Bulking feels

>just puked in my mouth and swallowed it again

>still bulking
Breh its all about getting lean. No one cares about your lifts.

yeah, it's all about being lean bro, just don't lift, it doesn't matter.

>tfw always have cashews next to me

>need to finish a half gallon of milk before bed
>go to brush teeth
>milk comes up while gargling

This relates to me on an emotional level.
>eat fucking double deckers of peanut butter sandwiches
>gag reflex after too many, slowly and surely go through it

at first peanut butter tasted good. now i cant fucking stand it. wtf?

>this is me with chicken

This happens with anything if you eat too much of it.
Try different recipes, eat more fish instead of chicken.

spice it up

You conditioned yourself to associate it with the feeling of having to puke.
Lay it off for a while and eat a couple spoons again when you're really hungry to create positive associations again.

eat normally then get to the point where i have to swallow the food without chewing because i won't be able to swallow it otherwise

>eventually finish 1.5 lbs. of fried chicken
>still have massive salad
>start imagining the vegetables talk
>"eat me user eat me real good.... oh yeahhhhh just like that"

well, peanut butter is the only exception for me. eating it daily since 3 years and still love it

kek. rather be that guy than have bitch tits

Would you rather be anorexic like that guy or bigorexic like this guy?

>bulking in the summer

no one should be cutting for more than 2 weeks at the intermediate level

>this is what DYELs and powerlifters believe

drown it in siracha, if you use enough youll have to drink more milk to cancel out the spiceyness

how much weight do you lose in that time?

that guy is the strongest man in the world.
so yeah

>implying sriracha is anywhere near spicy

fucking white people

>rely heavily on shakes because overeating solids makes you want to puke all day

summer ends in 2 weeks so why not

It's been a year of bulking, I've become obese but my lifts are still climbing quickly and I stopped caring about what I look like. Personal Trainer I talked to told me I need to eat more meals too.
I rarely get invited anywhere, and when I do, I don't show up.

>made burritos with old chili spice
>had a massive diarrhea today
>will probably eat the rest of the burritos

I have that same feel, ate 1,3lb (600g) yesterday and the last few bites were suicidal.
Literally chewing and then feeling like I have to spit it out or I will puke.
I tried frying it in a pan in cubes, in slices, etc.

Slices work best for me now, since it has always been a favorite food of mine.
But for how long.
Why am I 6'4.