Diet Whitelist / Blacklist

What's your whitelist of the only foods you can consume in your diet and what's your blacklist of foods to avoid at all costs?

Post them


>real food


>Everything else

whitelist: whole plant foods
blacklist: animal products



Literally almost everything because I'm an adult that knows how to balance my diet for what I need except



why so vague boys?

Maltesers are the worst, so damn tasty but down them so quick

i started writing out my whitelist but i realised it would be easier to just say "real food". if you actually want to know:

>dairy (except milk)


>refined grains
>vegetable oil

Spotted the poof

Do you include olive/coconut oil as a vegetable oil or just the weird golden colour cancer juice that's labelled "vegetable oil"?

just the cancer juice. olives, coconuts, avocados and macadamia nuts are obviously high in fat and don't require much processing to get the oil out. they're all fine.

Canned oysters. Shit's convenient.

Nothing other than all things dairy aside from the occasional cheese.

I try to do the paleo diet now. After reading up on it, it seems to be the only diet backed by scientists. I don't follow it religiously but I try to incorporate it towards 80% of my diet.

I like it as you can't really get fat on it due to not having any processed foods, only stuff that would be found in the wild so to speak . Its good for a cut because you can eat a shit load of veg or meat and not have to worry about eating a lot of calories due to them being so low in calories to begin with. It allows the opportunity to have a cheat snack each day.

Blacklist: hot dogs. French fries. All vegetables oils. Pastries. Soft drinks. Candy.

Whitelist: Nearly fucking everything
Blacklist: Soda, ice cream/sweets/desserts, white bread, generally sugary things or empty carbs

It's a pretty simple way to go and is serving me pretty well.

Paleo diet looks pretty good desu, seems natural for a physically active person

my therapist made me list everything I consider 'safe'
she thinks I'm nuts, I didn't even want to see her

let's play a game of "spot the faggot"

Why avoid potatoes?
It was available in paleolithic era

don't know why they said to avoid potatoes, I reckon they're perfectly and were definitely available in that time period

agreed. potatoes > oats, rice, pasta, etc

rice, meat (most of time chicken or tuna), heaps of fresh vegetable, milk, slightly sweetened yogurts as treat, cheese, eggs
it makes shopping so easy, I shop and cook like some retarded robot

blacklist: pretty much everything else but I am not that guy who refuses pizza at party at all cost, also cheat day once a month is fine and then it is usually huge bbq burger

and also I forgot tortillas! it's perfect food delivery system, when I don't want rice I just wrap all the chicken and veggetables in tortilla and add white yogurt so it's not dry

real pure foods

pus, antibiotics, estrogenic growth hormones

>protein powder
>real pure food

Are you a simpleton?

>white list
Lean meats
Tasty veggies

>black list
Sodie pop
Fried foods


Whats wrong with chicken/turkey breasts, lean cuts of steak, and lower fat content burgers

Have nothing against fat, just try to cut calories where i can.

>real foods