Why do you lift?

Why do you lift, Veeky Forums? What's the thing you remember in your moment of laziness that motivates you to go to the gym?

Because I like feeling good

I just learned to love working out ever since I played football in high school and I look forward to going to the gym. It shouldn't need to be something you need to motivate yourself for.

I am very lonely and jobless, so I work out to kill time.

"im doing it for a succubus gf xd" is a meme.

I need as much motivation to go to the gym as I do to play my favorite video game or watch my favorite movie. I just like doing it. It's a lot of fun to test your strength and see the numbers on each lift go up. It's fun being able to do things you couldn't do before. And it's fun to impress my normie friends. You shouldn't need motivation man, working out should be its own reward.

I have massive social anxiety for literally no good reason so going to the gym is always uncomfortable for me. Being proud of my body is a good way to stop anxiety caused by people looking at me since I know that they cant spite me. Thats why I do it.

I was wasting away my body
I hated the idea of eating so I was a skeleton my entire life but just before college I realized how much free time I had and all I was doing was browsing /v/
I decided to change and now 2 years in I'm feeling fit

Rest easy knowing that nobody cares or pays attention to you at all


a few reasons actually
>that (aristotle i think) quote of seeing your body in peak physical shape before growing old
>to feel energetic and to not feel weak (used to be perma fatigue skelly)
>aesthetics - superiority to the average male and the female attention that inevitably comes with this
>to never feel weak or lesser than
>because there is no turning back
>i genuinely enjoy lifting
reading, lifting, motorcyles (a lot of beautiful landscape in california) are what make me fulfilled.

Yeah, I know. It's completely irrational but I can't help it.

The thought that if I stay at home, someone's at my gym getting my gains and lifting my weight.

For my 2D waifu

Because I hate looking around a room and seeing someone more fit than me.

I want to be the new hitler without the anti-semitism and racism part

cute japanese girls


Have you tried doing MDMA? It helped me get over some of my anxiety.

>That's how I want our youth to be. Fast as a racing dog, hard as Krupp steel and tough as leather.

I want to be large and imposing but utterly timid, with no experience with women

And then he got beat by a nigger at the olympics.

>Go restaurant
>WAitress smile
>''you are big arms musclemen''
>Good life. I am muscles

Because I fucking hate myself and I hope that getting into shape will allow me to look in the mirror without feeling ashamed

I know that feel.

First you lift for revenge, then you lift for glory.

Because my family is full of fat smokers who forced their shitty lifestyle on me and I lift so I never become my father. I lift so that my children won't look at me like I look at my parents.

Cured mine with progressive overload bro

Because I want to be the strongest and healthiest I can.