Why the fuck would anyone be vegan instead of vegitarian? Vegan is an unnecessarily step up in anal-ness...

Why the fuck would anyone be vegan instead of vegitarian? Vegan is an unnecessarily step up in anal-ness. Is it because vegan is the new hip thing?

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Because veganism is more about ethics/environmental reasons, not necessarily because of health. It surely has its benefits on health aswell, but I reckon thats not the main reason people go vegan

If ethics are an issue why not just consume responsibly? There's animal products on the market that aren't factory farmed or otherwise environmentally detrimental. A good farmer integrates livestock with produce anyway to maximize land utility. Vegans are just picky.

Why you're going veg, why not go all in?


Vegetarians have about the same carbon footprint as vegans. The only reason anyone would choose is veganism is because of Mickey Mouse morality.

>There's animal products on the market that aren't factory farmed or otherwise environmentally detrimental

The factory farmed ones are less detrimental to the environment. It causes the most impact because it's way more common and produces way more, but cow for cow small operations are way less efficient and cause more damage.

Gunna have to call bullshit on that one. Pasture rotation with cattle, chickens and other livestock is better rangeland management as it can replenish OM to soil while making the most of what's available. Small operations can minimize waste runoff much more easily with riperian buffers too, compared to concentrated livestock compounds that don't allow that same level of runoff diffusion. Maybe if you've got the mindset that there's only one way to economically raise meat it can fly but there's so much more to it.

>b-but muh cows getting fisted

cows could take rick pianos whole natty arm and not even blink

>tfw a cow is tighter than you


It is the natural order of things to exploit lesser beings, cows do not even give a fuck. When you take their newborn calf from them they whine for like 5 minutes then resume regularly scheduled programming, and will soon be inseminated again, repeating the process

Speaking of Halal, a lot of those PETA propaganda pieces are showing fucking halal/kosher slaughter and these vegans think that that is how human beings do it.

But seriously in general I don't think they realize how domesticated animals just don't give a fuck.

Many people go through life seeking an identity, and some find great satisfaction in living a life free of animal products -- when you live in a major city it's really not hard to maintain that lifestyle or find likeminded friends

Everyone agrees that animal abuse is bad, which is why the dairy and meat industry in any civilized country aims to reduce suffering. So instead they resort to lazy logical fallacies of "BUT HOW WOULD U FEEL BEING IMPRISONED", honey you're not a chicken and chickens do not think the way you do

I don't know user. Maybe dairy and eggs aren't very good for you.

watch earthlings and tell me that a chicken wants to die.

Tell that to every carnivore on the planet

>wants to die
No living organism wants to die, user.

You shouldn't be a strict vegetarian either. Having some meat dairy and fish in your diet is a good thing because we've evolved as omnivores. The only people who get sick or get cancer from eating meat are people who never eat anything BUT meat. Basically, eat a BALANCED diet with enough vegetables and fruit in it and you'll be healthy. Add a decent multivitamin/mineral supplement to that, along with gym training, and you'll be fantastically healthy.

>No living organism wants to die, user.
Let's have a talk, user

>implying there's a responsible way to consume sentient beings

Dairy cows are sold to slaughter when finished with so supporting the dairy industry supports the meat industry.

If you're going to take that attitude then you have to find a way to indict every predatory species of animal on the planet, too, because they're ALL 'sentient' by your logic, therefore you have 'sentient' beings murdering and consuming other 'sentient' beings and that's bad. Bye-bye food chain; all life on Earth ceases.

Until we have 24th-century Federation-style energy-to-matter-conversion technology food replicators, we'll just have to do things the old fashioned way. Tough luck buddy.

My diet is basically 200g proteins from mostly red meat and lots of Vegetables. Just got blood work done. Hdl cholesterol is above normal range and Ldl is below. My diet is all cholesterol and my blood cholesterol is off the charts great, without fasting.

Eat lots of protein and vegetables to lift more and be healthy. Noone got sick from a few steaks and a few plates of brussel sprouts.

Exactly this.
I eat lots of boneless skinless chicken breast, I take carrots in my lunch (and steam them in the microwave), I eat a variety of vegetables with my dinner, and there's the occasional beef thrown in for variety. Bloodwork is as good as yours, my doctor LOVES me, I'm healthy as a proverbial horse.

Chicken is fine health wise, I know a lot of people who eat Bacon and Sausages near daily though

I'll get some bacon at the cafe at work every once in a while if it looks really good (applewood smoked, and only if they've cooked it properly), and I love sausages (especially andouille sauage) but no way I could eat those every day, too much fat. They're more like a treat.

Oh and as to that pic I think it's more what we feed meat animals than it is the meat itself.

Are there any vegans here with kots or doggos?

Do you feed your pet meat? Or are you malnourishing them?