How do I get my protein as a vegetarian when cutting...

How do I get my protein as a vegetarian when cutting? I'm already using protein shakes and not even that's not fulfilling my protein needs.

milk is vegetarian. also, consider becoming a pescitarian. fish literally dont have feelings

I do eat fish, but it's so damn expensive

Eggs and egg whites. Cheap, high quality protein than can be delivered in many tasty forms.

not today

idk you can get frozen fish cheaper than chicken where I live

if i wanted to get protein as a vegetarian i'd ask for your 1 rep max

Gluten is basically a cheap protein powder, and canned fish is cheap as fuck.

>I'm already using protein shakes and not even that's not fulfilling my protein needs.

This alone should make you ask yourself: "if I can't get enough protein from my diet even when adding protein shakes, maybe there's something wrong with my diet?"

I was vegan for years but then I skipped it since the diet is fundamentally unhealthy in regards to the low amount of complete proteins, high amounts of anti-nutrients (like mineral-binding phytic acid), high amounts of phytoestrogens, no naturally diet-derived source of B12, the low bio-availability of non-heme iron, and the fact that you have no single source of external creatine (affecting working memory and IQ, shown in study on vegetarians/vegans).

would rather recc something like:
- eggs, poultry, seafood, possibly game
- no dairy, no red meat, or pork.

(as a vegetarian: complete proteins are mostly derived from egg, soy, and dairy. B12 are also sourced from there. all the other things apply.)

I summon danger doggo to double the protection spell

How is anyone supposed to read that whole thing before Mr. Skeletal

Try chickpeas, quinoa, or almonds.

I love you

kill yourself




calm down


vegan bacon and chicken


Just drink melted butter


Eggs, broccoli, beans,

this is what I do, I got big as fuck brah

Dont be a vegetarian

3kg of broccoli

If you want people to reply to your post seriously, you probably shouldn't use that image, you nigger.

yeah now i have to add another no-content post

>as a vegetarian/vegan
You're just making it harder for no reason. At least as just a vegetarian, you have dairy to help.