If you're female and older than 21

...then it's over



This isn't even remotely funny


Great tidds. Awesome milkies. Looks thick. Round. Plump. Keep us posted on your continued progress with any new milky pics or vids

I share your sentiment brother

Dunno man I think it is. I enjoy retarded humor


Milkers love.

Source please for the love of god

Helen Flanagan

Sorry I don't remember it was a youtube vid, anyway it was pretty lame and that was the best part.

>tfw no mommy gf to give me the milkies

Hitomi's tits are past the point where size is less attractive.
Also I feel bad for her. Imagine the back pain she has to live with.

>Hitomi's tits are past the point where size is less attractive
I disagree
>back pain
A fucking meme.

are there any vids of women playing with hitomi's tits? no sex just playing with her tits? I saw one with a western woman where they take a bunch of pictures together but I already jerked off to every frame in it

First of all, you're a degenerate freak.
Second, they do indeed cause back pain. A girl at my high school had a reduction for that exact reason. You're dumb.

>Coal burner

back pain from a couple pounds? give me a fucking break bitch maybe try eating something besides a fucking salad and you wouldn't have these problems

>First of all, you're a degenerate freak
Jesus. Did I touch a nerve somehow?
>breast reduction
Or she could have just trained her back not to be weak as fuck instead of paying some butcher to slice her up and lose something that will never come back? Just like most women that undergo breast reduction surgery
Both you and your friend and retarded

>t. titlet

What if you're a female nearing 21 and still a virgin? Will I become a sorceress?

no, you'll become a cat-lady


What exactly is over?


According to Veeky Forums girls all just breeze through life on easy mode. In reality theyre just jealous because they don't have tits to play with

p-pls delet

Women don't hit the wall until late 20s

I thought it was 30? Tho it depends on the person, genetics and their habits

Try 24, unless they have good face genetics they become disgusting after 24.

How come fake Japanese tits always look better and more "real" than American fake tits? These look so soft and they move the way real tits do, as opposed to the rock hard, immobile, silicone tits you normally see here in the US.

grogrious japanese titty technorogy
Anyway I thought Hitomi was natural she just has macromastia or some shit?

Include me in the screencap!

I once dated a 38JJ tit cow. She ended up getting a reduction like an idiot

If you didn't try in every way to convince her to not do it then you failed your duty as a human being

>not being so sexually frustrated that you can sympathize with this meme on a spiritual level

Fucking normalfags

Honestly how is this even possible. Getting laid as a girl is one billion times easier

>Or she could have just trained her back not to be weak as fuck instead of paying some butcher to slice her up and lose something that will never come back? Just like most women that undergo breast reduction surgery
Have you considered that carrying around a sandbag strapped to the front of your chest can be massively inconvenient? Not to mention it hurts to run, it's hard to find fitting clothes and bras etc. At some point breast size becomes impractical.

this was long after we stopped dating

because she was probably someone who never moved because she was so use to being pampered because of her tits.

I know of 4 different women who had back pain they blamed on tit size, and I suggested yoga, and their backpain mysteriously vanished.

Every non-manlet male friend I know has back pain of some sort, and they don't have tits.

At most it's uncomfortable, and besides fit women rarely have huge tits since tits can get smaller or bigger just like the rest of the body.
If you have huge tits yes your choice of clothing will be more complicated than the average person but how is that enough to make you consider getting butchered? If a man is born with a huge dick and he has trouble fitting most pants, does he go to a surgeon and ask him to slice a part of his dick off? No because that's retarded.
If genetics blessed you with a gift like big tits then you should be grateful. Being slightly more uncomfortable than the average person at stuff like running is a very small price to pay for being blessed
