Polish at the Gym

Do any of you have experience with Poles at the gym? There was a massive group of them there today and they acted like a pack of hyenas.

>benching alone in the gym
>suddenly a large man with a shaved head comes in and starts curling while grunting heavily
>two other guys come in and the grunting intensifies
>the weight is thrown down and they all break out into conversation
>five more arrive and began laughing and shouting to one another
>laughing begins it get louder and louder, most of them aren't even lifting

I decided to do some cardio and could hear them screaming and laughing at each other from the other side of the gym. Even the staff seemed intimidated.

Another weird thing is when the song "Attention" (by Charlie Puth) came on, they all began to howl the tune together using gibberish words because I assume they didn't understand English.

Other urls found in this thread:


Poles are quite an interesting people. All of the Poles at my gym have tiny legs but reasonably sized arms. Quite funny to see.
They're really quiet when alone or in small groups but together they're really really noisy.

>when the song "Attention" (by Charlie Puth) came on, they all began to howl the tune together using gibberish words
Kek. Poles are like big children.

well no shit. Poles are literally white niggers

The only Polish word I know is "kurwa" and it's basically all they say.

*laughing* "KUUURWA!" *laughing increases* "KURWWWAAAAA" *laughter gets so loud that you can't even hear yours,d think*

Zabijać się. Polacy na zawsze!

I know jelous men when I see them


I live in Poland and work out at home precisely because of my low tolerance to fucking Polacks at the gym (or anywhere else for that matter).

You live in Poland but can't stand Poles? That's gotta suck.

poles are the reason white nationalism doesnt work. they are dumb as fuck and most of the the time smelly and aggresive. i mean they are better than gym arabs but not much.
btw did anyone of u saw a pole ever squatting? its like it doesnt exist to them

this kid will have a hard life

it's a girl

I live in a balkan shithole, and same thing usually happens.

non commercial gyms are the worst...most people there are into mafia and into the night world, involved with roids, drug and prostitute trafficking. All of them roided up and packing heat.

desu I prefer that over american's planet fitness shitty gyms with grunt alarm. Atleast it gets you to the mood to lift heavy to save your life.


Oh so kid = boy? Really? You don't THINK do you? Legitimate reason for feminism to end this type of thought process. Seriously though.

This "starter pack" is more like Russian. kek


You've obviously never seen a Pole then.

I'm polish and I can confirm. preety much every polish person I know is a stupid alcoholic.

Russians wear Adidas

>tfw poland is shitting all over merkel and the UN and giving the finger to the Muslim horde
Trump needs to catch up

I went to a non commercial gym in Poland for a couple of weeks. The first day I went in there it was like a hurricane tore through the place. Literally every dumbell and plate on the floor, random bars with weight on them also just scattered all over the place. I had to clean up before I could start working out, I couldnt deal with it. My god it was a nightmare

I see many young Poles squatting, but older ones are standard machine+bench press enthusiasts.

mfw pole and I outsquat 95% of fit

catch up squatlets

ech chciałbym być tak między twoimi nóżkami ech

pole here and i hate my fuckin cunt wish i was born in germany

>have tiny legs but reasonably sized arms
literally me
t. pole

nie dali nigdy?

who /kraków/ here?



>Another weird thing is when the song "Attention" (by Charlie Puth) came on, they all began to howl the tune together using gibberish words because I assume they didn't understand English.
Blame the church. When they were kids and their parents made them to go to church every Sunday, they were forced to sing there the songs they didn't know so they learned to kinda mumble along. I know that because the same thing happened to me.

t. Lublin

siady 3x (czasem 4 xD) w tygodniu x2 lata i takie ci dadza

t. 190/96kg


przynajmniej fajnie jest w ten czas jak ludzie widza jak robisz serie z 200kg

jaki rekord w siadach i czy jesteś ławkoletem czy góra ciała też rozbudowana?

Stop with your goblin language. I hear enough of it at the gym.

ostatni 210, teraz juz pewnie wiecej

troszkę jestem ;__: (120) ale ohp mam dojebane (80+)

ogolnie mam bardzo dojebany brzuch i prostowniki, kaptury i rozbudowane bary (ale to bardziej genetyka) klatka i gora plecow za to hujowa ale wlasnie nad tym pracuje

tylko lap nie cwicze bezposrednio bo mnie to kurwa nudzi, hehe ugnij bicka zero walki a jak jeszcze bedziesz walczyl to go naciagniesz i aua

My friend's father describes Polish people as being "loud and ignorant".



Love that gif.

Why doesn't Google translate work properly with Polish?

Bo jest jebaaanym ułoomkiem


I widh there were more poles where I live. They're infinite times better than niggers


I widh there were more niggers where I live. They're infinite times better than poles

I'm Polish and this thread is fuckin hillarious. Some of the stereotypes are true, some not.

Btw i live in UK and the gym I go to is in mess most of the times too. Dumbells are everywhere and people never take the plates off the barbells after their workout.

zabijac sie? nice googIe transIate faggot

>mieszka w UK

raczej kurwa smiec zdrajca ojczyzny padlina brata sie z murzynami

Why do Polish people post YouTube links? Is if because they're too stupid and I creative to actually finish off their posts?

Got a few poles at our gym in Norway, they're pleasant. Cleans up after themselves, will spot your bench and are built like tanks.
There's also a couple of girls from Lithuania I think, one of them is super qt. How do I get into a Baltic girl's heart? Do I show her my squat form?

Thats just the nature of poles. They are often loud in groups but mostly harmless.

poles are hard workers and they're totally bros. The literal niggers are r*manians and s*rbs.
with that said, this is completely unrelated to fitness and doesn't belong to this board. you probably found some assholes. guess what, you'll find assholes from any nation.

They weren't assholes, just loud. I had to try and stifle my own laughter occasionally because their mannerisms are so strange.

>not fitness related
Stupid retard faggot.


vide rel typical pole

meeting assholes isn't fitness related and meeting them in a gym doesn't make it fitness related, not in the slightest. It's yet another pol/int-tier thread.
>Stupid retard faggot.
from your rhetoric I guess you shouldn't even post here, you have to be 18+ you know.