Alright, palms facing forward is a pull up, and palms facing backwards its a chin-up. Ok I get that...

Alright, palms facing forward is a pull up, and palms facing backwards its a chin-up. Ok I get that. But how is the exercise called when you use 2 paralel bars to pull yourself up? Like, a pull up but with your palms facing each other.

What muscles does that work the most? Arms like the chin up or back like the pull up? Or a balance of both?

Neutral grip pull up

Hammer grip pull up

Neutral grip hammer ups

Natty ham grip-ups

Hammer grip neutral ups

natty pam salamander grip ups

Sideways grip reverse ohp

hammy-grip uppy-pulls

double one handed meme-up


My buddy and I called them hammer grip pull ups. They work your forearms and shoulders pretty good.

Fuck off

Samalam neutral up grips


Reverse dip ups

Inner inverted dips

Nu-pull ups

I've never been to Reddit in my life, bitch-tits

southside reversed handstand

Ascending double-top assfucking

OP is a faggotups