Tfw first time trying to bench more than the bar and had to dump the dual 2.5g micro plates

>tfw first time trying to bench more than the bar and had to dump the dual 2.5g micro plates


I couldn't bench more than the bar a three weeks ago. Just benched 125lbs earlier. You'll increase pretty fast.

>tfw finally benched the bar

can you do a pushup

I feel you, mate
When I started, I couldn't squat the bar.
I had to do kettle squats.
Now I'm nearly at 2pl8

>tfw I don't increase pretty fast

why sad though? Just eat more and go train more and more until you can. Just keep grinding

You got long arms
Do diddlies
Your bench may be shit, but you can pull the body weight of any two+ of the fags who talk shit

>tfw I could finally lift my bottle of water (1lt) and bring it to the gym

>literally can't bench

whenever i try my shoulders almost immediately come forward and i just end up moving the bar around with my arms -- not using my chest at all

> tried to bench a plate
> had to roll of shame

>tfw can't even bench the bar and
>tfw can't lift 2 20 dumbbells at the same time

not with that attitude you massive faggot

100% chance your form is shit. Ask someone for help.

I feel you OP. Started SS two weeks ago and can barely bench 28kg and with shitty form (my left and right shoulders/arms seem to be fucking independent of each other - maybe because my ribs are uneven too).

At least my squat/deadlift is going up nicely (~5kg increase per day).

Did you even try to OHP? I haven't yet (only doing squat/bench/dead for this week still hoping to bench a bit better to try day 2 of SS).

>tfw 2pl8 is a big mental obstacle for me, and at +225lbs my performance depends more on having a good spotter and feeling good that day rather than actually being physically capable of it.

I can bang out 220 no problem, but the second it gets to 225 I'm suddenly getting shaky on that 3rd or 4th rep for no reason. If I have a pajeet or someone who doesn't know how to spot I will probably fail the last rep because they start freaking me out by touching the bar too early or doing something else distracting.

Watch youtube form videos and maybe videotape yourself, and then correct form.

Yeah, have watched a few today. I'm gonna start taping myself when I move gyms next week.

how the fuck are you doing squat and deadlift but now ohp? hows your form? arent you fucking concerned about fucking your back up?

I haven't even tried OHP with my shitty bench since most people seem to OHP a lot less and I can barely lift the bar on bench.

Some random pt helped my squat/deadlift form for the first day and I make sure to squeeze my core and make my back straight on both so I highly doubt I will fuck my back with ~60kg.

I'm moving back to uni (I'm on break) and the gym there has decent pts so I'm not worried.

Btw, how do people tape themselves on gyms? I would like to tape my entire sets in the first few times so asking someone to keep my phone would be shitty.

I've been squatting for about a month. I'm finally gonna try 1pl8 next time. Very excited.

>still can't squat 2pl8 after six months of lifting
The closest I've gotten was 205 for 3x5. So close, yet so far

>Btw, how do people tape themselves on gyms? I would like to tape my entire sets in the first few times so asking someone to keep my phone would be shitty.

Just bring a small tripod and a camera lol

yeh my deadlift is like triple my bench because of my 75 inch wingspan at 5'8

Yeah, thinking of getting one which is retractible (15-100cm) and has a cellphone mount. Kind of cheap but since I will only use it for a few days its ok.

What's wrong with that baby

Goddamn I have that problem too. It's fucking annoying, like you know you can, but can you? Do you?

I have been stuck at 135 for months

Keep going user, we're all gonna make it

Bench 3 times a week.

You shouldn't be plateauing at 135, that's wayyyy too soon.

What program are u on user?

Goddamn nigga. How much do you weigh? 75in??