Drugs general

This thread is for the discussion of everything drug related.

What would the effects be of snorting mama and going drinking, two maybe even 3 nights in a row?
I don't wanna fuck up my head for the rest of my life and my friends did mdma 3 nights in a row at a festival.

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nothing it's probably not the best for you but I've done it 10+ times and notice no short term problems. Let's hope I make it to 30

bro I do shit like mdma, meth, speed and other garbage all the time. Pretty much for the last seven years or so.
Mdma wont fuck your head up, its just a stimulant that makes you a bit dizzy you nigger, so if you drink after snorting (or drinking) some of it you will presumably be way more obliterated in terms of hangover and during the night youll be dizzy and floaty as fuck. But otherwise there are no issues connected to mental health.
Not if you aint a pussy, ofc.


Just dont forget to hydrate, also get some sleep (or just crash somewhere to atleast give your eyes a rest).
Also wear sunglasses if you dont want ppl to see your dilated pupils.
If the shit doesnt taste right/seems to not do anything do not I repeat do not snort more of it!
Enjoy your festival, brah.

r u fucking stupid? mdma has less bioavailability intranasally. just put it in between your gums and lips and don't swallow. wtf.

opiates, cannabis, psychedelics are the only okay drugs for post-workout, in moderation.

stimulants and alcohol ruin the lifter's body.

i only mentioned opiates because every single lifter that's done painkillers knows that it fucking mellows you out and feels amazing when you're aching fuck i wish i had some pills right now lol

Nigger what are you talking about, you can snort mdma just fine in reasonable quantities. Actually doing what you suggested will just make him taste shit all night and not feel his teeth, thus crushung his jaws together even more.
go and stay go, coke fiend

holy shit, r u fucked son? enjoy wasting your mdma. coke is better snorted, ppl just gum that shit if it fell out of the line or if it's stuck to the razor.

go buy 2 grams of mdma. one night eat it, and one night sniff it. you figure it out son.

Don't do it 3 nights in a row that fucking sucks dude.. the last time is just gonna feel shit. If you have a 3 day festival you should do something like...
Amphetamine on day 1 (but not too much or too late. Just take in the morning or you won't sleep at all), lsd day 2, Molly day 3. You should save the Molly for last cause the hangover sucks usually (at least if you take a lot you can feel pretty sad) besides having a blast on the last day would be great way to end the festival.

Just take it easy on day 1 and 2 either low dose or just drink aa bit

Btw speaking from experience I've several times kept taking Molly redosing like 4 or 5 times (great decisionmakin skills when you're Stlll high) but it always just sucks and your crash becomes so much worse.

Mdma is worthless anyway, but that dont mean I have to fuckin stuff it into my fuckin mouth like a hungry ass crackhead.
And fucking kek nigger, you tellin me to figure shit out while you out there cuttin your coke with a fuckin razor?
nigga be honest are you twelve

You're retarded man but do what you want. You're so hardcore for not giving a shit and not even knowing what you're actually doing to your brain. Tough guy.

kek, I dont drink so theres that.
Also went through uni just fine, engineering and shit.
Go d.a.r.e. some kids to your local park you mong. I saw what kind of damage longterm alcohol use has, and unless youre literary pumping meth/heroin into your veins not much will fuck you up as bad as having a drink, or two or ten each day and then getting smashed to shit every friday and saturday.
yea youre right im hardcore, cant even go to a pub with nobody since not being a drinker is akin to being the local leper. Its so boring and embarassing to spend time with drunk cunts, I cant even tell you how much happier I am on stims and weed.

>thinking drugs are hardcore

mdma is definately neurotoxic at party dosages. you sound dumb as fuck user, just because you are permanently ruining your brain for the rest of your life doesnt mean you should tell other people that it is ok.

legitimately and unironically you should remove yourself from the genetic pool

the ironic part is heroin is not really neurotoxic yet you are advocating for things like amphetmaines and mdma which destroy neurons like a blitzkreig

you could shoot heroin everyday for years and if you practiced sterile technique and there wasn't any fucked up cuts you would be better off than one summer of your live free young forever mdma festival life

fuckin retard

I use drugs myself too. I just said you're so 'hardcore' cause you're calling others pussy when they are actually worried for their health you fucking retard.also I never said drinking everyday is better than doing some hard drugs every now and then. Are you sure your brain is still working properly dipshit?

Yeah I dunno not drinking doesn't really make up for frequent MDMA and amphetamine use

I know multiple people who've ruined their serotonin regulatory networks and attention spans by abusing MDMA and meth and adderall and things like that. It's definitely bad as fuck for you over the long run. A few times won't hurt, but you can't do it consistently for years.

