Realistically, how much body fat can you lose by starving yourself and in what sort of time frame?

Realistically, how much body fat can you lose by starving yourself and in what sort of time frame?

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depends what % body fat rn, but i would advise against it.
if you starve yourself, you will loose some weight, but the moment you eat anything, itll go straight into fat.

That is 100% false.

>but the moment you eat anything, itll go straight into fat.
read a book you fucking moron

All bodyfat of you starve yourself Long enough. What Kind of an stupid question ist this?

Are you mental?

1lbs of fat is like 3,000+ calories. Your body burns about 2k a day just by existing so in a week that's 14,000 a week, so about 4.5lbs a week, more if you workout.

Thank you

a lot.

If u stop eating your metabolism turns slower and the fat you loose stops. You have to be starving many time for this to have effect.

you're on a whole different level of stupid

If you had diarrhea or a fever the effect would go even quicker. When i was a kid I lost almost 5 kilos in about 2 weeks with gastroentiritis.
Got food poisoning or gastroenteritis right now, after 2 days my abs started to come through more. Averaging -500 calories a day. Shame my muscle will also waste.

U would lose a lot of muscle

>180g protein powder
>a few g of flaxseed oil
A huge deficit is possible, probably even with gains (recomp).

What is her skin care routine? no homo of course.


You won't just burn fat if you go full retard and outright starve yourself. That just isn't how your body works and for good reason.

related question, what's the fat:muscle loss ratio during a cut? let's say for 1lb/wk and 2lb/wk cuts

don't even have to eat it bro
just looking at a cake will make you add 20lbs
my mums hairdresser told me that

Your bodyfat percentage divided by 13 is how much total fat your body can lose per week.


Bodyweight: 200 lbs
Bodyfat: 25% \ 13 = 1.92% of 200 = 3.84

This means the average male at 200 pounds at 25% bodyfat can lose 3.84 pounds of bodyfat every 7 days.

spewing facts out of your ass i see?
or do you actually have something to back that up?

lmao this is some pretty advanced broscience

Yes, it's actual science.

This is debated among the likes of Lyle Mcdonald (15), Greg Knuckles (20) and Martin Macdonald (13)

Martin Macdonald and his team of autists PHDs believe going as low as 13/Bodyfat is very doable without seeing muscle loss.

obviously this is true i can explain the science behind it.
Actually fat is made by the devil and when you want to lose it you have to incorporate the number of the beast into your weight loss program.
And because we know that god created earth in 7 days and that's how much time it takes for fat to disappear over night.
Now that we know both of these facts we can calculate what we could potentially lose after 7 days of fasting which is directly proportionate to your own weight under the effects of gravity on earth so naturally X bf/number of the beast = bf lost over the time god recreates your body every 7 days.

Surprised no one linked this yet.


Is this real? I'm kinda halfway there on my fast and idk whether to keep going

A reasonable TDEE from moving around and living is around 2500-2750 calories, up about a pound of fat per week than your estimate. Only women generally have TDEEs under or around 2000

hmm alright, but what is the actual ratio of muscle loss for this case? i've searched around and "normal" seems to be 3lbs fat : 1lb of muscle but this is based only on anecdotal evidence

>i've searched around and "normal" seems to be 3lbs fat : 1lb of muscle but this is based only on anecdotal evidence

LOL no.

You don't lose any fucking muscle mass when your cutting so long as you're still lifting and eating enough protein to keep nitrogen balance.

Losing muscle is a meme. What you lose in intramuscular water from consistently consuming less food (primarily carbs) which in turn makes you look smaller and weigh less, but you fill back up and regain the lean mass (which is water/glycogen) the moment you go back to maintenance calories or above.

Also - people tend to over-estimate how much muscle mass they actually have and think they've lost muscle (KEYWORD: THINK) they haven't actually lost muscle, they just didn't have as much as they thought they did.

Depends on how long you fast. Your body does begin to metabolize damaged cells for energy, which would include damaged muscle tissue that doesn't help you anyway. Purging it out does lower "muscle mass" but it's mass that isn't helping you much anyway. Healthy cells are not consumed unless you're a skeltor that shouldn't be fasting (anorexia is a thing).

>who needs the vitamins and minerals you get from regular food


beginner lifters gain muscle and lose fat at the same time even at a deficit if you get enough protein and lift

this fucking vid has been all over fit ever since it that faggot uploaded it which started the whole water fasting meme but it kinda toned down the last month

Supp my dudes , was thinking about doing a 7 day fast , saw that it was pretty healty and i could start eating normally again without any problem
Your thought ?

i wouldnt go straight into it unless you have previous experience

I don't know if I really like the idea of fasting for long periods of time, if you're doing this for health and long-term success, learning proper food portions and eating better is an important habit that factors into long-term success in keeping the weight off, which is why the gradual approach is considered to be much better/healthier. You don't learn how to deal with food by just cutting it outright.Some anecdotal experience- I starved myself for long stretches of time, but after losing all that weight I was still addicted to food, takes an iron will to not give in as a former fatty, people tend to underestimate the mental aspects of losing weight and how it takes its toll. I was constantly in a bad mood when fasting. Put it all on again plus more and then lost it the "proper" way, doing pretty good now.

