Deadlifted again for the first time in three years

>Deadlifted again for the first time in three years

Veeky Forums..., Veeky Forums..., Veeky Forums... it felt, so good... so, so good... How and why the fuck does this exercise feel SO



Other urls found in this thread: Files/Deadlift Mechanics.pdf

deadlifts increase testosterone by 80%

lifting big weights with nearly all your muscles increases some pleasure giving hormones in your brain probally in the sense of achievement

>tfw gym assholes pulled a prank and switched the 45 lb plates with the indistinguishable 55lb ones and I hurt my back trying to pull it

Every day I live with the fact that I can possibly never deadlift again.

you can deadlift bro, i was once deadlifting with retard form and snapped my spine up. After months of recovery im nearly 100% again and lifting relatively heavy

take your recovery seriously

tell that to my fucked lower back, I got a hernia I think, funny thing is I think dumbbell OHP actually caused it..

A slipped disk isn't that simple user.

Today I repped 100kg deadlift for the first time ever lads
Started at 80kg 2 months ago

keep going bb proud of you

sue everyone
then when you recover you can buy a home gym

You can literally sue their fucking asses off breh

Does the gym have camera footage of this?

>tfw my deadlifting is increasing even though I pay no attention to my diet and only deadlift once ever week or two weeks
I'm almost at 4pl8 now. Think I could hit 4.5 by the end of the year.

woah wtf?

This phenomenon occurs to me too. My back doesn't even get strained or anything.

I'm at babby weight though, closing in on 3pl8

same happened with me but i was going up on weight anyway, i was doing 2pl8 and was going to 3pl8, went to take a sip of water, when i came back my friends switched the plates for 55lbs ones, so i deadlifted 355lbs for 3 while i thought i was struggling with 315lbs

isn't diddly once a week pretty normal

I guess it is. I just find it weird how I can easily progress while deadlifting once a week but struggle to progress on bench when I bench 3x a week.

The gym I went to is this one, it's the only one in town and has no cameras, doesn't even have a fucking AC in half the building, and we live in a desert.

They were the typical gymbros and I never learned their name, just know they would come in every evening and one of them sounded like Ray Romano. After I fucked my back I dropped the weight and waddled out of the gym, didn't see what they were doing but I never saw them again.

I've found that if I deadlift a lot, my deadlift goes up... But if I back squat, row, and farmer's walk a lot my deadlift goes up the same and all the other stuff goes up too. I like deadlifting but I think if you're not doing powerlifting competitions it's not the most efficient exercise, it's so taxing for the gains you get from it... Better to just hit everything with other exercises.


Also like to note that I checked with staff about the incident to find out who they were, staff doesn't keep records they just take money at the front desk and expect them to pay it every month, unless they used a credit/debit card there's no way they could be traced.

Started deadlifting recently, how many sets are you doing? I'm now doing two sets of ten increasing weight by 10 kilos every workout, planning to do it until it starts to be hard so I'd have to decrease reps. Started with 45 kilos.

It's the only exercise that really lets me let loose and just focus all my power, squats have me worrying about form too much and bench has me worrying about decapitating myself.

Can't you just tell the weight by how plates look like?

The deadlift plates at my gym are different from normal plates, they are all black and made of rubber, the only difference between the 55lbs and 45lbs is the width of it, since deadlift plates are all the same height.

The PPL routine I was following said deadlift once a week but I liked doing it twice anyway, but maybe it is smarter to do it just once hmm...

I love deads but only do them once every week or two because I'm so sore the next few days I can't run.

As sore as I may be, it disappears after a few days then I feel great

>fapping after deadlifts

>fapping during deadlifts

>destroying your back for no gains
>memeing yourself into "lol it's a manly lift XD"

>le made up charts xdd Files/Deadlift Mechanics.pdf

xdddd XDD xdd

>tl;dr use good form


TL;DR don't deadlift with heavy weight, evenwith perfect form

do not deadlift, squat or bench its dangerous exercises, you read about people snapping up their shit all the time

>glute, hamstring and forearm simultaneous DOMS

can you hypertrophy deadlift?

I only do squats and bench press.

but your image is disproving your point, it literally says that a deadlift with good form produces less shear force than all the papers on spinal injury except for cyron et al in which in just sneaks onto the error bar

nice cherrypicking

Happened this morning
>Have to shit before deadlift
>Go shit
>Brace core and squeeze during my warm up sets
>A tiny bit of leftover shit comes out, waddle to the bathroom and clean up
>Finish my sets, was super fucking paranoid so I was looking around but it didn't look like anyone noticed, people were still closeby not minding me; there was a qt who was on a flat bench whose face was a couple of feet away from my ass, didn't move or look at me disgustedly

God FUCK shitting before squatting or diddlying. It's especially bad during squats cause i fucking know I'm getting shit marks and smell on my underwear

I swear, shitting your pants seems to be some kind of ancient American tradition, because YOU FUCKERS ARE THE ONLY ONES I EVER SEE TAKING ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU SHIT YOURSELVES!


You pretty much have to shower first if you shit in the two hours before DLs desu

would you prefer not shitting at all before and all out hsitting yourself at the gym?


pick one.

Favorite exercise by far, I do extra sets every time I deadlift, just can't help it.

it's because we're not tightasses. Just keep that ass nice and loose breh.

The fact that you didn't either A: sue the fuck out of someone or B: beat them to death with a bat means you're a bitch.

Does anyone feel like deadlifting has antidepressive effects?

I notice that after doing deadlifts my senses are all way enhanced, music sounds fucking amazing, food tastes 10000x better, sex and fapping feels better AND I last longer, my mood is way fucking up, etc.

I'm rapidly approaching 100kg but I only own 97.5kg worth of plates

Top kek, that's a good prank and you're a pussy m8

How in the fuck do you get that from your chart? If you maintain good form you are nowhere near the injury range.

this is why you do warmup sets moron, you would notice something is wrong straight away

>got hurt lifting a weight you couldn't handle

Your own fault.

If it feels heavy then treat it like it's heavy. If it were squats that would be a different story since it's on your shoulders.

Start doing pause DLs, to get more out of your plates.

I pull nearly 4pl8s but 130kg*3 with a 5 second pause just above the floor is incredibly hard for me.

If you've got 97.5kg, if you can pull that for a set of 5 with 5 second pauses 2" above the floor on the way up and on the way down you'll have a 3pl8 pull when you actually have the weights for it

Looks like long arms to me