Weed is chill though, smoke all the weed you want

make me, or better yet atleast tell me what a party dosage is according to you

I bet you have no fucking clue, do you actually think that doing recreational drugs semiregularly will make a rambling junkie overnight? stop watching those afterschool specials, shithead.
and here we have an example of someone who never saw anything resembling a heroin junkie. The closest this user got was when he watched some parts of trainspotting on youtube.
fuckin hell mate, the moment you inject either meth, coke, or heroin or whatever can be injected instead of snorted/eaten you are fucked.
heroin will kill you eventually if you keep doing it, or it will have a chance of killing you when you decide to quit.
Not to fuckin mention that the main issue with intravenous substances is the method of delivery, spoiler alert its not always exactly pharmacy tier.
I urge you to seek out legit heroin junkies, so you can see what a man made of scabs and rotten flesh looks like. heroin kills your spirit.
but sure, its not like im anywhere near that community right?
fuck do i know, i guess now i know that the word neurotoxic somehow overrides fucking heroin.

>injection is the devil and will kill you but snorting meth is fine

tell me more, please. or dont, enough bullshit for today

its true, give it a shot and report back friend

Just cause something can be used as a medication doesn't mean that years of abuse in extremely high dosages doesn't hurt you you retarded shit.

your brain capacity is already fucked from the drugs mate

opiates are not neurotoxic like mdma is

mdma literally fries dopamine receptors
my god man, people take pain medication for years and they dont turn into braindead miscreants like you have

i am talking about studied effects of substances and not effects of living a street junkie lifestyle and catching transmitable diseases like hep c and aids

you are literally too dumb to talk to . do you litearlly think heroin causes sores and your teeth to fall out? no it doesnt, its the lifestyle and diseases you get from not practicing safe techniques.

MDMA is proven over and over to be neurotoxic , while you can take opiates for years and you get addicted sure, but you dont self destruct your brain, and you are dog shit retarded if you are trying to tell me otherwise.

yeah because taking 250mg of mdma 3 days in a row at a festival is the same thing as therapeutic treatment

It probably wouldn't be too good for your health.

Nah I am not a degenerate like you. I actually care what I take. Do lsd couple times a year, mdma maybe once or twice, and sometimes regular amphetamine. Meth is fucking shit and I don't need to inject myself or go overboard on dosages. Talk to you in 10 years bud and lets see how we're both doing.

and the ironic part is i was a heroin addict for 4 years. try taking mdma regularly for 4 years and see what happens.

>its the lifestyle and diseases you get from not practicing safe techniques.

but user, i pretty much said so myself. what the fuck are you even doin? stop beating me over the head with neurotoxicity for fucks sake.

point is, heroin that motherfuckers trip on is not even fucking close to medication. and even if it fucking was, we get back to the issue of fuckin intravenous drugs use not being sustainable within the communities of people that do fuckin heroin!
you mong, read my shit again and tell me i didnt say the exact same shit before.
then fuck off and die

and just to clarify, I live in a country where junkies anually go steal poppy to fuckin inject that shit. so no, your fucking opiate medication which im sure is perfectly fucking healthy doesnt even come close to.

heroin is diacetylmorphine which is a pain medication. you are uneducated and have no idea what you are talking about.

regular mdma use will ruin you semi-permanently. opiate use will downregulate your endorphins and it takes time to come back but nothing like the neurotoxicity of mdma. there is a huge difference between partying on mdma and using it as part of therapy for ptsd, etc. dosages make the poison.

i also know heroin addicts that live to long ripe old ages getting 3x a day diacetylmorphine injections from the vancouver clinic that does heron therapy.

if you cant understand how one drug is sustainable and one is most definately not, you are fucking dog shit retarded. you are simply too fucking dumb to talk to anymore.

but i did and im fucking fine bruh.

What's your fucking obsession with intravenous injections and heroin dude. The topic was about neurotxicity and long term brain damage. You can get addicted to heroin all the same from snorting or smoking it btw. You should just stop posting at this points there's literally like 5 different people already telling you how fucking retarded you sound and how you miss the point of everything. Are you high right now by any chance?

just because you cant qualitavely feel how fucking dumb you are now doesnt mean you didnt set back your brain plasticity to that of a near alzheimers state

you are literally arguing against proven scientific peer reviewed studies saying exactly the opposite of what you claim

fucking kek, just stop and look at this shit

fucking sheltered canadian smartass
then tell me i dont know shit again

Regularly as in daily for weeks on end? You should try it dude see if you can still report back or if you fried so many neurons you can't create new memories anymore.

