Is a wide grip or a close grip better? I lift usually with the grip closer like the picture, but is a wide grip better?

Is a wide grip or a close grip better? I lift usually with the grip closer like the picture, but is a wide grip better?

Any grip that allows you to lift the most weights with good form.

Exp : i'm a 5 ft 10 manlet that had hand placement shoulder width, whereas my 6 ft 1 lanklet friend enjoys placing his hand about 10 in outside his shoulder width

I'm 6"2 and I usually go up to 185lbs but today I tried wide grip outside my shoulders and I could barely do 135lbs :/

>hurr durr shit form is personal preference
>hurr durr ive only been training 2 momths and feel it's appropriate to give advice
This is like saying " No, you shouldn't quit smoking. My friend has been doing it for 20 years and he's fine"
Literally kys and never give advice ever again

Little bit outside shoulder wide grip is optimal. The moment arm created by the hand to the elbow and the elbow to its supporting structures is minimized. This leads to a more stable bottom position leading to a better lift.
To find out why the moment arm is so necessary to think about, consider the extreme where the hands are the same for the wide grip bench. Imagine going for a heavy weight and trying to get it up. Think about the necessary position your elbow would be in to support that weight.
Which seems like the easier, more stable position?

Should just do chinups, way better than pullups.

that's ohp nigga

Instead of OHP?

Pull/chin-ups are beautiful because it's all good. Wider pulls are more lats, narrow is more back and delts, chins are more bicep. It's all gravy.

>Everyone's skeleton and attachments are the same

"Textbook form" is not what works best for everybody. Yes there's a point where it's just ridiculous and you're likely harming yourself, but if a wider grip works better for someone then the numbers won't lie.


except wide grip bench is easier ROFL

Still summer

It's ohp, retard. The guy is holding a barbell.

To be fair I don't post here often but I have lurked here and been lifting for a couple years.
Care to explain?

The guy tries to make himself look like an experienced user of this bord by "exposing" those two he replied to as newfags because they don't get a joke I just thought of which he claims to be old

So....if I'm better at a closer grip then I should stick with it?

i prefer close grip chins but whatever floats your boat

Why the fuck do people do barbell ohp instead of dumbbell/machine anyways?

I thought it was supposed to be such that your arms are completely vertical at the rest position. Is that not correct?

cause you look cooler doing it

I find it a bit easier to use proper form with regards to head positioning and feel I get better upper chest recruitment when I do it with a bar, but dumbbell, as with most pressing movements, is likely superior.