What is Veeky Forums's opinion on IIFYM.. or more specifically eating "unhealthy" foods as long as your macros are hit?

What is Veeky Forums's opinion on IIFYM.. or more specifically eating "unhealthy" foods as long as your macros are hit?

Is it really that bad if I eat a whole large pizza every day if I'm still eating the same
macro ratios as chicken/brown rice/almonds

It shouldn't matter much for body composition (ie. getting big or lean), it probably matters a lot for health.

Eating shit every day is not ideal for you nutritionally, but eating shit every now and then with people around you is what makes life worth living.

So you gotta balance it out, eat shit when you feel you have to, eat clean when you can.

dyels and fatsos will say no

iifym will only work for you if you plan to never be lean because you might hit your macros but you're body composition will go to shit

It's great if you wanna die of heart attack at age 30. Only good for old people that wanna die sooner

Most normal people literally eat pizza every other day and don't die of heart attack at age 30. That's a meme.

totally fine if you are not retarded about it, make sure you eat plenty veggies and also eat good carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice and beans
>mfw eating burgers on a cut
>mfw eating pizza on a cut

You're so far away from normal people you actually believe this

It's not because you lift and eat relatively healthy you're an outlier. Everyone eats relatively healthy. Only outliers eat like legit shit.

Most people I know aren't fat or extremely unfit, yet they regularily eat junk food/high fat food/sweets. It doesn't kill you in 30, it might show on your health at like 50-60, but you won't die from heart attack just because you eat pizza.

I've been eating cheap frozen pizzas from local market for almost a year now.
>1100 calories
>150g Carbs
>52g Protein
>32g Fat
>pic related, still hungry, still skele

Your body doesn't care what foods your macronutrients come from when it comes to body composition

yeah, tell that to people who lean out for their jobs. Try to get sub 10 by eating pizzas

ok but why?

As in why is it harder to get below 10%bf if your macros are the same whether you eat pizza and jerky vs broccoli chicken nuts etc

why wouldn't something work better of stuff that's good for it vs stuff that isn't?

IIFYM is the skinnyfat's diet. That's actually what skinnyfat people do. Eat so they don't gain weight, but eat like shit so their bf % goes up

But if you are giving your body the exact same macros why would it say "oh actually I'm not gonna use this protein to build muscle I'm just gonna store it all as fat because it was consumed as part of a pizza not as part of a lean chicken breast meal"

Where does the weight from gained bodyfat go user?

because, in processed food, a shitload of those carbs are sugar.

What do you mean? You don't only get fat around your waist, you know that, right? It humbles around the organs

You said that they don't gain weight, but gain body fat. I'm asking how? Fat weighs something, so they should gain weight.

So you're suggesting your body will store fat regardless of macros because of "hurr durr sugar"

I know that's not what you're saying but you're not really making a good point as to why, in terms of body composition, a sugar calorie from ice cream is any different from a sugar calorie from brown rice (because in the end all carbs break down into sugar)

If you are eating enough to not get fat, but eating very unhealthy.

Your body still needs nutrients. Where do you think it's gonna get them? Your muscles, what you lose in musclemass, you gain in fat.

No offence mate but you seem to not know what you're talking about

It isn't processed. Do I really have to justify why processed sugar is bad for you?

>Implying that by the time it breaks down your body can even tell the difference


Go on a dirty cut then. See what happens. fuck it, crash diet for a month or 2.

you don't want to eat a whole pizza every day, but I've been doing so maybe 3-4x/week for the last 2 weeks (lazy) and it's fine. then again, i am "chad" compared to most here

I know that 300 calories of brown rice is going to be more filling that 300 calories of maple syrup but it won't have a difference on body composition

I know it sounds untrue but all studies show this is the case

That's why literally all athletes just say "fuck it, as long as I lose the weight"

lol that's what I have been doing.. why do you think I started this thread?

I guess I'm just asking you why I am none of the things you say I currently should be as a result of eating this way?

