On -500 calorie deficit like sticky told me

>on -500 calorie deficit like sticky told me
>stand up
>almost pass out

Ok, what can I do to fix this? More cardio?

drink more water

stop falling for the calorie reduction maymay

Don't stand up

Been awake for 3 hours and already drank half a gallon.

Doing a prolonged deficit is hard for a lot of people.

I do 3 days at -1500 deficit, pretty much just eat protein on those days, then 1 day at -500 deficit, then 3 days at maintenance. Get a 5000 calorie deficit a week, with 3 days being at maintenance. Having those super low days makes the maintenance days feel like a shit load of food.

This tactic for cutting works wonders due to the fact that a cut is always easy in the first couple of days, and only starts to get harder the longer you're on it. Going back to mainteinance for a few days every week pretty much means you never deal with the "hard" part of the cut.

>how did you come up with this

I look at clinical psychology studies on drug addiction and food addiction. The conclusion is the following

>Drug addiction
Hard at the start, easier in the long run.

>Food addiction
Easy at the start, harder in the long run.

So basically you just cut as hard as you can for the easy part of your cut ( first 3-4 days), then you go back to maintenance calories for the remaining 3-4 days of the week. Ezpz. I work as a contest prep coach for both bbers and plers, both natty and enhanced. I found that the majority of my clients prefer this method over the typical prolonged calorie deficit.

sounds legitimately good desu, might try it out

how do you have you and/or your clients training during the week on that approach? primarily thinking about powerlifters doing contest prep and trying to maintain their strength

>-1500 deficit

Literally how. I feel light headed on a -500 deficit.

Hmm, sounds like an interesting approach. Might give it a try

a few days of feeling like garbage and 4 days of feeling fine.

Also ever since I started long distance running I've found that massive deficits really don't effect me as badly anymore. I used to be literally ill when cutting, and now I just feel a little tired

I'll consider it, but 3 days of a -1500 deficit sounds extreme as fuck.

>standing up

Don't stand up.

I've lost 100 pounds in a year on -500 and zero exercise.
You'll get used to it.

You train as normal on the super low days. Strength just doesn't automatically plummet after a few days of eating low calories, especially if your protein is still very high and your sleep is good. Here's some basic info with placeholder numbers.

Say maintenance = 3000 calories.

>3 days of hard deficit (As low as 1000 calories, you're essentially just eating protein + fibrous foods on this days.
>1 day of normal deficit (2000-2500 calories)
>3 days of maintenance (3000 calories) keep fat intake 50g or less, protein does not need to be as high as it is on hard deficit days, ensure that a lot of your calories come from carbs.

Almost all of my clients do it like this.

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday = Super aggressive deficit
Thursday = Standard deficit
Friday/Saturday/Sunday = Maintenance calories.

god damn retard

1 more thing.

As your body-fat/Overalll body-weight drops, you'll have to obviously readjust your maintenance calorie days. Although it wont be by much. -10 pounds is generally only -75 calories of your daily maintenance.

water, salt, and blood sugar are the top 3 reasons for light headedness

and unless youre diabetic you should worry about blood sugar

>give out info clients pay 2k for
>get called retard

mods pls delete my posts, these autists dont deserve it.

i feel like performance would be impaired with any kind of volume on the low days desu

still, ill give it a shot since the bit about food addiction being hard in the long run really resonates with some of my experiences - i tend to break down after about a week for a day or two until i get my shit together again. still nets me a decent deficit over time, but it could definitely be faster. might as well try to program around it. cheers!

Source on this?

Test it and you'll find that it doesn't.

Also, you must do it in that order. The maintenance days have to all be done together, not separate.

The feeling like shit comes after the first few days, it takes 2-3 days of maintenance for that feeling to go away and feel normal again. Then you go back into the hard deficit again.

just drink a bit more water with a pinch of salt faggot, it aint rocket science

>paying 2k for that
You can tell you don't lift. Sure you are going to lose weight on that bull shit, but eating nothing put protein for 3 days is going to make your lifts super shit on top of your weekly deficit. You act like 3 day of maintenance is going to do something magical. You are still in a weekly deficit and lifts are going to drop anyway. Congrats on making it worse with your 2k plan.

Random internet autist thinks he knows more than a team of phd's.


Thank you for the information. I've been having trouble finding the ideal way to cut for me, and this sounds like a good approach.

Isn't it normal for most people to get dizzy when they stand up after sitting for long periods of time ? That happens to me all the time.

Once i literally fell. The dizzyness was kinda dope, i felt like i was HIGH as fuck

No, by eating more and healthier. I lost 10kgs over the course of 2 years, not by eating at a deficit, but by bringing my tdee higher without changing my intake, which in the end did result in a deficit. Bringing your intake down while maintaining good health is not an easy task, bringing your tdee up while keeping the same intake is easier imho.

You do it for a short time to lose weight quickly, or i suppose you can do it the way he describes. Its shitty but you deal with it.

shoo shoo gainz goblin

That's a normal thing. I got dizzy from standing up too quick yesterday and I'm on a 1,000 cal surplus.

I do texas method 3 days p/w, when I want to reign in the bodyfat I largely leave my routine unchanged and cut my calories on a -500 cal deficit on my off days - high protein low carbs, while eating at a little above maintainence on my workout days with a more moderate amount of carbs eaten mostly before and after workout.

Adding HITT after workouts can help if you can fit it in 1-2 times a week.

People overcomplicate this, change your calorie composition to higher protein/lower carb while keeping carbs mostly around your workouts. It'll shed, and will work getting down to 13-15% or so without impacting progress so much.

I did 3 months at -1K5 cal per day.