Knock yourself out though if you want to go through with it, other anons have given great answers in regards to an actual timeframe.

False. Although it is true that if you lose the weight and then start eating again without regulating your caloric intake to something sensible/you start overeating, then yeah you are going to gain weight again, anyone would.

There's also the fact that when you get off the fast you might be more prone to overeating unless you are disciplined


Already did 3 days and a lot of 1 days fast
Just stopped during ketosis switch phase
Strong headhach and shit but still , i wanna try again and go past it , until 7 days this time

7 days feel completely different from doing 3 days, just do 4 or 5 as a first try

Yeah dude fat stores aren't meant for like energy storage during periods when the body isn't getting any food or anything.

Body burning fat when you're not eating? That's crazy talk.

Jesus people are stupid.
I've read a different statistic, max deficit possible is limited by fat oxidation, which is approximately 22 kcal per pound of fat.
200 lb @ 25% BF = 50 lbs fat ; 50x22 = 1100 kcal deficit per day; 7700 kcal per week or 2.2 pounds of adipose tissue.

Additionally, since your body can only "eat" 1100 kcal of fat per day, you absolutely will have to eat food or the different in what you need per day vs what your intake was will have to come from within your own body. (Blood sugar, glycogen, fatty acids, and muscle catabolism)

You can only lose like 0.33% of your fat mass worth of fat per week though or some shit like that. Nuckols has an article on this which is cited. Basically if you're like 20% bf you can lose a 1-1.5lbs of fat per week and at 10% bf you can only lose half of that and losing any more weight would result in muscle loss.

This is 84% inaccurate

You'll lose some weight by starving.
If that weight will be alot of fat, is another question.

I hope you're not considering to starve yourself and see it as some 'easy' fatloss method, OP..

one of the first thing the body does is to reduce all the mass consuming more energy than necessary and muscle is the first choice. of course fat will be consumed, but starving yourself isnt that convenient for diet

Y'all really think that the body was made by some asshole on h ?
Dude , of course the body will first go on the fat ( Because its why ITS STORED GUYYZZZ WAKE UP ) and then , when the body won't get enough energy in the fat , he will switch on the muscle and other organs ( Won't happen till 6-7% bodyfat tho )
The "Look" of muscle loss is only because of the glycogen consumption .
Some guy made 1 year fasting btw , you should check out only with multivitamin and some other supplement

body still needs amino acids. Thats why the body breaks down around 70g of lean body mass everyday for the first week, after that it drops down to 21g.

just do some fucking basic research

Jfc you're an idiot. I mean just your English is enough to make me cringe. Protip: fat is essential to human functioning, your body will not magically deplete all fat reserves before taking from muscle and organ tissue because it needs to keep a balance of essential nutrients- one of which is indeed fat

If you actually do this, I would reccomend 10 minutes of low intensity cardio a day to keep yourself level.

And make sure to take a really good multi vitamin!!!!

ditch all fast food, all sweets, all artificial and industrial sugars, all soft drinks etc. prepare your own meals. work out. do this for 6-8 weeks and see the magic happen. if you really need to loose weight pretty fast i would recommend the "velocity hardcore diet". you do this 2-3 weeks, dont consume any carbs and only go for 3g Protein/kg bodyweight and around 0.6-0.8g Fats/kg bodyweight. good fats only, meaning saturated fats and mostly omega-3 fats. if you are at 25% bodyfat you will be able to loose 300-500g per day. the first 3-4 days it will be solely water -> glycogen empties so does the water you hold in your body. then its just fat. keep in mind that is just if you need it quick, slow diets are allways better to keep as much muscle as possible

10lbs over 3 weeks.

>probably a fat fuck
>wants to starve itself

I hope you won't miss your liver m8

I have absolutely no fucking idea what my bodyfat is at the moment, but I'd estimate somewhere around 15%.

How do I get lean without losing any muscle mass? Is it possible to get leaner and gain muscle? I still want to put on muscle.

I'm 6ft and 11 and a half stone/161 lbs.

Wat do?

Christ, HAES fat activist on Veeky Forums.

My understanding is, when you starve yourself your body goes into famine mode. Then when you eat again it does its best to store as much of that as fat.

I know this is just shit I heard, what really happens?

starvation mode is a meme. I ate 1000-1600 cal a day for a little over two months and I lost 30 pounds. (this is with keto, yohimbine hcl and applecider vinegar) This is drastic and bad but I did it anyway ;) I eat regular food now and the worst ive gotten was a 7 pound increase. It now just hangs around the 30 pounds lost mark with small 1 to 2 pound fluctuations.