Sips: Not even ONCE

Sips: Not even ONCE

It literally assumes that using it leads to cocaine. It has no evidence to actually suggest that. What a bogus study.

Thanks for the PSA to avoid The Sun, OP. Doing God's work.

This. Has journalism always been this bad? T. Millenial

no. you gullible idiotic fucks destroyed it. young journalists spewing out shit without understanding the first thing about science or research appraisal killed journalism

Jokes on you I started doing coca one before consuming any kind of caffeine.
Considering starting meth soon.

What the fuck, literally correlation and causation mistake 101.
How retarded.

Rags like the Sun have. You need to evaluate your sources cafefully user.

jokes on you i mix my energy drinks with ecstasy so I don't have to do cocaine. stay loosing fatty.

describe how it feels

Jokes on you, I already have a cocaine addiction

About as intelligent as saying water is the gateway drug to cocaine.

cocaine is overrated

it literally feels like coffeine overdose

most people do it to stop being drunk, it's that retarded as a drug

Stimulants being pushed as good and great and the idea of go fast be hyper never rest and sleep all conspire to make people more willing to do cocaine?
No shit.
Next thing you're going to tell us that drug companies and the disgusting american education system forcing baby speed onto children didn't lead to two generations becoming meth heads and depressed suicidal nutjobs!

Tell 'em, boy! Fox News is all we need. Ain't no TV in ma house that's gon run some fake news like CNN!

Not him, but considering I've tried both (it's a VERY bad idea to mix them), it probably feels like a heat stroke, followed by difficulty breathing and tachycardia. If you somehow find a dose to make it a pleasant experience, it'll probably feel like a very euphoric experience + a slight general sense of disconfort, and a huge comedown around the 4 hour mark, so make sure you've eaten properly 2 hours before trying such an idiotic thing.

It's more like saying alcohol is a gateway to marihuana. Both have similar effects, so people who enjoy the sensation of anxiolytics (or stimulants) will navigate towards said drugs. So it makes sense that someone who as a teen was addicted to energy drinks would later in life be addicted to cocaine, it's the next step that makes sense. Just as with alcohol and marihuana, if you find marihuana relaxing enough to avoid drinking constantly.

I've drank 0,5l every day for past 2 and half years and never felt like doing drugs

Correlation equals causation, you guys.

People who get easily addicted to addictive substances such as caffeine and sugar are more easily addicted to other addictive substances as well, such as cocaine. Sugar and cocaine aren't the same, but the addiction and dopamine responses of them aren't compeltely alien to each other either.

>people with addictive personalities get addicted to addictive things
whoa really makes u think huh

Correlation IS very strongly linked to Causation.

The causal link is indisputable.

What is yellow journalism?

I hate energy drinks but like a bit of cocaine every now and then

t. patrician

>regular monster energy

enjoy your cups of sugar, fatty

The Sun is a troll organization run by horns.