Squats and deadlifts are all you need for legs

>squats and deadlifts are all you need for legs
Why is it ok to ignore other planes of motion for legs but not upper body?
>horizontal push/pull : bench/row
>vertical push/pull : ohp/pull up
>for legs it's just push push squat/dead
How can this single direction training be good for the knees and hips? Shouldn't we be doing running, hill sprints, kicking and prowler push/pulls too for horizonal plane of motion?

Deadlifts are pulls you fucking moron is literally THE PULL

you're only exerting force from one direction for legs.

Squat is a knee extension with minimal hip hinge just to keep an upright torso
Deadlift is a hip hinge with minimal knee extension to break the bar off the floor

both work only in a vertical plane of motion


This guy's right and everyone else in this thread is dumb

where's the exercise with active knee FLEXION

Except training in useless planes of motion is retarded. If you for whatever snowflake reason have to do your snowflake exercise, do it. The rest of us don't give a shit

By this logic, anything besides OHP, squat, deadlift and weighted dips/chins are the only lifts that matter.


>Why is it ok to ignore other planes of motion for legs but not upper body?
Because powerlfiters said so somewhere in the early 00s. Literally no other reason except Americans being stupid again.

should be adding ghr and unilateral exercises

you need legcurls legraises hamraises

Everything else is for aesthetics, not function.

horizontal plane of motion deniers disgust me

True this. Some dude made a pseudo joke about reverse squats in a thread before: Hang from a bar by your feet and pull yourself up with your hammies and shit. You'd have to use straps or something though.
Kneeing and heel kicking a heavy bag seems good though. Trail running is also very good. If I had to think about it though, putting weights on your ankles and doing high knees and shit sounds pretty good. Rock Lee mode.



you can do lunges if you like

There are no other plane of motions for the legs. Are you a retard or something?

>your legs can only go up and down you moron, what the fuck is sidestepping

Okay so add hip abductions and adductions? Side lunges?

Trained by squats
Any glute training trains abduction

>Side lunges?
Seems bad for the knee unless you don't load it, but then it seems useless. But I'm not sure of that.

>If there's no iron I run.
Cossacks. It's a squat. Do them.
Training every angle should be a given you mongoloids.
Also, leg lifts from a deadhang. Front, side, behind, one at a time. Add ankle weights after a while. If you can't do a split in the air then you better be fucking stretching until you can.

>The hip joint is just as complex as the shoulder joints!

fuck off

Because it wouldnt work any different muscle groups, retard. Deads work your lower back, glutes and hammies, squats work your quads more and your calves are gonna be worked by farmers walks, doing HIIT sprints and running long distances. On upper body tho, a vertical press is gonna work your shoulders, horizontal press your chest, vertical pull your lats, while rows will target shit like rhomboids and whatever. However, this doesnt apply to your lower body in anyway, so its w/e. Plus there is 0 reason to try to induce hypetrophy and gain additional strength in shit like biceps femoris. You dont even have any muscles in your legs that you need to train by doing pulls with them, all of the important shit is covered by simply deadlifting, squatting and being alive and walking and running sprints/long distances for your cardio

Fuck off

for the upper body, yes

you never ever (except in very few moves in climbing and bouldering) you use the pull force of your legs, everything you listed for variety
>running, hill sprints, kicking and prowler push/pulls
is pushing (inculding the powler pulling, you still do the walking motion)

>horizontal plane
G e t
O u t

because the hip joint is not anywhere near as complex as the shoulder joint

squatting alone works the entire leg, just hamstring less so you do deadlifts and boom you got the entire lower body covered and more

Every movement that requires power in your lower body requires knee extension and hip extension. All the movements you list work this way, except for kicking, kicking gets its power from rotation of your body. Your legs are very powerful for pushing and very shit for pulling, because you legs evolved to be so, no movement thats practical to do in real life requires your legs to be good at pulling. They pretty much only pull the weight of your leg, meanwhile "pushing" muscles push your entire fucking body. Meanwhile in your upperbody, you need strong elbow flexion, elbow extension and fuckton of different shoulder joint movements that all need to be powerful for your body to move around properly. You can argue that pectoralis muscles arent really that important, since the movements that need strong pecs are few and far between. Thats why strongmen of old had legit dyel chests before bench press got invented. Pressing motions are actually pretty retarded, they need to get balanced by pulling motions for your shoulders to not get fucked.

Adductor /abductor machine would work the other plane, yes?
I can't recall where but I read that the glute medius is chronically under trained.

You're obviously not squatting deep enough if you can't feel the stress in your entire leg. You should be low enough that you can almost touch the ground with your ass. That gets you full activation of the entire leg except for the calf, which you cant rain either by running or 90 other calf exercises.

this picture triggers my autism so much.

> you never ever (except in very few moves in climbing and bouldering) you use the pull force of your legs
Explain to me then why you don't propell forward when doing squats and deadlifts then. You just straight up and down. These lifts don't have as great as carry over to improving performance metrics in the horizontal plane of motion, either. They mostly improve vertical strength and leaping ability.
>Your legs are very powerful for pushing and very shit for pulling
You're neglecting the ability to push forward, only up and down, in the vertical plane of motion. Running pushes you forward, squatting push you straight up.

This is a topic that is of interest to me because I was thinking about it the other day.

Some of you guys are saying that there is no use for knee flexion. Although that may be arguably true for day to day life it is not completely true.

For example in gymnastics and tricking (and sure enough other sports) you often have to tuck to give yourself vertical momentum. The tuck is basically a reverse deadlift with a heater range of motion if you think about it (knee and hip flexion instead of extension). Granted the load is only the weight of your legs but the more powerful your movement is the more momentum you will gain.
As will all know the stronger one is in a plane of motion the more powerful they are (although it isn't a linear relationship). So having a strong knee flexion would grant you a more powerful tuck.

So even if such a move has no application in day to day life and thus should probably not be integrated in a classic strength and conditioning program it could be argued that they may very well have a place in sport specific training.

>Explain to me then why you don't propell forward when doing squats and deadlifts then
Because your center of mass is on front of the contact to the floor and not directly above it. You are right, the pulling muscles help givng the direction and stabilize the movement espacially at the negative movement (coming back down).
These muscles ("leg-bicep") are also used to drive the hip forward. We often feel like these exercises are glutes dominant because they are underdeveloped compared to the quads and thus experience more stress.