So uni starts Monday for me...

so uni starts Monday for me. It's currently welcome week and everyone has been hell bent on getting plastered everyday and all day and I live with a bunch of guys who are genuinely alcoholics. I honestly hate drinking because it really fucks with my lifting , and I hate weed because I can't act social when I'm high because I've abused it for too long that whenever I smoke I just get really spacey and can't handle it around people I don't know. Am I doomed to be unsociable for the rest of my collegiate career?

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Dont try, just kys

Also nice blog

that's one of the saddest images i have ever seen


Don't mess this up OP. Go get drunk and do something dumb. You're a fucking freshman in college, one of the last bastions of freedom from responsibility a person has. It'll never be the same after this. Freshman year is literally the most free you will ever be.

>Freshman year classes don't matter, work is easy anyway
>First time living away from home
>Surrounded by people all in the same position
>Literally no responsibility whatsoever

Go enjoy it, you get to experience it once then it's all over. Sophomore, junior, senior year aren't quite the same as that first year. Go get drunk. Make some friends. Fuck some drunk slut. Have fun. You only get to do it once.

Fuck off shit skin

I'm a junior.

Naw, Dog

I gave up weed and drinking in excess long before my friends, but I still like doing stupid shit with them. The difference now is we always have a safe driver. It's really easy to be the cool sober friend if the lads aren't total dickbags when loaded.

Ok let's address the elephant in the room, why are some of them wearing fake mustaches?

I don't know how it works outside of the Anglo sphere, but within it you are completely and utterly fucked socially if you don't drink. Pretty much every social activity on weekends is based explicitly on, or loosely around, drinking.

I have a friend from high school that doesn't drink at all because his mom was an alcoholic (fair enough, I'm not going to shit on him) but his social life is as dead as elvis. He was far better off than me in high school (he actually got laid, unlike my sorry ass) but it's completely flipped since then.

You sound like a real faggot, dude. Like the kind of guy everybody only puts up with because he's a friend of your friend

Don't take shit you don't want. I know you are in college and that means freedom to do whatever you want, but feeling forced to do stuff because you can isn't real freedom.

If you don't want to seem too outcasty just grab a beer or light beer and stick with that and don't take more than a few of them. Or stick to water and pretend it's vodka. Everybody else is going to so hammered out of their minds that they don't mind/care/notice anyway.

you really don't have to do any of that to be social, if you do there's a deeper problem there, I had a few really good friends in college who would come over and have a beer or two, sometimes those are the people everyone would rather hang out with anyway.

Is pic related what house parties look like past age 25? It looks fucking shit.


If you don't like the caliber of people you're around, you gotta find new people. Look for social clubs and interests groups that are relevant to your studies and passions. Plenty of organizations that talk about finance, geopolitics, science, tech, AI, history, all kinds of stuff. You'll find more like minded people and will be able to have conversations about things other than "lmao pussy and weed dude".

I had a few raucous drug and alcohol fueled years in college and I wish I had instead focused on networking outside of bars and parties. Nobody at bars or parties will actually remember anything said or done there. They all wash together into a haze.

Don't believe the nonsense that this is your "last time to be free and irresponsible". You're creating habits every day and they will follow you outside of college. I know plenty of people who never quit drinking heavily and got serious drug addictions that have crippled their adult lives. I myself had a pretty serious drinking problem for a few years, but have since given it up for gains not just physically but spiritually and professionally as well.

Your time is way better spent getting internships and working on landing a good job than getting shitfaced with people you don't even really like. You'll be miles ahead of your peers if you work hard now while you're young and have the energy. Most people end up playing catch up or they never stop at all and end up doing nothing with their lives.

Don't be like most people, OP.

Focus on what will pay off long-term. Fuck anyone who says you're not partying enough, there's plenty of time to party when you can afford to travel all over the world for a couple years and not have to work a wage cuck job since you have significant net worth.

Just only drink once a week. It might barely affect your gains but that is probably worth it to be socially active in college and to FUCK GIRLS.

Jesus christ you people...

I also start Monday and I'm afraid it will be just like high school
>no friends
>eating alone at lunch
>too autistic to talk to people
>finishing my work, lifting, then browsing Veeky Forums til sleep
Why can't I just be normal

where exactly do i look for these clubs and groups? to me it sounds kinda autistic and i feel like the only people going to these places are equally socially retarded as i am


Take uni seriously. You\re paying for college not to party but to learn some valuable skills.

well, you have three options:
>abandon your social life in order to maximize gains
>lift and drink and slow down a lot your gains
>roid and drink ocasionally and get shredded (you'll lose about 10 years of your life if you do this, its worth it by the way)

>I don't drink! Alcohol messes with my linear progression on low bar squats!!


i needed to hear this. thanks

We'll get through this

Now you see that spider above the fan

have 1-2 beers or 1-2 shots after smoking.

You've never been to college, have you?
>inb4 yeah lol
You're no fooling anyone. College is pretty much the opposite of that

use this if you wanna get drunk without losing gains