How come you niggas can bench and squat but can't do calisthenics shit?

How come you niggas can bench and squat but can't do calisthenics shit?

Are all these super ripped calisthenics guys on the juice or what?

Calithenics requires a lot of strength relative to bodyweight, and focusing on that kind of training just isn't conducive to my goals at the moment. When I get to a point where I've exhausted most of my weightlifting potential, I'm definitely considering picking up calisthenics as another fitness journey.

How come you can do calisthenics shit but can't do brain surgery?


calisthenics doesn't require you to be able to lift a lot of weight. it requires endurance, right? calisthenics = lots of volume due to only using your body, right?

am i retarded?

I'm not him, but it's just lifting your body right? Like if you're have to be pretty fucking strong if you weigh a lot.

shh let them think they're fit and lifting is actually accomplishing something in life.

This. I'm 6'5 100kgs bulking to 110 and it would be near impossible for me to dragon flag at my size.

Wrong. You can train for endurance for stuff like military training, or you can focus on achieving harder skills which actually do require high strength and coordination.

Because i want to get strong first, then i'll work on stuff like this and aesthetics

>calisthenics = lots of volume
wrong, sorry.

because calisthenics is basicly strength training without gaining much weight

everyone here wants to get jacked so

people who train calisthenics are p4p stronger. but bodybuilders can lift overall more weight

No, steroids would be counterproductive to a calisthenics guy because the more muscle mass the harder it is to perform these moves.

No, it's low body fat. They need to carry as little excess weight as possible so having huge bulky muscles and high body fat is pointless.

Steroids would be counterproductive towars cyclists and runners and swimmers because the more mu--- oh wait ---

fucking misinformed idiot

The thing about calisthenics is that you can make the exercises as easy or as hard as you want to. Good for you if you can pump out a hundred pushups but how many one armed pushups can you do?

>what is winstrol

it just means you get used to working with your weight and once you get used to it, progress stops

>train for powerlifting
>can do most of the difficult calisthenic movements np

It's more of a control than a strength or endurance thing.
If you have even the slightest bit of athleticism in you it's easy.

calisthenics are for manlets


because im not a manlet who does meme gymnastics

>being a stickfag

....uhm... cause we practice bench and squatting and not calisthenics?

I don't understand the question I think, is there some deeper meaning you're trying to get? Or what answer did you expect?

Yes, and it's easier to get away with too because there are a lot of idiots that think steroids are only good for making you big

That's wrong, you retards. Steroids are amazing for relative strength gains. Gymnasts use them and they work great for relative strength. Weight lifters use them and they are great for relative strength.

A one arm chin up or a planche is a lot of weight on particular parts of the body.

A planche is like holding a front lateral raise with half of your bodyweight on each arm.

A one arm chin up is like doing a two arm weighted chin with your full bodyweight added.
Or, you could just do 30 chin ups in a row and 100 push ups.

There are high end strength goals, but it's still the wild west. People barely know how to achieve them and the methods of training aren't the most precise.

Grill here. Recommendations for getting into calisthenics? I like to lift heavy but want to be more functional. I'm naturally kind of heavy even at lower body fat % so body-weight stuff (pull ups, pushups, dips, ect) is a bit difficult without assistance. I'm finding it very challenging to progress to more reps let alone to no assistance.

Do actual research on steroids before spewing out misinformation. There are many steroids that work best for different goals, as well as the fact that the style of training many determines the bodies response.

tits or gtfo sryyyyyyyyy