You can't get strong as a ve-

you can't get strong as a ve-

nereal disease
It's alright man I got you

glad he hoped on roids

Roids aren't vegan. I've done those weights as a natty, tho. Thank you, meat.

but they are. And I doubt he's on them.

VG has been looking huge lately. Dunno why but in my mind he was just always this scrawny lanky kid

must've hopped on that vegan roid juice

VG seems like the most unlikely candidate for roid use I could think of. I mean his videos are basically endless tirades against roiders and fake natties

Dude, just almost a year ago he could barely even curl 80lbs now he's shoudler pressing 100lbs and looking juicy af. Im kinda suspicious

What's that in sheklgrams?

he didn't take training 100% serious before. he was exercising and eating healthy when if you want to see serious results you should be training and hitting your daily macros.

best cover desu

>couldn't bench 225 after 10 years of training
>suddenly puts on 20lbs and starts shoulder pressing 100s

Yeah, totally natty.

Just like the Preacher who spends every sunday saying fags are going to hell then goes and fucks little boys

But he's been lifting for 9 or 10 years. There's no way he could be all of the sudden gaining a shitload of mass and strength

If you look at his before and after "what I eat in a day" you can see he increased his calories and his old workout videos were cringe full body/biseps everyday meme worthy (barely deadlifted 295, got to 405 recently)/whereas now he eats plenty and has arguably a good workout plan with lots of compound lifts. You can also argue he gained weight because when you get a gf you tend to eat more out. Vg is cringe but I give him credit for improving himself. It's what lifting is all about brah

Just because he's been lifting for 9 - 10 years doesn't mean he should be a pile of muscle. You can exercise for 10 years and hit the gym and then decide one day you want to follow a strength program and eat more food and get stronger. You act like this is unheard of..

I was going to call out that bullshit but
That pretty much covers it

Except he did have visible muscle. And after 10 years your natty gains are pretty much done. Then in just a few months he puts on serious mass and his strength skyrockets? And I'm supposed to believe he did it natty on a no-gains diet?

I'm not buying it, breh.

He fucked up leg so he couldn't push as hard.

You act like he was still small and had no gains. He was pretty big so he was probably at his natty limit considering he was lifting 10 years

>>suddenly puts on 20lbs and starts shoulder pressing 100s

any source for this? couldnt even find a workout video on his chanal

check his video with frank yang, he is curling 65s, dumbbell rowing 135lbs. dude got strong.

yeah found it thanks, didnt really look that much

lifting heavier and bulking gives you size and strength
novel concepts i know

Looking at his video now, he has shit form, he pauses between every rep.

How do you fail to understand this

If you lift naturally for 10 years you will have essentially maxed out what your body can do natty. Period. You don't even need to follow a strict program or diet, unless you go on gear or put on a large amount of body weight you aren't making noticeable natural gains after ten years. Period.

Just a few months ago the guy hit 185 on bench, after ten years of training, it's right there on his channel. He's blowing up right now, probably realized he's gotta start juicing if he wants to play the part of a youtube natty, especially if he wants to convince anybody to go vegan.


Not that user, but if I do a bro split for ten years and then and only then I switch to a strength routine to become a powerlifter, according to you I'm fucked because I'm already maxed out on natty gains?

That's bollocks. Although I do agree that being a vegan and pressing 100lbs dumbbells in a short period of time reeks of gear

I don't know much about this guy. How much protein does he consume /recommends daily?

No stupid. They aren't.
You have any idea of what they do to the animals they harvest the needed chemicals from?
Shit isn't pretty.