It's official. Rich has passed. Goodnight sweet prince

It's official. Rich has passed. Goodnight sweet prince..

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good night sweet prince

He transcended human

F F F F F F Fffffffffffff


Now hes 6 scoops under.

I genuinely feel the tiniest bit sad, the only kind of sadness you can feel for someone you've never met. Even though you were a powder pushing fitness industry shill you still provided some entertainment. You'll be missed you fat sack of hormones.


no fucking way. that's crazy. rip in pieces scoops man


>big heart
Calum firing shots at richs enlarged heart. What a cunt

good dude who seemed legitimately wise. really pushed the envelope on how odd of a body ive seen on a bodybuilder

>One more scoop

Rest in piece rich piano


He's not dead. A google search would prove that.

Rich Piano seemed legitimately wise to you? A guy who was facing certain organ failure already at the time of his death, and injected himself with synthol and got weird facial plastic surgery?

Seemed like an insane freak to me, just saying

Rest in Peace Rich. He was my motivation to get fit. You're with Zyzz now brother.

Life is short guys.

Is confirmed, Homo. Try your Google search again.

RIP in pepperoni Rich.

Bad juju to speak ill of the dead man. Regardless of what you thought about him, don't curse yourself.

Shut up you hippie. Curses and "juju" don't exist.



You can say he left humanity behind...

guess you haven't seen that Johnny Bravo episode