Fat fuck here, give me some advise or negative reinforcement...

Fat fuck here, give me some advise or negative reinforcement. trying to lose at least 50lbs by next October for my sisters wedding. tell me how much of a whale i look

lose some weight you fucking balloon

seems fine

there are non white people posting on Veeky Forums

this place is in worse shape than I thought

you can do it man, start eating a shitload of vegtables instead of other shit and get on that cut train

literally just stop eating.

bad fatty. BAD FATTY

I actually would like to try something, a comedian i follow made a twitter account and had people send him negative messages there to give him support. ya'll think that would work?

My advice is to transfer that ouroborus tattoo from your chest to your tongue. Just because have boobs doesn't mean you are lust.

Haha, she has it on the middle though. I wonder if tongue tattoos hurt.

literally just count your calories and eat under 1500 a day or do keto and cut all carbs out

Still close enough. It probably hurts considering how sensitive our tongues are.

I guess your next option is to get the ouroborus tattoo on your hand once you get Veeky Forums since greed is aesthetic.

Well, would you guys help by sending me negative messenges on Twitter? If I don't check in calling my bullshit?

Why don't you just learn self discipline faggot? That's the only thing that works in the end.

just portion control to shrink your stomach. I started out cutting my meals in half but doubling how many meals I had and pretty soon it was easy to skip one of those meals and now, a month and a half later, I'm down to three 500 calorie meals a day no problem.

for exercise just start walking. It is really easy low impact exercise that burns a surprising amount of calories, both by carrying all that weight and by increasing your metabolism. Try to do it early in the day for maximum metabolic boost. Start out small and work your way to more and more.

Getting an app that measures your distance helps immensely, especially if it calculated calories because that makes you push yourself a little bit more everytime to see those numbers go up.

Eventually work your way up to running. But either way just getting outside does a lot for your health, especially your mental health. You will probably get to know your neighbors more too which is fun.

The good
>Decent body, height, face, and frame
>the weight should be easy to lose
>you'll look pretty good once you lose weight and pack on some muscle
>not balding and not an incel

the bad
>stretch marks from your huge stomach are most likely permanent
>you cannot grow facial hair
>that anime tattoo may turn any vagina you get close to dryer than a saltine cracker
>possibly gyno from being fat so long

Calculate your daily caloric need, cut off 1000 calories from that number, do daily cardio (30 minutes to an hour), and you should look great in about 20 weeks.

look in the mirror

I'm currently unemployed and have been looking for work with no luck. My kid starts school next week and I'll have plenty of time. I do have a gym membership so I'll be taking advantage of that. I guess I can do morning walks after he goes to school and gym before he gets home in the afternoon.

Redditspacing numale

First off don't call yourself a fat fuck you fat fucking masochist.

Read How to Hustle and Win and do it the right way by encouraging yourself. That's how I'd do it because I don't like living a shit tier life.

Fucking looser. Get your shit together.

this. you can't rely on other people to make you lose weight. its all on you fatty

And here I thought about getting the seal of the sun from silent hill 3. Thanks for the good parts. I guess I can start and do a weekly or biweekly check in. I'm buying a food scale and and scale to keep track too

honestly just getting into one exercise is enough. I started out with walking like 1-2 miles a day and once you start getting in shape you can't fucking stop and you will want to work out every chance you get. Once you get a taste of the gains you'll be chasing them forever.

>getting anime/game tattoo's
Just don't, I know you love them but for fucks sake that doesn't mean you need to maim your body for them, and like I said, to anyone else it's going to look incredibly cringey. Icing on the cake is it's fucking permanent too.

>implying normies will recognize tattoos from less popular anime or video games

Tattoos like seal of the sun and ouroborus can easily pass for some occult or tribal symbols to those unfamilar. Plus it's not like you have to get them fuckhuge or in places where they are always exposed. No doubt getting a giant anime character like well known goku is retarded though. Simpler tattoos like the ones op has/wants can get still get aser removal more easily.

I've been here for 5 years and there have always been niggers. Mostly currycels. The real mystery is how the actual black people end up here.

8fit is probably all white but fuck that place


Lost 100lb since last year, you can do it and it's absolutely worth it in every way. I feel fucking amazing just on a second by second basis. Being a fat fuck ruins your life in so many ways, physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. Just get on a good, steady diet. Don't try to overdo it as you are beginning. Just cut out something simple from your diet. Make more adjustments as you go.

Also, drink more water. Always. If you feel hungry, drink some water, you'll feel more full and it's zero calories (obviously). Good luck.

My first time meeting an animu character.

You and I have a similar bodytype except I'm taller.

I've lost 40lbs since May just by not drinking soda and doing ezpz bullshit workouts twice a week. I literally haven't changed any other aspect of my life other than that.

Next October is more than a year away, you can lose 100lbs and be a ripped fucking Chad by then if you applied yourself.

next october its in 2 months dumb fuck

this october is 2 months
NEXT october is over a year

I can never believe niggers post on this site. As a non-american non-white, I've always thought negroes type like they speak, and I've always thought neggers speak like they do in the movies, so whenever I see someone type a coherent and well thought-out post and then find out their skin is actually black I'm left dazzled and confused.

I've never had the opportunity to speak to an american black man, and I suppose it's very different from any other.

>next October
you'd be lucky to even lost 10 lbs
>next year's October
you'd be lucky if you kept losing weight and didn't yoyo back

>that tattoo with what looks like a jewish star
>worse, it's anime
>fat as hell
>stretch marks

You are fat as a whale mate, no nice way to say it. Start intermittent fasting and work out daily, lift as heavy as possible.

their faces alone are disgusting but then they post their bodies

>anime tattoo
>ugly asian fatass
This has to be b8

>The good


Would rub your tummy and feed you donuts and calzone nonstop until you're immobile, you cute little pig~ ;3

Here are some tips, tublord.
Become aware of everything you eat and drink during the day. My fitness Pal is a popular app for that purpose. Drinks and condiments count too, so you will have to stop putting mayo on everything.

The most you can hope to lose in a week is two pounds, barring extreme measures. Eat no more than 1500 calories per day, and make sure you get all your nutrients. Drink shit loads of water.

For exercise, start walking or running. Try couch to 5k if you want to build endurance.

Also you are so fucking fat holy shit but at least you have good posture.

Lol tublord, after I feed my kid lunch we're going on a walk. First step is that.


>has a son

i live in a diversely populated and mostly racially integrated american city and american black men are varied people with unique identities just like the people who look like you or i. it's basically a myth that probably rural Veeky Forums people perpetuate that american black men are incoherent, though it's true that the state of public education in black communities is historically underfunded and not a priority to the rest of america.

Veeky Forums has an open-borders policy, deal with it.

stretch marks can be easily removed