I want to make my shoulders bigger but I'm a poorfag so I can't afford to go to the gym...

I want to make my shoulders bigger but I'm a poorfag so I can't afford to go to the gym. What exercises can I do at home to improve my shoulders?

Handstand pushups

This. Also lat raises without weights but retarded volume (50+/set) will make your delts burn.

He could do lateral raises with objects in his hands. Bottles filled with water. Rocks. Buckets filled with water.

I tried these but I'm 6'8 so I couldn't get a full range of motion with my low ass cielings

thanks, will try this

>lat raises without weights
How would this work? Just flapping my arms up and down like a bird?

Current weight?

You can do pike pushups with your feet on a chair/table. Won't be as hard but just go for a higher rep range.

198 lbs

Pretty much, yeah. Same speed as you would with dumb bells. Tedious for the first 30-40 reps, but eventually you'll really feel it. As said you can also use household objects.

I use full 2 liter soda bottles and it seems to work really well

I use gallon milk jugs filled with rocks. It works

If you can't afford 20 bucks a month for a gym you have bigger worries than your shoulders

I do and I'm working on that, but why can't I work on my aesthetics while also sorting out my finances

I'd work on your fresh out of a wheelchair legs first.

I am, but today isn't leg day

If you wanna go up with the weight fill them with sand

ok, but I'm not quite there yet

thanks OP, I needed this answering too.

I have dumbbells, is there anything more I can do with those to make my shoulders bigger?
I'm also aware that the shoulder is made up of 3 deltoid muscles and it may be necessary to do different exercises to get em all

Advice dudes?

How are you people so poor that you can't pay the $40 it costs to join LA fitness

I feel for you and that sucks and I don't mean to belittle that but I don't know any poor people so I don't really know how that works

it costs about £100 for a year membership at my nearest gym, it's a regular one too, nothing fancy.

anyone help with

buy some weights.

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmppperoonyyyy rooooooooo

Look up athlean x big shoulder videos. He has different techniques that can kick your ass if you dont have heavy weights available.

Also if u literally have nothing. Handstand pushups with your feet resting on the wall. The lower the angle the more chest is used but less weight u need to push

Work on your legs first, bucko:
Sprint for your hamstrings, squat for glutes and quads (5-10 reps, 3-5 sets, heavy weight, progressive overload, every other day), and calve extensions (50-100 reps, 1 set, no shoes-shoulder width apart-full bodyweight, everyday)

being 6'7 or 6'8 and having that shoulder width to head ratio just means your werent build for lifting weights my dude also your legs look fragile as fuck

go play voleyball or something
