Motivation thread?

Motivation thread?

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3 post minimum you fucking fag

No, rage thread.

>People still falling for such low quality bait
Jesus you people are fucking retarded

No other work of art demonstrates the feminist left's irrational and self destructive decision making and ridiculously inaccurate estimations of their own strength and abilities as well as this statue does

The bull is a symbol of a strong market. Everyone is doing well, jobs are being created, it's a win-win for everybody. What kind of fucking idiot would think this is something that needs to be "stood up to"?

And what if some poor little girl sees this and takes it literally, thinking she can stand in the path of an actual bull?


wait, when did this retarded girl make an appearance? I took a picture of myself with the bull, there was no girl here... about 10 years ago.

yea fuck women right bro

Wait a minute. You're telling me that this statue is static, even in the WINTER

Yeah, it was a whole big thing in the cuckstream media about a year ago. Muh feminism, Muh patriarchy, taking down the rich, blah blah blah, all that faggot SJW stuff.


did you see the video with the guy who made the statue
he decided to put a another statue of a girl pissing on the dogs leg and people destroyed it

see the bull represents a bull market, its about the strength of america and the american people. women are literally retarded

>being this butt hurt over a statue
>getting your jimmies rustled over art
>what's it like having penis pains over nothing
>y u mad tho?
It's a statue that inspires some people sometimes and generally goes unnoticed by everyone else.
Who fucking cares you cuck.

dog pissing on girls leg

>its ok when we do it

im sure you would be fine if some people found motivation from putting up a statue of hanging niggers is downtown new york and not want it messed with

A hedge fund ran by WASPs in Boston put that girl statue there, likely as a marketing stunt, and I don't know why anyone assume a group of feminist boogeyman would have enough money to install a permanent statue on fucking wall street.

You are literally retarded. It was installed by MEN trying to push corporate diversity for their own advertising purposes; many women opposed the installation of the statue. Not to mention the bull is not always interpreted as a depiction of a strong economy

If this guy can make it
You can

women didn't put the statue there. off yourself dipshit


yes erecting a statue of hanging niggers is totally analogous to erecting a statue of a steadfast little girl. brilliant argument from a Veeky Forums brainlet. stick to the gym bro


Yeah motivation not to end up like the morons who find this drivel to be """inspirational"""

its a statue depicting women as being in the way of america and also completely oblivious to their own abilities

i would think women would take offense to that

i will say its a very honest statue though

Dont end up like this guy Veeky Forums

>having the income inequality of a third world country is totally fine and does not at all reflect a problem in our economic philosophy

>the bull on wall street dose t represent a bull market

>economic inequality


Bernouts are literally retarded

execute them. EXECUTE THEM

is the girl supposed to symbolize that there will be no bullish economy as long as feminists get more and more decision making abilities?

This "us against them" retardation needs to end, Americans are a planetary cancer

>American """people""" these days


Are people unaware that raging bulls don't give a fuck if you are unafraid?

Is it commenting on the stupidity of feminists? It seems like it.

ironically the bull was placed there initially without permitting and the city was planning to remove it but the general populace liked it so much they kept it there, the little girl on the other-hand was commissioned and payed for by big money, this top- downward funding of a feminist icon as an underdog somewhat defeats the purpose once you know the story behind both pieces.

in other words the true symbolism of the pieces is that the true might of the man who desires success in the free market is being impeded by entitled immature women who are sponsored by billionaires

We learned it from europe..

>us against them needs to end
>fuck america

>not sue ellen

low test

>Not getting surgery

American healthcare is shit

He chose not to

OP is a faggot


>cosmetic surgery should be free

Not American. You are retarded. Drink bleach.

Yeah man all of those arabs and africans definitely aren't playing an us against them game. Just hide away in your own little bubble and the problems will never reach you r..right?

Has any Americans living along that street realize that the bull symbolizes the bullish economy of the United States and not as a personification of a gender?

wow i never saw it that way...

really makes you think....

I would protect a nigger lynching statue until someone killed me, yes.
If it was a little boy would you be this faggoty about it?

why would you lie on the internet? liberals are tearing down statues as we speak and you arent protecting it with your life

>The Elitist Stride
>Strongly opposed to rent control and tariffs. Belives he has the god-given right to charge whatever the fuck he wants for his product.
>Wrote all the books on macroeconomics
>Makes eye contact with fellow globalists 24/7
>invited poor ass niggers to his mansion every day. Projects an overpowering aura of authority so he has never been robbed. Also CC's a browning 50 cal
>voted for Clinton to spite berniefags
>Black as coal
>From a poor as shit inner city family, worked his way up through the system with his intellect, confidence, and bravado
>Dines on tacos every night
>Supports the TPP because he wants to sue Canada


>Black as coal

Salamander black, not nigger black


>white monkey is rich
>brown one is poor


They aren't tearing down niggers from trees. No shit I don't care about a dog pissing or a redneck.

