What score do you get on the autism test and what is your OHP, Veeky Forums?

What score do you get on the autism test and what is your OHP, Veeky Forums?

Answered honestly and got a score of 30, possible autism lmao. My OHP is 55kg for reps

I got a 12.

10 Autisms

110 OHP

21 and 165lbsx2 is the heaviest I've lifted so far. Usually end on 135x6.

25 Autisms
52.5kg for 5

Level 41 Autismo

I usually do 105 for 5x5

28 autisms

120lbs x 5

I got 42, lel
I just failed with 60 lbs on 5x5
Send help

16, 175 max.

as my OHP has gone up, my autism has gone down. correlation/causation?

13 Austism Dollars
160x5 OHP


>Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.

Never been formally diagnosed, but I'm 43 years old so it wouldn't change anything at this point.

I've done 1PL8 5RM OHP before. But I've been out for a month with a sore shoulder so I doubt I could do that today.

Don't worry, much like ADHD, aspergers is not a illness.


145 lbs.

ayyyy lmao. do I even lift

52kg for 12 reps

40kg, never train OHP
I have aspergers but it was probably a roastie psychologist and i was about 9 when i got tested

"Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.
But I can OHP 155lbs so idc

35 - 164x3 yesterday at 185 pounds. Felt like shit though, I think I can do better.

Cause I'm autistic.


165 lbs

>But I can OHP 155lbs so idc

that's the spirit

18 autism
115 lbs

37 autism's
110lb x 8

31 autismos.

40kg OHP for reps.

29. I already know I'm borderline autistic. I haven't really incorporated ohp into lifting yet I'm still kind of new

135 for reps

who am i

Got 7

115 5x5

i got 6
100kg seated ohp

185 lbs

20 - higher than I thought it would be.

God, I can barely lift the empty bar for OHP... Been at it for 2 months doing Stronglifts, everything else progresses nicely, but I get a sharp pain in my side every time I try to increase OHP. I've tried lowering the weight, using a smith machine under supervision to make sure that I am not doing something silly, and even isolating with a shoulder press machine. Just can't break 20kg without feeling like someone stuck an icepick between my ribs.

(Quick note: I am female, 160cm, 55kg)

24 autism
74 press

kg, not meme units

A 100% of the autists in here do OHP.
It's confirmed, OHP is only for autists.

Haven't really The Pressedâ„¢ since after I broke my hand, I've been lifting for 2 weeks no since breaking it 2 months ago and I haven't pressed in that span. I-I can dumbell press two 20 kg dumbbells though and clean 60 kgs. I have been diagnosed with Aspergers.

80/175 brah