You're not supposed to arch the back like this? Right?

You're not supposed to arch the back like this? Right?

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thats competition form brah

your ass needs to be on the bench. idk what this is supposed to be.

Max range of motion you cheating bitch

>thats fag form brah

You should check out "kissmyarch" on insta if you want your jimmies rustled

legal in most competitions

lmao powerlifting, the virgin sport

If you got get into a dumb ass looking form like that to put up the weight you should just drop weight and do it right.

It looks like her butt is coming off, which is really not healthy and a violation of competition rules.

If it isn't, though, then she's just doing competition/PL form and has insane upper back flexibility.

Alan Thrall on Why We Arch:

Alan Thrall on How to Bench:

max rom is with a camber bar or dumbbells stopping at your chest is cheating

heels need to be on the ground, other than that it's ok.

ITT: weak, emasculated bitch boys who can't stand the fact that a woman benches more than they do.

Isnt she benching like 60kg?

you're supposed to have a small arch. it protects your shoulders

super huge arches are retarded though, since then you're just cheating the lift

A little more with the micro plates, but yeah.

more than me

I'm a fat (28% BF) 5'7 DYEL manlet that has been lifting for 2 months after doing a near starvation diet to get my body fat percent down from 40% a year ago.

And I can still bench 150 pounds without turning my back into a roman aqueduct.

Do people seriously ever have a problem getting to lmao1plate?

If you aren't fat 1pl8 takes more than 2 months to reach for a lot of people. I don't test 1RM but I currently do 130lbs for 10 reps which took me about 7 months to reach and according to symmetric strength is intermediate (takes most people my size 1 year). That's at 5'7" 140lbs ~15% bf.

How does being fat play into it? I may have been perma bulking, but its not like I ever did anything to actually gain muscles.

And it's not like I'm bulking right now. I'm lifting at a deficit, do fat stores just make it easier to put on muscle even if you are at a deficit?

Keep your ass on the bench or you'll snap your shit up

Back should be arched with shoulders tucked under, feet slightly behind knees exerting mild force, and pulling the bar apart with your hands

I don't know what's more retarded, this ultra arching powermeme shit or pts yelling at me to keep my posture flat while benching heavy.

Being fat is like being a skinny person who is constantly carrying weights with them. Obviously your chest and triceps are stronger than an untrained scrawny person because they need to be able to lift your gargantuan body out of bed so you can hobble towards the fridge.


muscle size =\= strength

>Alan Thrall

>Do people seriously ever have a problem getting to lmao1plate?
Tfw 6'0 150lbs & bench is still terrible after months

how is that legal, her butt isn't touching the bench

Every time I start lifting again it takes me about 2.5 months to reach 1 plate 5x5.

People like you either are always doing it completely wrong or just fucking around in the gym.

There is no way your 1rm is 150 after 6 months.

You're short and fat, of course you shouldn't have an issue getting to 1 plate. Come back to us when you are a normal sized human, and then you will see that people don't just start at benching one plate.

If your ass on the bench it's legal form. If it's the same arch but your ass is not on the bench it's not legal.

Powerlifting rules are stupid like that.

And you faggots beat ignorant noobs over the head with MUH STREMF TRAINAN!

Powerlifting isn't about strength, it's about moving the biggest weights. That's why I stopped training for it and just do general strength stuff now.


only the dead may know peace from this rustling

>obese faggot who barely benches 2pl8s teaches how to bench

jesus fucking christ