The fearless girl statue was always weird to me because it's in the way of the bull charging. It's like it's stopping it and slowing down the US economy. Is that really the message they were trying to convey?

you sir know your art well.

New Your is just full of liberal retards

god fucking kill it. it's suffering

too rich


This is a great thread and all, but speaking as an American we probably deserve a nuke for this shit. Can Europe get on about putting ackbars in power so they can control the nukes and blow us up already? Norks are taking too long and pussyfooting.

are you seriously so cucked that you enjoy extra taxes for the sole purpose of giving people unnecessary surgeries?
having a healthcare plan that values cosmetic surgery as much as surgeries that can actually save lives is the reason that people in your country will continue to travel to the US for medical care provided they have enough money
healthcare policies and hospitals should be able to value people with money over a person who is unable to afford care in the first place

shut the fuck up amerifat Canada is fucking amazing.

Does he load less plates on his right side while benching cause of his condition?

>referring to America as a single country
America is the land mass that takes up most of the western hemisphere that consists of many countries

The amount of upset over it is priceless

>Not to mention the bull is not always interpreted as a depiction of a strong economy

But that's exactly what it's supposed to be.

In either case, it's fitting for our current situation. An economy that has grown stronger and is ready to charge, but is being blocked by a little idiotic feminist.

>The bull is a symbol of a strong market. Everyone is doing well, jobs are being created, it's a win-win for everybody.

The majority of constituents spend between ten and fifty hours a week doing labor they don't want to do that the rest of the world doesn't need them to do for fiat currency in a constant state of depreciation due in part to a debt cycle leveraged by consumerism propagandized by the very rich and obscene tuition costs for accreditation in a for-profit education system based on freely available information while forty percent of your tax dollars fund thinly veiled invasions to seize nonrenewable ecologically damaging fuels. It's a win for the very rich.

As an aside to put this in context, my grandparents own a million dollar house with an indoor heated lap pool and an elevator, a private lake with an island and a second house in Florida. They're multimillionaires. They're not in top percentile. The top percentile are multibillionaires. They can own one thousand million dollar houses, one thousand indoor heated lap pools, one thousand private lakes with one thousand islands and one thousand other houses in Florida.

We have the resources for everyone in the world who has the desire and ability to be a doctor, engineer, pharmaceutical chemist or astrophysicist to achieve it but half of them are working at Starbucks mixing syrup in a cup to pay rent and another quarter are starving to death in developing nations because we have a strong market.

oh shut the fuck up. You're a failure because of you. And fuck third world countries.

>it's another "dumbass millennial blames the system on his short comings then tried to sound smart on Veeky Forums" episode

I know the type of people who work at places like Starbucks. They work there because they are degenerate druggies or literal fucking retards. Sit down the bong, turn the Rage Against the Machine cd off, and make something of yourself you fucking loser.

I made around 9,000 dollars last month selling shares in a stock I had bought a year ago. I'm projecting to make another 5k in the coming months. I have another 6k in my savings account. I work a part time job for something to fucking do. I'm only 24 years old and I live very comfortably. I know how to manage my money and don't blame people for shit I'm responsible for. So shut your fucking communist mouth you dumbass because all you are is a lazy bitch who wants shit handed to him.

Fuck off communist. You know next to nothing.

I'm fucking golden actually. I used my advantage as a white man from old money and now I'm a homeowner with zero debt and I'm about to move in with my girlfriend who is also a homeowner so we can rent my house for profit while I we pursue our actual goals because we both busted our asses in trash jobs and were smart about our finances.

That doesn't change the facts that the money is fake, the work is unnecessary, your taxes fund military and intelligence agency black ops against civilians in the interest of corporations and Israel, or -- get your kleenex ready -- the fact that the likelihood of you ever breaking out of the financial ballpark you were born into is statistically not even on the radar because the system is rigged, that I'm doing well because I was afforded opportunities because my parents and grandparents and great grandparents did well, and you have to invest in cryptocurrency just to recoup losses on the 52k average tuition you're paying while you bust your ass for a STEM degree that will pay for itself when you're 35 and then you can finally get a mortgage and pay it off over forty years while you wait for social security or death.

I've just been afforded enough time by my comfortable lifestyle to actually think about the retarded system you're worshiping and the two additional impoverished crybabies that replied projecting their own issues while I've been typing this prove my point.

Do you think the person who wrote this thinks they're smart? They got all their buzzwords lined up nicely and despite their grand rhetoric still make it all about stupid college kids.

It looks so impressive, as long as you don't read it. Hero of the poor and downtrodden with multimillionaire grandparents.

>he thinks he's telling us information that is a secret
Just another dumbass on Veeky Forums, everyone move along.

Were you one of the college students that needed therapy and time off from classes after Trump became president?
Bitch made faggot communist.

this has to be a troll because this is the stupidest thing I've read here in a while.

>I'm fully aware that I'm on a treadmill powering the machine that's fucking me in the ass but I'm 100% confident that I can outrun it and everybody who's stopped is lazy

Good shit my dude, earn for daddy. I'll be killing my food and getting free energy from the sun. Rent's due at the end of the month.

