search is enough to get general advice good enough to lose weight, although will likely result in falling for some meme advice, it hardly matters if you're obese. Just doing anything should get some results.
Personally I feel frustrated that fat want to be spoonfed (lel) all the answers without any effort on their part, and always seem to be looking for some diet advice that fits want they want, rather than what will work e.g. How to eat less without feeling hungry.

You're right. Shaming isn't the best solution. But in the age of "body acceptance", you have really unhealthy fatties deluding themselves about how much they're eating, and how little they're expending energy wise.

So most people get frustrated and it turns into shaming. I'm sure doctors go through the same thing. After repeated talks, fatties gonna fat, and they subconciously start wincing and other behaviors that lead to feeling "shamed."

Following the eat less, exercise more advice can result in failure in so many ways it's hard to even list them all. People need concrete plans with predictable results to stick to something.

>through osmosis
The things you would learn through that include "fat is bad, you have to eat low-fat", "CICO doesn't work", "exercise is the most important part of weight loss", any kind of cleansing or detox, and other bullshit. That's why you shouldn't rely on advice from your retarded friends and from people trying to sell you miracle weight loss on the electric Jew.


Yes, the original point was that GPs give unhelpful advice, and don't go further. My point was that they are doctors, and they should know enough to know that advice isn't meaningful enough to actually help people change their habits. If the solution is a nutritionist, they should write a referral for a nutritionist as a part of treatment. GPs have to know what the next steps are for an issue.

>Listening to Roman propaganda

Everyone who relied on my advice lost weight.

>This is what expects me at the end of med school
Is it worth it?

This. Fatties need to realize that fat should be seen as cancer. They can love themselves all they want but extreme amounts of body fat is never good.


but self hatred is the best motivation

It's all about you're approach. Unfortunately you can give as much positive advice as you want, but the fattie is the one who has to make the change.

Same with smokers. You can tell smokers all the negative benefits for smoking, but they'll keep justifying their bad behavior. They keep saying they intend to quit, but they keep going back to cigarettes.
With a fatty, they are that way because food is their only comfort. If you tell a fatty they should lose weight, they'll just stress out and turn to the one thing that gives them comfort, food.

>negative benefits

Well that's an unintended oxymoron. I meant to say negativities.

Hmm, a lecture, an article. I'm not seeing a STUDY in here though.

>t. fatties

Yes and then most of them gained it back.

Diets didn't fail them - they failed their diets.

Not hard, tonnes-of-fun.

That's all fine and well but most people if you've seen FPH threads pictures are filled with delusion, are uneducated and need negative reinforcement for them to realize they are WRONG. Logical people don't need bullying because they'll correct it on their own. Most people who are outspoken and talk about fat acceptance and other BS need the bullying or they'll never make it, or even worse, spread their cancerous ideas to people who are looking for help.

This board has done more for me in less time than any other source. It's the best place to correct bad behavior in eating and lifting.