
How does palumboism even work? I keep hearing people say the symptoms include "shrinkage of the limbs".

Does it literally make the bones in your arm shorter?

And what exactly is the mass in the gut made of? Has Dave Palumbo never stuck a knife in there for science? or even lenny

also, why does it make your muscles look like they melt

Saw a clip once where they were in the gym (Jason and lenny and one other I think) where Lenny said his gut was pure muscle. He said he would prefer a big muscle gut over a flat stomach

did he elaborate?

I mean it's clearly not literally pure abs, and you can't just say just "muscle" that doesn't belong to any preexisting group (since you don't grow more muscle cells they just get bigger, and it doesn't make sense either way)

maybe it just feels like muscle

he needs to cut a little section of it out and examine it

Basically it's a result of abusing HGH, human growth hormone. The issue is largely due to HGH affecting somatic cell production throughout the body, including the internal organs. Your intestines, liver, kidneys etc literally expand in size and volume, pressing against your abdomen to give that TMNT look.

I think Lenny's case is from liver disease

i believed this too but people also keep saying that the gut feels like pure muscle, doesn't really add up if it's just huge organs

Abusing insulin may also be a cause

in a recent joe rogan podcast featuring dorian yates, dorian yates states that he thinks the rise in insulin use has something to do with the gross protruding stomach.

joe rogan said the stomachs look like turtle shells. it's hideous.

I know Lenny has been on it for years

Was about to say. Yates also says that he tried insulin, saw that his gut started to grow, and stopped. And some time after that his stomach turned to normal

what's important is what the gut is made of, the cause is probably insulin

What the fuck is this shit made of?

muscle. that's the strongest core in the world. the tom platz of abs

do they think it looks good? I thought bodybuilders were supposed to be aesthetic, romanesque.

it feels like muscle cus the pressure from inside and the outer surface is, well, muscle.

>Basically it's a result of abusing HGH

Wrong. It's a result of abusing slin.

Between the stomach and the guts there is muscle - literally your abs.
They are getting pushed out, causing a weird looking deformation, on which surface your abs are.

It's a combination of several factors but the leading cause is chronically high cortisol from blasting AAS nonstop over a prolonged period of time.

Retardation. The guy is clueless as he is self deluded

Dont parrot HGH speculation. It causes fat loss more than tissue growth. Igf1 can do these things but not as likely as 'slin

It is very likely the insulin

There's a Joe Roagan podcast with Dorian Yates who said that he made tests on him when he was at his largest and none of his organs were bigger than normal.

Lenny has never elaborated on it besides saying it's pure muscle and that he's the Tom Platz of abs.

>since you don't grow more muscle cells they just get bigger

Naturally you don't. Taking a cocktail of HGH, insulin, and cow steroids does.

Nice Freudian slip there you fucking cookie cutter. You just can't handle 400lbs of pure muscle. Come to the Ruby this year if you really think you can compete with Lenny.

We've been arguing about this shit for years. Can't we crowdfund sending some bodybuilder into an MRI or some shit like that to see what's inside?

Combination of insulin and growth causes this shit. And since ifbb is retarded and allows people with such guts to place in competition, this shit continues.

>Does it literally make the bones in your arm shorter?
No, but they look smaller in proportion to your gut.
>And what exactly is the mass in the gut made of?

I have been thinking about that gut thing for quiet a time now.

In joe rogan podcast with Dorian Yates, Yates said that he thinks it is caused by insulin and said that after using insulin his waist and gut started to grow( he was one of the first bodybuilders to use insulin and have a "Roid gut") but he said that some doctor measured the size of his organs and everything was normal sized ( aspect the heart which hypertrophed due to steroids ) which is interesting.

If the organs are normal sized then it must be something else. Now, I think that there is a chance that the gut isn't caused by increase in organ size but because of some sort of fluid development around the gut. Now it may sound weird but it could be a possible. But then again none of these people show symptoms like sensation of fullness, abdominal pressure and possibly nausea, pain or cramping.

We probably will never know the exact cause unless some group of high profile doctors look into it and it would still be tough because of the cocktails of drugs they are taking.

HGH and insulin pathways overlap and so injecting them at the same time can only lead to unpredictable things, it hasn't been studied enough (at all) in a clinical setting. HGH and insulin receptors are ubiquitous, almost every organ system responds to them and the subsequent cascade of reactions is complex and varies depending on the organ. The problem is in some organs like the liver, insulin triggers IGF-1 production (among other things) which causes systemic growth but ultimately signals the pituitary to stop secreting HGH, but then these guys are also injecting HGH...

In the end they've taken an endocrine system which is adapted to maintain homeostasis through hormone signaling cascades and thrown a wrench into the whole thing, disrupting normal growth processes, hormone balance, and expression of binding proteins. The results are chaotic, depending greatly on the person, what they're abusing, and for how long.

Be very careful taking advice from roiders on the internet because a lot of them are really ignorant about this stuff yet seem to act like they're experts. I cringe at how many people are giving out advice on how injecting HGH, insulin, or IGF-1 will help build mass. If you're going to do steroids, just stick to proper androgens and don't fuck with HGH or insulin.

Lenny is an old fuck with bad vision

Lenny was set to have an MRI recently, but backed out due to claustrophobia.

no, it is insulin

>GH Gut = bullshit that's still spread on dumbshit bodybuilding forums

Type in "man with pot belly" on Google images and just look at the enormous amount men throughout the world that have apparently abused growth hormone and now have scrawny limbs and a big but solid gut.

High insulin is the most likely culprit, and not just from injecting it either. You know how the oldschool bodybuilders had slim wastes from front to back, and they were all about doing the low carb thing? Then in the late 90's and early 2000's it was all about eating low fat with fuckloads of carbs and that's when the gorilla muscle gut started showing up in bodybuilding. Also, as the high carb/ low fat trend hit society you now see older people with tiny limbs and a huge solid gut.

Insulin causes your body to create and store more visceral fat around the organs underneath your abs.