again, you are talking about conditions and aspects of drug use that arent related to the actual substance. by the same right i could give you examples of club goers who fry themselves on mdma. if you are so fucking dumb you cant see both sides of an issue you should just off yourself because the MDMA has obviously destroyed your cognitive capacity.

i saw that years ago. so you are telling me shooting boiled down poppy latex scavenged from a field filled with mice droppings and dirt is bad for you?


what the fuck does that have to do with the proven neurotoxicity of MDMA and the relative safety of opiates?

some summers were spent on variations of speed, ketamine, and mdma basically. meth was constant.
i remember shit just fine, considering i got a non western i.e. non meme degree in engineering.
but sure neurons this and that and heroin isnt heroin its pills bruh and fuckin heroin clinics where they have to put those fucks on fuckin meds just so they dont die without smack is totes fine bruv

thanks for showing us detailed brain scans which quantify the lack of neuronal destruction youve experienced

you should phone the mayo clinic and tell them of your findings . make sure to include in your report your detailed research method by which you've found that your cognitive abilities are "just fine"

the level of retardation in here is out of the stratosphere

hey everyone its alright to do mdma every weekend for 4 years because this guy says hes just fine. just ignore all the detailed research and piles of scientific evidence to the contrary.

some guy on Veeky Forums said it so it must be true

Lol this so much. Totally done wasting my time talking to some retarded methhead that can't even grasp what I am saying. Have a good life engineering. Kek

there are successful trials for lots of recreational drugs

did you read those papers? the first one that the fucking guardian links it didn't even go through trials yet

I feel the same way, since im talking about actual drugs you buy on corners and here you are throwing factory stamped pills of heroin at me.
And just to clarify, how are effects of said shit even relevant to what op originally wanted to know (will he get fucked after three days of doing mdma, which he does not use regularly otherwise) and to my answer to his question?
no it wont fuck him for life, end of discussion.

only reason you keep pushing is because you are for some reason super concerned about what people stuff up their faces, but interestingly only if it isnt actual medication. Which itself is not exactly shit you want to ride on each and every day, even if Dr Goldstein says so.
fuck no, do you think i can magically read papers in between replies to retards? thats not how stims work bruh

its really obvious when someone is trying to convince themselves they'll be alright. regular meth use puts your risk for dopamine deficient diseases like parkinsons way, way up. just because you dont feel retarded (you are retarded, trust me.) doesnt mean you arent going to be soiling yourself before you are 65 and incontinent in a seniors home

what is your angle? why are you trying to convince people drug use that has been proven to be neurotoxic is ok? you want others to fuck themselves up like you did? do you not realize the cognitive dissonance between you saying everything is ok because you feel fine vs. established research methodologies showing specifically the damage that these drugs due via brain scans ?

three consecutive days of mdma use will cause permanent brain damage. just because you don't "feel" it when you did it doesnt mean shit. if you cant understand the difference between facts and anecdote you are retarded. nothing you are saying promotes harm reduction in any sense, and anyone with a brain shouldnt listen to you. theres an entire generation of club goers who have fried themselves because they convinced themselves its alright because everyone else was doing it.

if you cant understand why people are telling you that you're wrong and an idiot you are obviously dumb as shit

so you linked me papers and articles you didn't read lol

yep, the MDMA has not damaged your attention span or critical thinking and comprehension at all I'm sure. Just stop telling people its cool to abuse it, it's really not. I've done it, a decent number of times, but I've seen people abuse it and it doesn't end well

>my angle
fuckin NONE you nigger, since when does me feeling fine equals to hey you cunts do what i do so you can be hardcore? what the actual fuck you dumb tard

also implying i wish to even live that long, mate i saw multiple relatives go to shit because they lived too fucking long.
no way am i going through that. are you content with waiting for that one eventual fuck up in your body that will kill you in the most fucked up way possible?
you ever saw someone after a stroke? or multiple ones?
I mean im not you so i dont give a shit what you do or want, so be my guest live healthy and enjoy your slow descent into dementia.
ill be comfy six feet under


Your life outlook and attitude towards health is self destructive and sad

This last comment rof yours proves why nobody should take your advice. If you dont value your health and have this i gotta die before i get old attitude its obvious you and i coulsnt be more different.

Id love to be 80 and happy healthy and mobile. Just because its rare proves theres more dogshit dumb ppl like you out there vs health minded folks who value their health

You are fucked

heroin doesn't "fuck you up" (unlike mdma, meth and speed which are neurotoxic). in fact heroin in its pure form is one of the main pillars of modern medicine, I guess you missed that tidbit during your illustrious education.