Upper Lower

Mon+ Thursday: Lower
3' means 3 minute rest
Squat: 3-4X6-8/3′ (3-4 sets of 6-8 with a 3′ rest)
SLDL: 3-4X6-8/3′
Leg press: 2-3X10-12/2′
leg curl: 2-3X10-12/2′
Calf raise: 3-4X6-8/3′
Seated calf: 2-3X10-12/2′

Tue+ Friday: Upper
Flat bench: 3-4X6-8/3′
Row: 3-4X6-8/3′
Incline bench or shoulder press: 2-3X10-12/2′
Pulldown/chin: 2-3X10-12/2′
Triceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5′
Biceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5′
What do you think of this split?

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it fucking sucks. enjoy being a shoulderlet

What would you change? I've been doing Fullbody for about half a year and would like to workout 4 times a week.


Do you have any experience with the Strength/Hypertrophy program?

that's lyle mcdonalds generic bulk right. if you're an intermediate then yeah, it's a great split

>Dedicates half his workout time to legs
...bro, this is why people do PPL because you simply aren't hitting your upper body enough.

Do you really want to go T-Rex mode?

MASSIVE upper body pump
do the push pull supersets
works with recomping
now candytoe is a powerlifter but his programs are being known for being weak on the bench so upper body is great for bodybuilding. it'll turn you into a t-rex wich is better than a t-rex with big tits and shoulder problems

Would you add some exercises for the traps and rear delts?

you don't need to but if you feel they're a significant weak point then fuck it, yeah throw something in at the end, couple sets of face pulls and trap raises

I don't want to spend 6 days per week in the gym.

No one said you have too. Just erase a lower day and add another upper. Or alternate a PPL with 4 days a week. Unless you're a powerlifter or you literally want T-Rex mode.

Something like: Upper Lower rest Rest Push Pull rest?

That could work. Or WxWxWWx, W = P,P,L. Alternate.

Are you still a novice?

I bench my bodyweight, but don't squat and deadlift. I did Leg Press for Leg. And many people say that Deadlifts aren't necessary for Hypertrophy I was going to learn how to do them and then do Upper/Lower.

Looks like the lyle generic bulk split. Its tested and tried and works.

that's not what I'm asking. Are you able to increase the weight every single time you do your workout (barring maybe the very occasional stall)?

lyle's is a solid routine, but you should add lateral raises and face pulls on both upper days to avoid shoulderlet mode like

No, that's why i want to switch

I'll add them.

Why are some peope saying that I'll go Trex mode? I'm training the upper and lower body 1:1?

Then you're going to need some kind of periodization, I'd recommend candito's UL splits (they're free). Don't create your own program until you really truly understand it (which you most likely don't), this is where 90% of people fuck up and you are not the exception.

I'm not calling you dumb, it's just that there's too much misinformation and just idiocy out there, so use something you actually know works while you learn.

Yeah you're right. Creating my own program won't get me anywhere. Thanks for your answer, really appreciate it.

Just looked into the Upper Lower Strength/Hypertrophy workout.Aren't 4 exercises for the heavy lower day too few exercises?

Nope, it's really all you need. Legs are made up of relatively few muscles and don't require that many movements to cover, and considering lower body lifts will typically be stronger than any upper body lifts you're nervous system is working pretty hard.

Start out focusing on the big picture at this stage instead of focusing on little stuff.