Other urls found in this thread:

1. Calculate TDEE
2. Eat 20% below this every day for several weeks
3. Repeat as desired

Antipsychotics tend to cause a deficiency in vitamins b2 and D. D is especially important for testosterone.
Of course it's a bit more complicated than that- but for now try getting more sun or take a good supplement.

Yeah, the possible deficiences magically created fat deposits on OP's body.

obesity is an important and hard to avoid side effect of some antipsychotics, so yeah you are fucked

Should I order some of that shit and take it daily? How do I convince my family it's not broscience?

stop being a psycho? lol

What kind?

Can I use it for bulking?

Stop taking antipsychotics you nut case

I'm not a nutcase now but if I stopped my medication I would certainly be one

Grow up and stop being an immature crazy person

Stay fat and keep piling on the weight until you realize psychiatric meds don't do shit and its all placebo

>this guy

Have you ever seen a schizophrenic person irl?

Been, it's possible. I'm currently on an antipsychotic and am losing weight.

Do what said. But -500 calories instead of 20%

This thread in a nutshell

>I want something!
>It's not easy!
>Here's my excuse!

Enjoy the dopamine hit you got from making this post. You'll never make it until you drop the bullshit. An antipsychotic isn't responsible for 100lbs of weight. Maybe 10 max.

Kill yourself now. It's the only way to salvage things.

>secretly hoping you man the fuck up.
>we're not all gonna make it, but we all could if we try
>but you won't

Get the fuck out of here, you're making me sick

>eating the bait


Yeah my old neighbor was schizophrenic, he would scream and bang on the walls at all hours of the day, I cant count how many times I kicked his ass for being a nuisance

Well I can promise you that you wouldn't kick my ass and besides that my point is mental illness is real and medication has a real effect

>taking pharma

please voluntarily enter the gas chamber

My brother is a full blown paranoid schizo. His medications barely kept his shit together.

He got so bad and out of control my parents told me to either take him in at my place or they were institutionalizing him.

I was cutting at the time and on keto. His condition improved markedly. practically overnight. He went from twitchy, spazzy, spacey, and suspicious to a much more level-headed demeanor.

At first I thought it was just getting him out of the parent's house because they're pretty high strung from the stress of dealing with him. But when my cut ended and I quit the keto diet his condition started to deteriorate within a week.

That was 6 years ago. I'm kind of stuck living with him because my parents wont or can't either understand or are unwilling to accommodate a ketogenic diet. I can't put him in a group home because the nutritionists won't "permit" an unhealthy diet lacking 'healthy grains'. And institutionalized care is never going to accommodate such an individualized diet.

The hard part was convincing the fast food joints nearby to prevent him from ordering certain things since he goes there for lunch while I'm at work no matter how easy I try to make lunch for him.

Holy shit this sucks. What about your personal life?

Im not OP but I'm curious to hear more about your story. How long has he been like this? How do you deal with having him there all the time? Does he have a job?


LOL if he goes in public he would try to rape people, schizophrenics are extremely dangerous

>being on antipsychotics for this long
jesus op. Get your shit

>What about your personal life?
What personal life?

My girlfriend dumped me a few months after he moved in. I've had a string of unsuccessful relationships on account of having to deal with him for one reason or another.

>How long has he been like this? How do you deal with having him there all the time? Does he have a job?
He's been schizo as long as I can remember. He wasn't bad in the early years but he did have me convinced for a while that our parents were alien imposters. And when I was 13 he stabbed me twice in the stomach with a steak knife thinking the aliens got into me too. He was institutionalized for a period after that and when he was stabilized and released he came back home.

He has a stocking job at the grocery store. He's developed a type of sorting obsession as the psychotic fog has cleared up. I think it's his way of dealing with the chaos in his head. Everything has to have its place and be in order.

My DVD collection used to be alphabetical. It's now sorted by the colors on the spine. And my paperback fantasy books are sorted by page count.

He works 4 or 5 hours a night 4 nights a week. That's about all he can handle. That's up from zero hours before moving in with me. Honestly he makes more money selling his painted warhammer figurines and the like than his real job. He's got about half a billion of those fuckers in the basement.

>he sleeps from midnight to 630 when I make him breakfast.
>eats breakfast
>does the dishes
>goes down and paints his figurines
>goes out to lunch
>comes home and paints
>i cook dinner when i get home
>take him to work
>his boss drops him off after work
>he watches an episode of M.A.S.H. and then goes to bed.

>achive our selfish goals and desires
>maintain our responsibilities required by our dangerous mental health situation.

