Slimmer stomach

How can I make my stomach slimmer? I used to be overweight until I started running over a year ago and cutting back on food. But I haven't lost my stomach fat. I don't eat junk food, however I do feel I don't eat much due to fear of gaining weight. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Have you ever thought about doing a sit up?

I had been doing situps for a while but I felt discouraged due to the fact that spot reduction isn't real. I don't lift weights but I recently began using some old 10lb dumbbells that I had. And doing pushups. I've been doing 20 pushups a day as I can't do more than that. But it's better than when I couldn't even do one a couple weeks ago.

Fork putdowns
Also lift weights and cardio every day

eat less

Okay yeah just fat

eat less

Thing is I don't eat that much to begin with. And I used to so cardio everyday by running. But it just killed my legs. So now I do it every 2 days for 30 minutes. Which isn't a lot-- I burn an average of 260 calories.

Do core workouts like planks after your running session.

Damn, that Hello Kitty in the background has some long-ass Slenderman legs. In all seriousness, eat below your TDEE and do some push ups. Sit ups are bad as fuck for your back and hips. By the way, abs won't show up until you get rid of the fat; the only way to get rid of the fat is through changing your diet. Best of luck, bro.

fucking sick and tired of all these "how can i rid of my belly fat" threads

and the retards who tell them to do planks and situps to get rid of it

>Spot fat treatment isn't real
>If you have a belly, you're a fatty
>Just eat less
>Lose body fat and that leads to a flatter belly
>People still act like its complicated

It is a creepy ass Hello Kitty. Kek. I don't pig out, that's the thing. I'm not unhealthy that much. I do find myself to eat sugary things. But not a lot. My legs and arms are quite skinny already so I'm not sure how I'd look like if I ate less. But I do believe part of it has to do with my diet. Thanks, user. I will try my best.

>I don't eat much to begin with
Apparently you do because you're still fat. You're not a physical anomaly, count calories, eat less than your TDEE.


I completely understand you. I feel the same about the people who complain about not being able to lose weight. It's as simple as eating less and doing cardio. Which is what I did. However as I began losing weight my belly fat didn't seem to go down as much. Now my legs and arms are not proportioned to my body. Thanks though.

I had thyroid cancer which made me fat. If you're not lying then go get checked out. Could be your thyroid which if thats the case you're gonna have a long way to go in terms of just losing weight.

I was 140 last year, ballooned up to 190. Once I got my thyroid removed I lost about 20 pounds within 4 months. You gotta be super careful when eating, starch, milk, pasta anything that cause normal bloating or weight gain will make you gain a ton of weight.

I do count my calories and try to eat the healthiest that i can. I know that my gut says otherwise and I've lost most of it compared to how it was years ago. However, I feel that it's been too long and seeing no progress.

Yeah your weight went down but that doesn't mean you're skinny now. You just went from overweight to slightly overweight

You're far from skinny, you're still pretty fat man

Also you have no muscles so you should probably start lifting heavy weights if you're OP

usually takes a while for the gut, stubborn area. stick with it

Sorry to hear that user. Hope all is well now. Well, I think if I did have thyroid issues I would gain weight without a cause which has not happened. It's just the belly area that hasn't given me the results that I hoped for. And yeah I do believe part of it has to do with my diet. I'm not unhealthy, but I could be doing better. Which is me basically answering my own question to begin with.

I'm 5'7 and I weigh 155lbs which would be a normal BMI level, however that doesn't really mean anything. I actually am quite skinny from my legs and arms. Family sometimes tells me I look sick. Which makes me feel bad of course. So my main concern right now is my gut. I agree on lifting weights though. Thanks for your feedback, user.

>10 lb dumb bells
>20 push ups a day. Can't do more than that
>Not 20 push ups a set

No, you just fat and not trying hard enough. Cardio doesn't keep that fat burned away like muscle does. I can do 100-125 push ups in a 20 minute session if I felt like it, and I'm pushing myself to do more than that.

20 minutes for 100 pushups and you're telling other people to work harder?!? dude. work on yourself before you try to help others work on themselves.

Im in similar body shape to OP. I can 100 push ups in under 4 minutes in two sets of 50. I don't even think I'm anywhere i need to be. Doing 100 in 20 mins is still pretty week desu.

Well, I just recently began doing the pushups. Like 2 weeks ago. So it's not bad considering I couldn't even do one before that. I'm confident I will be able to do more soon. In the meantime, I'll do as many as I can and try to not over do it and hurt myself. And 10lbs dumbbells is all I have at moment so it's what I'm working with.

You dont work out hard enough and you eat to much food. Its not fucking magic.

I know it's not magic, I am no where near to how I was a couple years ago. I did cardio for 30 minutes everyday and most of the times I even ate once a day. That's how I was for months and saw no results. I then decided to stop as I found it to be detrimental to my legs and self. I wasn't eating and I was running too often. So now I do it every other day and I eat slightly more than before. Don't just assume I'm not doing anything or I'm oblivious to how things work. I've already started and shown results. However now I'm stuck.

Buy gymnastic rings.
Go to

you seem pretty fucking oblivious to how things work since you immediately shut down all the correct advice

When did I shut it down?

read the fucken sticky

I read it.

From what I understand about stomach fat, eat less and/or do ab exercises (situps and its variations basically).
Yes I know, spot reduction isn't real, HOWEVER, building your abs will help hold back your fat. Your fat will still be there, but it won't be hanging out like that.
I think.

Anyone who knows human anatomy and shit wanna weigh in on this?

Nigga you look like hank hill

(Skinny)fat cunt, go lift weights, diet and do cardio. Thats it.
>How can I make my stomach slimmer?
You are fat. You know how to lose that fat? You do cardio and put yourself in a calorie deficit and do weight training in order to not lose muscle while cutting down on your fat. Thats it.

There is nothing else thats gonna help you. Now, fuck off.

Exactly why I need help. I've actually been called that by some friends.

Please don't call me fat cunt. I'm no where near to the fatass I was. These are the results which in the end proved to be no good. Thank you.

Well, you lost weight and got some results going, thats something i can respect, sure. However, you made the mistake of not doing weight training while losing your weight. Go and lift some weights.

>I used to be overweight until I started running over a year ago
>year ago

You've made progress and you need to just stick with it for another year or two before you get within reach of six pack top fit mode.