Probs not on topic of Veeky Forums, but i lost loads of fat and have started bulking muscle...

Probs not on topic of Veeky Forums, but i lost loads of fat and have started bulking muscle, also got a haircut and i look decent now, but my fucking teeth, i brush everyday, don't smoke and rarely drink coffee but they're as yellow as pic related.

ive done at home shit like lemon and baking soda/powder, whitening toothpaste, they're just naturally yellowish and always have been.

is there anyway to get them more white, would going to the dentists be worth it, moneys kinda tight as im a student but fuck it, im super self conscious about it and it hurts my looks alot

lemon? is this bait? what the fuck is wrong with you

use crest whitening strips/gel + mold kit
whitening strips might run u like $40 but the gel and mold kit works really good too at like $150-200
cut down on the acids

do you drink a a lot of pop? It can damage the enamel which make your teeth more yellow

just embrace your teeth color, if you're white, be proud of your white man's teeth

Floss, hydeogen peroxide(dont overuse) or $400 teeth whitening dentist trip.

Just go to a dentist and ask to have them whitened. Nothing beats having a pearly white smile.

White teeth are a meme

A lot of yellow teeth is because of plaque. You should get your teeth cleaned by the dentist, so you don't get periodontal disease. After that, floss and don't drink shit that stains your teeth. Teeth are naturally off white, and constant teeth bleaching is bad for them.

bleach your teeth or stacy wont fuck you

The only thing that i know that works are crest white strips.

It'll give you senstive teeth for a few days while on the course but it defs will work.
Take pics for proof.

If you're a bitch get the colgate protect tooth paste to negate the senitive teeth

dont listen to this fag
sensodyne instead of colgay protect

I used to, not so much anymore maybe a glass or 2 a week.

So is that perma fuckef or would bleaching and shit help?

Mildly related: Does anyone know which method of whitening is less damaging to your teeth?

I had the same problem. It turned out that I had a genetic disorder which made my teeth more likely to stain or break and it made my bones weaker.

I started taking vitamins D3 and K2 daily and started a strict routine of brushing twice daily with a arm and hammer extreme whitening toothpaste, followed by flossing. I brush in the morning immediately after coffee and then do a hydrogen peroxide soak, followed by mouth wash. It works, it just works very slowly. I'm two months into the practice and would say that I'm about halfway there.. They're not pearly white yet but they definitely aren't yellow anymore and they always feel very clean and healthy.

Get a toothpaste thats got baking soda in it. A brand in the UK that does this is Arm & Hammer whitening toothpaste.

Alternatively, just buy baking soda, mix it to a little paste, and use it on your teeth with a seperate toothbrush after brushing with your regular toothbrush

also, dont use too hard a toothbrush, it will fuck up your gums. Use soft or medium.

Those are regular teeth.
Only americans spend their life and a shit ton of money trying to make them look artificial.

Just do your regular deep cleaning like once every 18 months.

No girl will ever be turned off by the teeth on your pic. Maybe if you want to be a car seller or a tv life coach just ask your dentist to do a whitening with your first pay.

thats so fucking wrong

Thank you, I'm doing this

I used to have yellow teeth from poor dental hygiene during my teen years. I used the Equate brand one-hour express whitening. It was like $15 at Walmart. It's a shitty plastic mold that you put on your teeth. My gums hurt for a few days afterward but it actually made a noticeable difference. After that I just brushed twice a day, morning and night, with arm and hammer whitening toothpaste, used crest whitening mouthwash, and used crest white strips for a couple weeks. Now my teeth look like I've actually taken care of them all along. I'm not afraid to smile with my teeth anymore and I look normal in pictures.

This shit work's wonders
Or just bicarb powder once or twice a week

>bicarb powder once or twice a week
do you rub it or put it in water and wash your teeth with it?

I think the biggest thing for me was implementing a 'circle' motion while I brush. You can easily do this with an electric brush - which are far more efficient than actual brushing. I got a oral b 2000 for like 20 bucks, it's simple but it works and the more expensive models are upsells.

Colgate whitening toothpaste (the stuff in the red tube) and arm and hammer are both good. I used to use arm and hammer a lot but was reading that all that baking soda wasn't good but it could've been bs too.

Anyways, doing that twice a day for a couple of minutes along with flossing made a big difference. Haven't used any whitening products and only go to the dentist once a year for a normal cleaning. I'd stay away from the whitening stuff, seems like a short term solution that doesn't solve the root of the problem.

Tooth powder is the best. Its really sad big toothpaste shut them down so hard.

>hydeogen peroxide
how often?

>deliberately destroying your teeth
pick two

Dental student here. Just get and use the crest whitening strips, financially the best option and the least harsh on your teeth.

>home shit like lemon and baking soda/powder
>dentists hate him
You're pretty stupid OP. Listen to this guy and buy real whitening products. You might have fucked your enamel up by doing those stupid ass home solutions.

floss you nigger, once every few weeks I do a really thorough floss, makes me dont have to visit the toothdoc to do that, removes most of it really.

Don't brush your teeth after eating something acidic like fruit. The acid will rot away your teeth and brushing will just rub off the surface.

The reason your teeth are yellow is purely due to oral hygiene and eating habits (enamel comes off). You can't reverse it to go white naturally (only through cosmetic measures that you can look up).

Flossing twice a day before brushing will change your teeth game.

Try curcuma .. mix it with water until it get like jelly the put on the brush and brush for like 15 minute and wash youe brush now and then and re do it ..
You're welcome mate

This worked for me. The Weston a. Price guy has a lot of info on nutrients for health teet. Basically fat solvable vitamins D K2 A. So incorporating liver like fermented cod liver oil and grass-fed butter. He would give that to his patients

Forgot use baking soda only to brush your teeth aswell. Fluoride ain't good for you.

Mouth wash with hydrogen peroxide for 2 minutes 1 time a week. I'm a smoker and a coffee drinker and my teeth glisten like fucking pearls.

Your teeth look very healthy. The reason they are not fucking tic tac white is because of enamel you dumb fuck. They are supposed to have a yellowish hue to them because that is the color of enamel.

Retard Americans have no idea what teeth are supposed to look like because they are deluded into believing their teeth should be able to function as a mirror in the event of search and rescue.

Your teeth are fine.

teethlet detected