Keep taking your meds, you fucking psycho. No one wants to deal with your crazy bullshit just so you can see your abs

>gained 70lbs
>blames medication


does he still have delusions like this?

Nah, his delusions are pretty well controlled now. He's actually on lower doses of his meds now and his compliance is 100%, I don't have to struggle with him to take his meds any more.

He likes them on a teacup plate on his place setting and he'll call me over to watch him take them and show me he swallowed them.

He's still got ticks and talks to himself incessantly in a child-like way. He never developed that inner monologue.
>"ham and eggs again. pigs and chickens. If we want pigs and chickens he should get bacon."
>picks at breakfast
>"the peppers cook better in the bacon."
>'Don't play with your food.'
>"user you should make bacon tomorrow."
>nod 'ok we'll see'
>"see, see/" pokes himself in the ches "just ask see? d, e, f...C is for cat."
>"user, Bacon has a C in it."
>nod 'mm-hmm'
>"Shhh he's not a morning person. user I'm going to take my meds now."

We don't really discuss mom and dad because that was a pretty bad time in his head and he's got some nasty associations with it from those delusions. Dad still comes around, but mom avoids coming over because he really starts to get stressed out.

just eat less I went from 370 lbs to 190 lbs in a year

In the exact same boat op. I just re started my exercise routine a few days ago; 70 sit ups a day and

Psyche nurse here,
Yeah antipsychotics really do make people fat - usually its because it interferes with appetite regulation, but there has been some work looking at the impact on insulin and other metabolic factors.
You know you would rather be fat than unwell, so stay on your meds. Maybe ask your consultant for metaformin, something diabetics use but has shown to help psychos like yourself manage their weight better. That aside, lifestyle shit - exercise when you can (if physical activity helps with your condition then thats a bonus) and watch what you eat - I've seen guys on wards eat like 5 platefuls during lunch and then roam other patients rooms looking for snacks.

no he wasn't. He was probably BPD, schizophrenics don't have manic episodes like that. Also, antipsychotics do cause hyperlipidemia, weight gain is a side effect of that, and depending on what he's using, he might have hyperprolactinemia causing his endocrine system to be out of whack. stfu, you don't know what you're talking about. OP, get on 1st gen antipsychotics if weight gain is a bigger deal that other stuff for you.

My cousin is shizophrenic and the last time he went off his meds he took a chainsaw to his house.

You will not be able to lose weight on antipsychotics. That shit is hard on you man. Get off of it asap. It will be hard, and life will always be a little tougher for you. That just means you get to be a little tougher. Come one man, I believe in you.

Fuck off, all of you. Please read before making further comments.

What are you taking antipsychotics for, OP? Are you Borderline PD, Bipolar, or schizo?

You don't know shit about what you're talking about. What was the last manual of psychiatry you read?

Holly fuck. I can now see why people look at me the way the do. It's not that I didn't develop my inner monologue, but sometimes it goes hyperkinetic and start chanting to myself my obsessive thoughts and, well, people don't sit next to me in the buss.

The vast majority of schizophrenics are either harmless or a danger to themselves. Only rarely do they injure other people in their states of delusion.

With proper pharmaceutical and behavioral therapy intervention schizophrenics are often quite capable of living relatively full and fulfilling lives. And that's the biggest part of the problem is getting them to cooperate in efforts of care.

I'm the user who's brother attacked him so... Even though I was hurt by him, it was an incredibly rare outburst in the grand scheme of things.

Think of it like this. You go about your daily life and you see the sky is blue. You can take a picture of it and photoshop tells you "yep that's blue" You take the picture to a paint shop and match it to a sample card which happens to say "Blue Spring Sky" And you say to your friends
>"Hey I'm going to pain my room the same color as the sky in this nice blue color"
>"that's not blue"
>"Yes it is, look, see it's a perfect match"
>"But that's not blue, that's purple."
>"No, the sample card says right here it's Blue"
>"... Dude it says purple"
>Well obviously your friends are playing a practical joke.
>You ask a stranger, "Purple" she says.
>they go to her to. They must have told her what was going on and convinced her to walk down the sidewalk as you left the house"
>and it goes on

Your brain is experiencing the world in a way that's so different that when others' observations don't jive with your own your brain starts to try and figure out why there's such a disconnect between what you're experiencing and what other's experience.

In a way this is a form of cognitive dissonance, Like the left being so dumbfounded that Trump won, that the only way he could have won is half the US that voted for him was racist.

It does create cravings low willpower.