Transformation thread?

Transformation thread?

This is me after 11 months of heavy lifting 5 days A week.

We are all gonna make it brah!!

lay off the gomad bro

>reddit tier trolling
why do people operate on that level?


Rate me boys ;*

big ham quads and slender enough waist, wud fug/10

>that gyno
This is why I'll never do steroids

Chloe is that you?

legit 7, lose 25 pounds for 9

wheres the transformation ya fucking fattie?

i think you have misunderstood what "making it" is. Loose your body fat and go on a slow bulk you fat piece of shit.

You need to cut, your upper legs look like a cylinder/tube and are very anaesthetic. You have a good muscle base it's time to stop bulking, you have decent proportions/ratios

When are you going to start working out user? There aren't refunds on a gym membership fatty

>being this new

>not understanding post ironic double new baiting replies

Too bad lifting can't cure Down syndrome

>being this new

Not understanding the triple bamboozle.

Recovering skinny fat. Do I continue cutting or lean bulk? I feel like I have little abdominal definition

go heavy bulk desu


>implying I'm not doing 4D bamboozle at all times

don't even try to understand this because normal 3D objects like yourself can never understand imagine anything of higher dimensions, I would like to show you a proof for it but it can only be shown in 4D or higher, sry, for you incompetence

>not enjoying classic memes
Well meme'd sir