You will lose fat and gain muscle, assuming youre lifting regularly and getting anywhere near enough protein.

Are you sub 10?


Yes that's my point lol

Except thats the case for myself and countless skinnyfat beginners before me. Ive been eating at a 500 cal deficit and ive lost nearly 30 pounds while still gaining noticeable muscle mass.

>noticeable muscle mass

M8, really. You can be eating grass and lift and gain muscle mass as a beginner. You can't change axioms midway-through. I've always been saying sub 10, never once was beginner brought up.

You're not sub 10.

I can only hope IIFYM is a meme, basically done it and simply got fatter but not that much stronger although training 4 times a week. Trying a somewhat clean bulk next. Either it works or its an hero time.

>You're not sub 10.

Ah right thanks for letting me know mate

It's not as simple as meeting macros. Look at the different ways the body processes certain sugars if you really think a carb is a carb.

Also, I honestly doubt you could keep your fat intake in check while eating a whole pizza every day. Maybe if you're already huge and aiming to get bigger, but for most people (and anyone trying to lose fat) you couldn't recover from that even if the rest of your calories that day came from whey and vegetables.

Look at it this way, you are sub 10 fine. You got their by doing IIFYM. You must be a genetic freaks because even atheletes, who need to lean out and ARE ON FUCKING ROIDS, eat clean to lose BF.

But yes, you're an outlier. You are a perfect specimen.

Lol so you're still implying people can gain fat at maintenance calories and macros

If I'm perfect for not believing that then ok!

>>noticeable muscle mass
My legs have doubled in size, m8

What if you only eat 1 pizza and nothing else every day.

Then you probably aren't getting enough carbs or protein (and maybe even fat) and need to eat more

Good for you, but you're still a beginner, seriously, enjoy these gains while they last. If you don't start taking nutrition more seriously, you'll be spinning wheels in no time flat. This is friendly advice, take it or leave it.

Nice strawman

What if you want to lose weight tho.

Your macros would be terrible (almost all fat and carbs), and you'd still be eating more fat than you could ever balance out with pure protein (and still hit your target calories for the day).

Find out how many calories and macros you need and just fit whatever foods around those macros

Not saying micronutrients don't matter at all but in terms of body composition they really don't matter

You can't eat a whole pizza on IIFYM. I can squeeze a cheese personal pan pizza in for pizza hut.

If your on a cut. IIFYM with some pizza here and there is fine. Cut with shitty food, bulk with clean food.

Simple answer is that if you eat 1 pizza every day, and nothing else, you'll probably be below your TDEE. You'll lose weight, but you'll feel terrible and hungry all the time.

Just eat healthy, it's easier. 800 calories of rice (not even that good for you) and black beans is a mountain of food. 800 calories of pizza is like a slice and a half.

Veeky Forums also says you cant gain muscle on a cut so i guess well cross those bridges when we come to them

That entirely depends.

If you've been neglecting you're rear delts and start training them, you'll gain muscle there.

If you're a beginner, you'll gain muscle on a cut.

You can't make a sticky for every single individual situation there is.

Right now, you're throwing that baby out with the bathwater.

You're a beginner, rules basically don't apply. But they will start applying soon enough.


Friendly reminder of the guy that worked at McDonald's, only ate McDonald's food and went from 20% bf to 8% just by making sure he nailed his macros

He also did IF

Sorry if this triggers anyone

probably had nothing to do with the fact that he went from sedentary to actively moving, assuming it's mcdee's and probably his first job, but yeah, lets forget that.

it literally doesn't matter, ignore the autist in the thread with his MUH ATHLETES DO IT
let's not forget recent research about macro's and food in general still hasnt made it into the college dietician courses, so any dietician nowadays is getting taught stuff that has been disproven
and yes, you can gain muscle on a cut, studies have shown that even ATHLETES THAT ARE SUB 10 can still gain muscle on a cut, it just won't be as optimal as on a bulk