Ask a man who ate an entire bottle of one-a-day gummy multivitamins anything

ask a man who ate an entire bottle of one-a-day gummy multivitamins anything

How do you feel right now?

>gummy multivitamins anything

I stopped reading right there


You're gonna yabba dabba die bud

>I stopped reading right there
You stopped 1 word short of the entire post you retard


your kidneys will hurt and you will feel like peeing but nothing will come out

then you will look sick possibly forever


so, what do i need to be worried about as of now? do i need a doctor? i literally only feel nauseous at this point

What's your weight

Who this fuck is this tripfag shitposting for attention.

Literal suicide attempt and now he's screaming at random people on an African shit sculpting internet forum about how he has attempted suicide and needs help.

Yes you need a doctor, assuming everything you've said is true you have toxic levels of vitamins in your system that will most likely damage your liver and kidneys. See a shrink, maybe they can figure out what's really wrong with you

I realize my grammar was terrible now on that first sentence. Was poopin sumthin fierce and was a bit preoccupied plz no bully

You should probably get your stomach pumped. Do you own a vacuum cleaner?

155 lbs

not really a suicide attempt i was just raving gummies. i threw up twice now so it should be better soon



It happens to the best of us

most minerals get stored in soft tissues like the brain

you are going to fucking die

what if i survive

>only 1 bottle

based on the above pic and assuming you ate all 50 gummies

>200,000 IU vitamin well below acute toxicity of 25,000IU/kg of bw
>6250mg vitamin c, probably massive liquid shits, dont think 6000mg will kill you
>vitamin D is fine
>Vitamin E is again fine
>Vitamin B6, damage comes more from long term doseages rather than massive single doses because its highly water soluble meaning you just piss it out
>folic acid is fine
>Vitamin B12 is fine
>Biotin is fine
>iodine, honestly the most concerning (several grams intake can kill you)
>Zinc, you need more to suffer death but it'll likely be the cause of your nausea etc

top one is vitamin A btw, and heres hoping you dont outright destroy your thyroid from the iodine and kidney/liver with the zinc

You won't. It was a good run

>vitamin C

Might as well throw in 1 gram of carbs and call it a mass gainer lmfao.

how long till i die

i fucking love Flintstone's chewwies. I wish they made a candy that tasted just like them.

A doctor is probably a better source lol

> user commits suicide accidentally with one a day gummies
you fucking dingus
in all seriousness though you'll be fine


what's it like knowing that a slow, painful death over the course of a few hours awaits you all because you wanted to start a thread on Veeky Forums in the hopes of it becoming "epic", you vain little faggot retard?

thats the end of the post
> that might be the joke

And thus was a new Vitamin Avenger born.

in all honesty they were pretty healthy and tasty despite my stomach sounding like an old tub draining every 10 mins

if i vomit every 10 minutes will i be fine?

drink yourself into a slow, maddening, death


drink water after vomiting
or find this kinda square bottle with hydrating juice
> i know its not specific but i don't remember the name. it's certainly not Gatorade


thank you

fiji water?

oh ok
i've vomited 23 times since i made the post. if i drink the pedialyte and piss my guts away, will i be ok the next morning?

maybe pedialyte?

Vitamins not once

You might survive to see another day.
Maybe a little wiser, or maybe a little more mentally retarded.

someone cap this. lets all remember A Friend named Dixie.


You'll be fine. Call poison control to be safe, but the iodine wasn't in a large enough dose to cause death

whether or not you ate the gummies

OP are you still alive?

If you've been downing water like a madman to flush your system remember to eat some salt or something. If you drink too much water you'll fuck your brain and cells up by making your body hypotonic

>not "really" a suicide attempt

idk phrasing made me laugh

alright, checking in

i vomited a total of 37 times since my original post. my throat is very sore, i have a headache, and i ate half a teaspoon of salt to cancel out all the fiji water and gatorade i was drinking. i went to piss 4 times.

am i safe?

Goodnight sweet prince

gatorade has salt in it you nerd
just eat some unsalted cracker

fuck, so i need to buy more fiji to cancel out the extra gatorsalt

Why the fuck did you eat a whole thing of gummies?
Also, CALL 911 dude!

Get a doctor dude.

i can't afford another hospital/doctor visit

37 times? Bullshit.

In the off chance that you are really that fucking stupid then please call 911.

Another? So this has happened before?

>can't afford a hospital visit
>buys fiji water instead of regular water
>mfw american education

Press F to pay respects.

ok i'll call 911 but don't expect an update for a while


fiji water is healthy

Hey, euroshit, let me educate you on the cost of healthcare to fiji water.
Healthcare>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fiji water
Healthcare is fucking expensive.

>fiji water is healthy
I'm Australian. A trip to a GP

Fucks sake user, sort out your bedroom.

Doubt anyone here even remembers the first guy

>fiji water
Obvious bait is obvious

Bedroom? The fuck are you on about user?

The guy killed by TYVD? I remember.

I mean... he killed himself really. Anyone dumb enough to do that deserved to die. TYVD didn't force feed him those vitamins.

>ate an entire bottle of one-a-day gummy multivitamins
>not really a suicide attempt i was just craving gummies.

I remember..

Did you check for vitamin K first or do you want to be the second vitamin avenger

I think you'll be fine. If they weren't safe to gobble down like they, they wouldn't be made to taste like candy treats.

I once ate an entire jar of anchovies. Woke up in the middle of the night with the worst case of vertigo that only got worse when I closed my eyes. I spent the next 20 hours crawling around on the floor wishing for death. Would not recommend.

If you guys want to experience the closest thing to death without dying, yet remain conscious, take 500mg of zinc in one go and on an empty stomach

Oh fuck dude don't remind me, when my bought some expired multivitamins and took 2 instead of one on an empty stomach, it was like my head was sleeping painfully and my stomach was in cold sweats.

now you have my attention

Do they contain fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D? If so, have fun dying a slow and painful death.

why did i laugh so much

Did you die?

I'll see you on the other side, OP.

Least it doesn't have iron

so here's an update

i went to the hospital, they pumped my stomach and said i'd be fine. i just woke up from sleeping in my bed and i had a little headache, but i think i'll be fine.

the hospital bill was $3,799.

the moral of the story: no matter how appealing one-a-day gummy multivitamins look, never eat more than the usual 10.


Lmao in my socialist finnish country that woulda been like 20 euros lel

i'd much rather pay thousands for a handful of pills than have my gf stolen by a somalian

So what you're saying is you're less attractive than a Somali immigrant?

There's like literally 3 or 4 black people in Finnland. You're thinking of Sweden.

>vomit 37 times
>still need stomach pumped
hope that 4k fee was worth it anyway

Can't Americans join the reserve military and get health insurance coverage ?


You'd think a board full of people who tightly control what goes into their bodies would know that it would take around 50 bottles of that shit to come anywhere close to dying