What's your opinion on planks?

What's your opinion on planks?

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From what I heard they don't do very much to actually engage the core.

They work. Do side planks for obliques too.


Regular planks stop being useful quickly
After you can plank for more than two minutes start doing ab wheels or planks with your hands out in front of your head
Other than that great exercise, really useful to teach someone how to control pelvic tilt



>Not doing six inches
>Not doing flutter kicks
>Not doing crunches
Planking is a meme exercise

Do people actually do this cancerous meme exercise?

I can plank for two minutes. Should I continue doing normal elbow planks as an addition to other exercises?

THIS. Planks are pretty much obsolete once you get a ab wheel

t. Abslet

So much pressure on my lower back though. Is it a form thing?

Planks won't build you abs because it's an endurance exercise. Do hanging leg raises, weighted decline situps, or anything else really, because planks won't give you the results that you think they will.

Yes. Watch a video on the correct ab wheel form.

crunches are terrible meme exercises, even if very popular

Planks are pretty good, I bought an abwheel today I hope it works the obliques

>Not doing hanging crunches from the rafters of an old Russian barn
Never gonna make it

This manga is great, the chapters would make for great storytime in Veeky Forums.

Once you can plank for 2+ minutes with good form it's time to move on to something harder. Doing more sets or longer sets is a waste of time.

>not doing weighted crunches.
abslet confirmed

Had the artist stopped working on this, or have translations stopped? I've seen only one release forJuly and none for August

Best beginner exercise for the abdomen. Hits all muscles in the area and strengthens them so you can do more demanding exercises like L-Sit.

Do planks even make you gain muscle? I feel like they're all about endurance.

Nope, wait a tad and you'll have chapters 26-29 in a jiffy!

lean forward, splay arms out as far as possible, wow so hard

What about weighted planks?

What`s the name?

weighted planks masterrace


You need to put your arms farther ahead and tighten your glutes too

How do you build up to leg raises?

jesus fucking god

you lose weight burger

Don't stretch your legs