Quitting the smoking jew

Veeky Forums I come to you for support. I'm 27, and been smoking since I was 22. I have quitted several times already for 3 or 4 months max but everytime I think I am safe from this jewish invention and give in to "just give a few puffs, I have quitted afterall" I cave in and back to square one.

How do I quit smoking for good? I don't want to fuck up my health any more, or my teeth, or anything else. What do? I heard abou that IQOS thing that its hip and trendy but I don't want to fall for any more tricks.

>How do I quit smoking for good?
you just quit
it's not hard ya cunt

Get a vape, they look fucking stupid but it's what stopped me smoking.

try snus instead if you can get it

>don't smell like shit
>barely any health risks
>still able to do cardio
>tastes great
>putting in a prilla and having your coffee is better than sex
>don't have to run outside every 30 min
>lasts so much longer

>you will still be addicted to nicotine
>even tho cheaper you will still waste money
>fucks up your gums a bit
>makes your teeth yellow (but not that noticeable if you brush twice a day)
>girls find it not that attractive

i dont have my glasses on and i thought you wrote anus

Have a little will power.

Fuck off with this shit, this is not quitting you weak faggot

You're a fuckhead, you don't replace vaping with smoking you use the vape and drop the nicotine down until you don't need either anymore you silly cunt.

what's the difference between snus and dip?

been more than week since i stopped smoking and it has been Amazing. can do cardios alot longer now than Before. would be out of breath by 20 min of running but now i can run 50 with feeling just a bit tierd. have more air in my lungs than i know what to do with.

from what i can gather it is essentially the same thing, the difference being snus comes in 2 forms, either loose where you pack it together, or the more popular where it comes in a little bag thing that you just pop under your lip

I'm guessing snus is just the European word for dip, we have the same stuff herr

Seriously just stop. That's it. You've been programmed to thinking quitting is hard. It's not. It's old hard because big tobacco spends billions on advertising how tough it is to quit. When in fact it's not. Don't buy packs. Don't hang with people that smoke. Problem solved.

Read Allan Carrs Easy Way to Quit Smoking

Its 100 pages and it works

You've never had an addiction

Every time you go to buy a pack of cigarettes, buy gum instead. Keep doing this until you no longer feel an urge to smoke.

>Thinking vaping = smoking

cigarette "addiction" is normie tier.
seriously OP chew gum if you have to and show some fucking will power

You can easily stop yourself, you just don't want to. Blaming addiction is easier than quitting.

Man up

You have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea what addiciton is.

I don't understand how you are unable to stop yourself from buying and lighting one up. Maybe I have it easy since I was able to quit once I wasn't around any people who smoked anymore.
Can you clarify what it is that makes it difficult for you to stop?

So true. Read Allen carr s book. After you realize there are no benefits of smoking the quitting becomes childsplay.

That how our Brain is wired.
We want To seek pleasure and avoid pain
The addiction creates false perception that smoking makes you more relaxed, happy ect and would lose something by quitting the withdrawl period will be difficult.
In reality it just reliefs the shitty feeling you have got by filtering poison through your body and fucking up your dopamine pathways. Once you understand this fully the withdrawl period itself Will feel enjoyable. Fuck sugar and alcohol too

I quit cigarettes, started vaping, then just dropped nicotine entirely.

Man up you pussy. Yeah, it sucks, so what?

Been smoking for 4 years then quit cold turkey and still havent smoked for 3 years now except weed like once a month. It does work.

Im just deathly scared of it now, even been getting mightmares where i smoke, wake up and thank god that it was just a dream.

You should try NoFap it's a great showcase of what addiction really is.

get a juul

>low profile, ~3 in
>still gets you your nicotine fix
>one pod is about a pack of cigs
>4 pods/pack

I'm using it for cutting

Try nicotine gum. Get Nicorette. The cheaper gums taste like shit and have a shit texture. Helped with me.

I stopped 4 months ago. I also came here and asked for advice. To tell you the truth you are going to be dying for at least a month. The withdrawals are hell. Just remember the suffering is worth it. Good luck faggot.

currently on 23 days of /nosmoke/ after 4 years of around 1 pack a day, literally just quit cold turkey without following anything autistic that meme articles about quitting say, its not that hard after the first week once the cravings go down

not fapping is harder than not smoking. if you dont have any cigarettes in the house its easy not to smoke, but your penis is always attached

can confirm cold turkey is the key to quit this shit.

started smoking at 15yo, dropped at 31, 2 years ago. used to smoke about 1 pack a day so yeah, imagine the damage. still, cold turkey was the way to go, just woke up and said fuck it, and never lighted another one again in 2 years.

the thing that helped the most was changing my routine as much as i could, even the little things like taking my morning shower before breakfast instead of after, taking a different route to work, eating lunch at a different place, pretty much everything that I could think of.

how are your teeth/gums? are they recovering fast? that's something i look forward to but I can't tell if there will be any improvement

i havent noticed much of a difference desu, my teeth were never really stained from smoking i think, but my gums did stop bleeding while brushing although im not sure if thats from smoking or not