I'm inclined to agree, to some extent, with the pinko. Not that the system needs overhauling, but that it's unfair and retooling it is the right idea. I left a lucrative career in law to be a firefighter, and while I'm happier, I make significantly less money. Why is this the case? I understand the mechanisms entirely, and from a logical perspective it makes sense, but from a perspective of ethics and social responsibility it just doesn't seem right.

>lying on the internet

I'd take either oblivious and happy or aware but don't care over miserable faggot spewing bullshit on Veeky Forums any day pal. Also we all know you're full of shit, you're just a sad little college kid with a worthless degree pissed off at the world. It's okay, death is a sweet release.

Oh by the way I'm also 24, I make ~20k in stocks that were given to me as a christmas gift. My grandfather bought those stocks with profits from a trailer park he built where he charged white trash and senior citizens hundreds of dollars a month for a place to park their single wide trailers -- not including utilities. I used 6k to buy a muscle car I'm now bored of.

I'm unemployed right now because I saved enough money from my last job that I don't have to work for a while, and I have no debt to pay off because I was born rich enough to never accrue any.

This clearly makes you mad and it should because I am the flaw in your system exemplified. I don't work anywhere near as hard as you do because I don't have to and I'm still in a position you won't get to for at least a decade. I got here by way of the rich fucking the poor, and I'm about to keep doing it by renting for profit. This is the fruit of capitalism. I'm able to justify it morally by telling you how fucked you are, but sunk cost fallacy, fear of change and propaganda will keep you on-course.

You're at the last line of defense now. I can post pictures or something if you want to. Here's my car next to my grandfather's in his garage.

nothing special here, are you supposed to be bragging about something?

Not really, I don't know what I'm supposed to post to prove that I have a better life than I worked for and continue to be rewarded for nothing. I feel a compulsion to not let these nerds delude themselves into thinking this isn't how capitalism works, but they've made up their minds already.

>I have a better life than I worked for and continue to be rewarded for nothing
That's communism not capitalism retard

Except it's happening to me and all my friends right now by way of capitalism. That's my point.

Nooo your grandfather or maybe someone before him worked for his fortune in the capitalist system. You were just born with silver spoon in your mouth so naturally you know nothing and are full of shit. Every entitled child feels this way, you're not special so stop acting like you are.

so basically your argument is that you were born into a rich family so capitalism doesn't work even though that's probably how your family got rich? retard.

My great grandfather made a small fortune exploiting currency exchange in the great depression and my grandfather turned it into a large fortune by using it to build an empire that fucks the poor. That large fortune is more than any human being needs and it's 1/1000th of the top percentile of wealth. Meanwhile you're poor and mad. That's capitalism.

>my grandfather
bitch you ain't even old money. get off my Veeky Forums

>yea fuck women right bro

That's about all they're good for.

and capitalism is fucking great

I'm bored but basically
- what you perceive as wealth is .1% of actual wealth
- the wealthy and the "wealthy" do not get there by working hard; capitalism is not a meritocracy in practice
- both the wealthy and the "wealthy" profit off your work far more than you do

I personally don't advocate pursuing happiness through wealth because I get more utility from an hour of my time than I get from the amount of money anyone is willing to give me for that hour. However, I recognize that people are different and derive utility from different things at different rates. My point is just that capitalism is a shit system for literally everyone who is not already sustainably happy. If you like making money, capitalism is not for you because you're statistically extremely unlikely to make any amount of money that matters. If you like societal progress, capitalism is not for you because it prohibits the best and brightest from actually getting anything done. If you like the amount of money you have and want to keep roughly that amount of money forever while working forty hours a week to maintain it, and you don't have any qualms about the wellbeing of anyone else in the world, and don't have any desires to see the species prosper in any way, then capitalism is for you.

I would feel bad about fucking up this thread but it was a shit thread and the janitors delete motivation threads anyway. Good luck with whatever makes you happy, life is built on diversity including opinions and agendas.

Nigga you preachin. Lmao at these capitalist wage cucks suckin on the corporate cock. Mmmm

You forgot to mention how your grandfather passed money down to your father who passed it on to you and you lived a life of luxury and went to school where you were taught Marxist ideals and to hate yourself and your lifestyle.

I'm poor due to decisions I made. Everyone knows there are rich kids who live off of daddy's bank; the world has been that way for millenia. What do you propose to do to change things? Bear in mind communists would kill you and your family and redistribute your wealth. Is that what you want?

What do you recommend to replace capitalism?

>those arabs and africans definitely aren't playing an us against them game
No they aren't, they kill and rape more of each other than us.
I wasn't even talking in terms of nationality in the first place, I'm talking about the mentality of thinking that if someone doesn't agree with you they are immediately on the opposing side.
Retards such as yourself cannot fathom thinking outside of a false dichotomy that isn't a very helpful mode of categorisation.