Why were pale women so desirable throughout history? Is this an universal thing...

Why were pale women so desirable throughout history? Is this an universal thing? Because desiring pale women has been common in East Asian culture as well.

Because they are more attractive. It's not cultural, it's instinctual. Sun wrinkles and blemishes the skin, and foundation makes it look healthy and pure

Out means she wasn't a field peasant who chored outside all day

I’ve heard its because historically high class women stayed inside more, as opposed to lower class women worked in fields and whatnot

Women themselves, not men, ultimately dictate female beauty standards. Women idealized pale, unblemished skin because it signified a life of luxury, without toil.

High contrast between skin and hair is aesthetically pleasing because of how it frames the face. Plus, the eyes and lips stand out from pale skin.

Women with paler skin have more nutritious breast milk and therefore healthier babies. A preference for lighter skin is found across almost all cultures.

why not men, though? i sit at computer all the time so i have as pale as skins as you can have.

It used to apply to men as well. IF you read 19th century fiction, you'll notice that most of the attractive male characters are described as being extremely pale.

is that why blue eyes on black people are so aesthetic?

you mean black hair or black skin?

Elite women were kept inside, and were pale. Thus being pale meant you were part of the upper part of society. Having non-pale meant you were a dirty commoner.

A common fallacy to assume a cultural belief is innate.

>High contrast between skin and hair is aesthetically pleasing
Does it work in reverse too?

Would you fuck this horrifying Lemurian girl, despite her inhuman skull shape?

yes, yes i would

>A common fallacy to assume a cultural belief is innate.
It is indeed a common fallacy. But in this case it is not applicable.

What do you mean inhuman skull shape? She looks like a darkly pigmented european.

>brow ridge
>pronounced cheek bones
>wide jaw
She's got neanderthal proportions.

You're going to need a scientific citation that it's innate, not just "it makes sense to me".

The fact that there was historical and social reasons for elites to be pale, and thus being seen as attractive, and now that this ideal has changed points to it being cultural. Today people who are athletic and get out are seen as attractive. Pale people are often seen as sickly.

Euros have the most Neanderthal genes though

black skin

Yeah, but a European with coal-black skin isn't exactly a phenotype you see every day, is it?

Pale people are still considered more attractive. The woman in your picture would not be considered attractive outside of the cultural influence of america

East Asian rationale for fair skin complex is fairly simple and rational. Rich/elequent girls lived inside houses/shelter, thus their skins weren't burned by fucking sun and turned brownish. Poor girls lived and worked outside, thus their skins are rough/brownish.

There's no racial undertone there, just class difference.

>Pale people are still considered more attractive.


>The woman in your picture would not be considered attractive outside of the cultural influence of america

So it's entirely cultural then? Okay, nice to see we agree.

Not throughout history at all.

Pale skin was a sign of luxury. And when it stopped being a sign of luxury, it stopped being desirable, as tan skin became desirable, and for the same reason. Low class people have to toil inside, while the rich may sit outside and get a suntan.

I'm not denying that there are cultural beauty standards, I'm saying that there are underlying instinctual predisposition.
Europe, asia, africa.

>I'm saying that there are underlying instinctual predisposition.


Would colonize, just for the novelty of it.

She looks like an indian/african mix. Not european.

She's "caucasian" but not European. Caucasians live throughout the world. Europe just has one branch of caucasian.

I bet she had a nice tan

Spanish people

>Does it work in reverse too?

I think it was more about class.
More noble and rich women stayed at house in luxury and groomed themselves to be attractive.
Lower class women had to work all under the sun and so they become tanned which was more masculine trait.

She likely has close to zero Neanderthal blood.

It's also common to assume an innate feature is cultural.

How was sex like throughout history?

The true answer. Just like how fatter women were signs of prestige in the past, it meant they could afford a lot of food.

It's associated with youth. Light pigmentation is a neotenous genetic feature. I was born blond, but now my hair is black. Your skin and hair darken as you age, mostly from sun exposure. I'm not talking about seasonal tans.

For me personally I enjoy really pale skin or like coal-tier black skin. Anything in between looks ugly, like it's dirty or something, but the extremes look good.

they don't need to work under the sun, sighn of wealth

this looks very beautiful

i definitly would make love to her

Same reason marble statues are praised.


Because in either case, it look clean.

it definitely works, it makes this 2/10 at least a 3.5/10

What's the best thing about pale girls?

...How their skin blush when you give them orgasm

means theyre classy
peasant women spent time in the fields and got tanned

pretty good

When simian females are in their period their features swell and become ruddier. This is seen as universal marks of sexual attractiveness and fertility in primates, such as humans. These are specially highlighted and contrasted in women with pale skin.

Have you ever seen a brown or black female wearing make up, or having tattoos? It looks like a mockery and is specially ugly and ridiculous.

>in their period
I should say heat period.

Tfw no pale gf

Im southern mediterranean and I dont really like northern girls, they are ugly AF, I love blondes and brunettes tho

This. Marx was right again.

>Have you ever seen a brown or black female wearing make up, or having tattoos? It looks like a mockery and is specially ugly and ridiculous.
That depends entirely on the type of tattoo. On pale skin it's best to avoid certain tattoos that look better on brown and black girls. Same with makeup. Certain pigments will look better with certain skin tones.

t.makeup artist.