I'm probably way too late for this but here goes anyway

I'm probably way too late for this but here goes anyway.

tl;dr I'm going to Australia for a year in 4 weeks and wanna get as fit as possible beforehand

Long story short I went to the gym for a year two years ago, got surgery on my head a year ago and stopped doing sports altogether afterwards (at first because I wasn't allowed to, then I had severe motivational problems).
Going to the gym never really seemed to do anything for me aesthetically, I got a lot stronger over the course but my physique didn't seem to change at all. It was really quite demotivating.

First and foremost I want to correct my ugly forwards neck posture, I got a super prominent adams apple which I tried to include in pic related. My wrist looks unnaturally skinny and my upper arm is lacking too.

I got a barbell, bench and dumbbells at my disposal. Ready to go at it every day if need be. What do I do Veeky Forums?

You need a low carb diet and DNP to get ripped.
You won't gain any muscle in 4 weeks.

>4 weeks
Not possible. Why do you need to be fit beforehand anyways? You think aussie chicks are gonna be dropping their panties because you spent four weeks in the gym?

>4 weeks
Not gonna happen.

No that's not it, I'm actually just super conscious about my skinny neck and upper arm and would rather gain weight and the only way I can think of is sports rather than eating more

start more than a month before a trip you retard

it's your fuckin' body, you can't cheat code speedrun

It's not about getting laid, I'm travelling with a girlfriend, I just want to be comfortable and wondering if there's any way to improve in that time

>what are roids, dnp, clen

>4 weeks
>4 months
Maybe if you focused entirely on fat loss
>2+ years
There you go, making visible gains if you're doing it right.

You haven't given a single reason why this needs to happen in four weeks. Do bodyweight progressions or hit the gym on your trip and you'll be in good shape when you come home.

Mh if it wasn't for my head surgery I'd probably still be signed up at my gym but like I said in the OP, it didn't feel like it did anything for me except for being able to put on more weights to lift

>2+ years for visible gains
If you can't notice a difference in your body after three months you're doing something wrong.

I don't know what to tell you man. If you can't handle the truth I'll try to tell you what you want to hear.

Ok OP, to correct your forwards neck posture you have to do lots of bench press. This most certainly can be done in about 4 weeks.
You upper arm will grow instantly if you do 8 sets of 100 reps daily of bicep curls.
For your forearms you have to restrict your protein, because protein burns wrist-fat.

Work out every day, high carb and high fat diet and you'll get the results you want in 3-4 weeks.

>protein burns wrist fat

Well being caught up more on organizing that shit rather than thinking about what I'll do there I guess. I'll probably go to the beach often and I'm really uncomfortable when it comes to my neck honestly

See maybe I can start it here and carry it on there. I guess I should've specified that I don't intend to stop when I'm going there, I'll carry it on afterwards.

Looking more for exercises for my specific problems, my bad.

that really depends on your level of training experience/level

>See maybe I can start it here and carry it on there
He's memeing you bro, did you even read what he wrote?

DYEL dumbass, what the fuck else would he be talking about? Three months after lifting for five years?

what is a month

Yeah I know he's taking the piss, that's why I wanted to specify what my intentions really are so I might get some real help or something

>8 sets of 100 reps daily
This is a meme man. Don't listen to him. If you are going to isolate biceps, treat it like any other muscle group. Do 2-4 sets of 8-16 reps 2 or 3 times per week. But that should fall behind other more important things like overhead press, bench press, and pull-ups/rows.

My two major points for OP are:
1) 4 weeks is absolutely enough time to make an aesthetic difference in your body
2) the right way to do it is eat at a slight caloric deficit and lift intelligently, I.e. Focus on major compounds. Feel free to do assistance work as well, but the compounds should take priority.

Thanks for the motivation man. Are you sure I should have a deficit? I already feel pretty skinny. Not trying to be a smartass, genuinely just want to understand (also for some reason captcha is fucked)

You can eat at maintenance, but if you want to maximize results in 4 weeks then you shouldn't gain much weight, if any.

>ITT: Another lazy faggot who wasted his life and wants instant results for "the beach" and makes up a ton of excuses for why he hasn't been lifting

You waited too long, suck it up and enjoy your trip

>visible gains
I'm talking about to the outside world, not seeing your waist drop an inch or your fatceps getting .25inches bigger.

Alright that's what I'll do then