Has anyone had experience with getting corrective surgery for knock knees...

Has anyone had experience with getting corrective surgery for knock knees? I'm going to see an orthopedic surgeon and want to know what to say to increase my chances to be a candidate for the surgery.




It's disgusting, man. Amputate your legs.

I'm in the same boat, can't stop thinking about how uncomfortable it is for me to walk and run. Every time I'm in public it feels like people are staring at my legs.

I know hence the surgery I'm trying to get

Have you seen an OS yet?

Yeah, he just told me to do some rubber band exercises.

That's what I'm afraid of qq

I mean, I guess he knows what he's talking about but I don't think he realized how big an impact this has on my life. Then again it could all be in my head. Tough shit.

I feel squats have helped me strengthen my glute/hip area and make it less pronounced so that's good

How long ago was that

Probably around three years ago, gonna try again later this week and see what he says

Might I ask how much of a gap you have between your feet? Mine is about 4 inches



it's literally a muscle imbalance. just train the muscles on the inside of your leg and it will all correct itself

no its a bone deformity

although sometimes it is caused by muscle imbalance

accept it

Any one else?