
as this used to be called fitness & health board i guess i will post this here.
i have had problems when taking a shit for a couple of years now but i never really thought there was a porblem behind it.
now in the last couple of weeks i have had a lot of anal bleeding and when inspecting it i even saw it dripping.
is there ways to threat this at home? because i feel very uncomfortable about it
thanks in advance

See a doctor.

drink more water/fiber
push on it with your finger/buttcheeks to desensitize it
It never goes away but it shrinks eventually

You're eating animal products aren't you? Cut out animal products and your roids will subside.

fuck off vegan

>drink more water/fiber
Good advice
Better advice

Get one of those little stools that raise your legs up when you take a shit. Worked wonders for me when I was dealing with the same shit (heh).

Helps align your poop chute correctly, and combined with more fibre in your diet, your dumps practically fall out of you.

Bright blood usually means hemorrhoids but shouldn't you see a doctor after two weeks even if you're 99% sure what causes it?

What 'problems' have you had with shitting? Are you functionally constipated?

sometimes it flows like water and sometimes it just doesnt want to come out and its really hard.
when i look down i sometimes see blood and today i wiped and there was a lot of blood on the tissue aswell

i dont think i have any other illnesses

I used to have this exact problem.
For over a decade. I was young(er) and drank a lot of tasty craft beers, and still lifted heavy.
My food diet was fine,,,, but my heavy lifting made my exit station tender. The alcohol caused blood imbalances.
Fish oil healed my anal tissues both inside and out. It was literally a Blessing.
3 caps x 3 a day first week
3 caps x 1 a day next week
3 caps every other day there on out

>check is in the mail ?

It fluctuates that much? Are you sure you don't have IBS or something if your diet and activity levels are generally the same?

Have you associated any particular foods with it?

The advice in this thread is good anyway, decent amounts of water and fiber (but don't overdo it since you'll have the opposite result) and raising your legs.

I have gotten this to but don't like doctors so won't go, but advice is you probably should if it keeps up. For me it seems to come and go, and especially happens if I'm shitting at the university campus and using the sandpaper they put in the stalls.

Tips to help with shitting:
Eat a high fiber diet, you can buy something like psyllium husk (meta mucil is a brand that sells this as a supplement). If you can get 10 grams of fiber per 1000 calories that should be good, most people don't get enough.
Drink a lot of water, and don't drink alcohol in excess as that always gives me terrible shits.
If you aren't getting a lot of fiber now try to slowly up it or you might find yourself shitting some huge log tomorrow (this is advice I have gotten and ignored, so do what seems right).
Get nice and soft TP.

Don't know about this but something like petroleum jelly (vasoline) might help.

If it's switching at random between diarrhea and constipation, it could be irritable bowel syndrome. But given the blood as well, it might be something more serious. I had something like that minus the blood, and my doctor ordered a stool test to check for cancer. Might be worth seeing a doctor/clinic about.

In the mean time, you could try taking a fibre supplement like Metamucil. I basically absorbs and holds water, so it might held to even things out a bit. Won't do anything about whatever's causing the bleeding, though.

is this seriously not a meme? i was considering one but it seems uncomfortable. if it really works i wanna try it

It works lol. If you can squat, you have the flexibility for that too.

what's the name of the one you use. Are they all the same shit

Bra, just use whatever you can comfortably keep your legs on while raising them in a deep squatting position. I use a random stool.

If your bowels suck ass, it will help you a lot, along with extra fiber.

Eat more fiber, don't push so hard when pooping. Get over the counter hemroids cream, apply it deep, as in a finger up your ass deep.

milk products get me really bloated
idk about anything else

I dunno what your health system is like and what you can afford but a visit to a gastro might be worth it too if your bowel habits are that weird, especially with the bleeding even if its just to hemorrhoids.

At least if you know your diet is well-sorted out in the first place and you're getting a decent amount of fiber and hydration.

Are you lactose intolerant? Well, you can easily cut most of those out anyway.

>Go easy on the pooper
>sitz bath
>consider wet wipes
>tucks medicated if the above fails or you're impatient

i literally have fish oil capsules in my cabinet ima try it out

> after shower
> squat down
> sprinkle that bunghole with cold water
> sprinkle it good
> nor problems with low quality TP anymore

> good diet probably helps a lot
> no extra added fiber
> eat stuff that is naturally rich in fiber
> drink enough

Not him but yes it works and it's called nature's platform but there are many others. Just google squat toilet. If people are still shitting in the western manner they're just setting up for ass problems later on.

It's most likely a protruding anus or whatever it's called. Did you strain a lot while taking shits because that's what causing it. Your anus is loose and teared, I don't know how that can be fixed without an operation. Just don't make it worse, stop straining, consume more fiber.

>bleeding out the ass
>should go to doctor
>but instead I'll ask advice on 4chinz

It will fix itself if he does this
The strain is caused by sitting instead of squatting to shit