Plant Based Diet

After watching What The Health and Folks Over Knives I have to say I think I'm done with meat.

I know a lot of dude-bruhs will scream about...

>muh meat, muh protein

Even though research proves "humans need meat to get protein" is a just a meme.

Eat does Veeky Forums think of this diet. I've seen nothing but positive results and no one who died or got sick from it.

Is it worth doing? Do any of you follow it? How were your results?

Other urls found in this thread:

no meat, no milk, no eggs for 6 months now.
I honestly just did it for the health benefits, and i feel really good. My bloods are better, and this diet really isnt that hard.

Some people will call you a pussy for not eating meat, but most logical people will agree that at the very least, its a good idea to lessen their meat intake considerably, especially given the absolute SHIT-tier quality of meat that we get here in the states.

That's what I've been finding... people who do it are reversing adverse health effects, losing weight, everything.

I was hoping it wasn't that hard to follow - with all the nutrition information out there I suppose it wouldn't be. Probably tastes better too.

>promoting malnutrition on a health and fitness board

I stopped eating meat as frequently, and when I do it's only after lifting. I still eat yogurt and eggs and feel legitimately better with eggs in my diet than without them, so they're there to stay.

Most people don't eat enough vedge and if a vegan diet is how to get there, then vegan diet for you it is.

How exactly is stuffing dead flesh pumped with antibiotics, steroids, and other chemicals "nutrition?"

Whenever someone asks me how I know that homosexuality is a choice, I'll just point them to this post.

desu the majority of my diet is plants but i can't get past the common sense meme arguments for eating meat.

>go to woods
>eat random plant
>50/50 get sick or die
>eat random mammal or bird
>almost certainly fine

i really don't believe pretty much every culture on earth would eat meat if it were unhealthy. that said i eat a lot less now, probably 2-2.5 servings of high quality beef/fish/chicken per day

i used to think i could easily survive on a diet of dairy/eggs/fish and no other meats, but these days eating a few servings of really nice beef per week seems to make my body function really well. or feel like it

I eat about 3 serving of meat a week, yogurt (including greek/middle eastern sauces) 4 times a week and cheese on occasion. This seems to work best for me

>eat random mammal or bird
because its definitely that easy to just catch and eat an animal an animal in the wild

Vitamin bs which are only found in meat sources. I guess they aren't too useful since they only support the function of your brain.

you're weak and you're going to become weaker
eat everything in moderation, if you still feel the need to go full retard then go pescatarian

not that guy, but thanks brah. good read

are there any good sites to learn about real nutritional information? all the ones i come across promote meme diets like veganism/weston a price (maybe not a meme but seems sort of excessive)/paleo/keto etc. rather than just giving helpful information for a well-rounded normal diet

Considering most of the "official" agencies like the American Heart Association, etc are all sponsored by The American Dairy Association.... good luck finding anything that isn't heavily manipulated for the sake of big business.

the fucked up food regulations/lobbying and overall shitty quality food in our country is one of the main reasons i'm jealous of certain western euros. unless you can afford high quality foods in the US it seems like you're kind of fucked. we've got to work on it t.b.h.

>what the health

>unless you can afford high quality foods
Honestly, the answer to this problem for me is actually just eating less meat.
High quality organic meats are more expensive then shittier 2lb chicken breast but you just compensate by eating less of it.

Organic fruits and veggies are getting less expensive now that the whole concept is getting more mainstream. If you live anywhere that isnt poor as fuck, they'll be a trendy district with a fuckton of organic shops. Even Publix(chain in se US for middle class plps) has decent organic options.

Or just stop being poor, that works too.

It's partly why we... or mainly why we have so many health problems.

When you have major food companies and lobbyists brainwashing you into thinking you have to have to meat and dairy to be healthy.... well you have what we have no. The highest rates of heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues.

Instead of people educating themselves on the truth they'll take the word of Kraft Foods who promise it's perfectly ok... while shoveling a cheeseburger into their mouths.

Big Beef and Dairy will spend the money to make sure you blame everything under the sun for your obesity EXCEPT meat and dairy.

people arent fat because they eat meat and dairy you fucking mong. They're fat because they dont expend more energy than they consume.

I agree theres a ton of lobbyists in the government who work for major food companies and they feed us a ton of crap that should be banned.

But quit spouting your vegan bullshit all over the place.

I'm on day 3 of the plant based diet and my previous digestive issues have gone away. I would have constant indigestion and acid reflux and now it's pretty much gone.

I feel much better in general. I'll probably reintroduce meat at some point in the future but mostly likely only the highest quality I can get my hands on and use it for a stew.

Plant based diets are great so far.

>Still believes meat and dairy have nothing to do with making you fat.


do you guys who love plant-based diets eat good meat or are you cutting out like mcdonalds chicken nuggets? or something prepackaged from the grocery store?

i eat mostly plants but when i have some meat in my meals like some nice salmon or quality beef i usually feel pretty great

I'm on month 14 of the meat and eggs based diet and my previous digestive issues have gone away. I would have constant indigestion and acid reflux and now it's pretty much gone.

I feel much better in general. I'll probably never reintroduce vegetables/fruit.

Meat based diets are great so far.

Check out zerocarb. Great weight loss, great muscle building (with lifting), great sleep, great lipid panel.

why get so triggered over what another man eats? seems like a ridiculous waste of time when you step back and look. Be a man, not a bitch

I'm not the one buying veggie patties, tofu, and other artificial meats because I crave dead flesh.

i've been pulling benjamin button by switching to plant based diet
going 3 years now

neither am I? you didn't address any of what I said by the way

what the health is full of "alternative facts." I say that as a veterinarian who only animal products I eat are cheese and eggs and that is pretty rarely (praying for plant based eggs and cheese to be affordable). Don't tell people that you are a vegan over what the health theres like a 10 page article basically disproving the majority of it.

>eat everything in moderation
literally why?
do i have to eat junk food in moderation as well? should i smoke in moderation as well?

Been on a meatless diet for 8 years and feel pretty great. Family was concerned I'd be malnourished but I recently got a bunch of blood work done and apparently I'm in excellent health.

Would definitely recommend paying more attention to what you eat, though. Not just looking out for meat but also making sure you're getting enough iron and B12 in your diet as, admittedly, they are a bit harder to come by if you're not consuming meat.

I want you to do one of two things:

Go out and find another animal (bird, mammal, fish) and eat it. All of it excluding the bones. Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and all other organs. See if you live

or you can go pick some berries or fruit and be perfectly fine.

If you make the effort to do your research and actually learn how to cook and plan meals, yeah, it's not a bad idea to go vegan.

Of course, like any semi-strict diet if you try and half ass it, it will wreck your ass.

>I've seen nothing but positive results and no one who died or got sick from it.

Sounds convincing! Dude bruhs btfo! Who says veganism causes deficiencies in essential brain amino acids?

Why do you want him to all parts of an animal and not just the flesh?
You don't eat the bark, roots, etc if you pick berries, do you?

Because it's healthy

>he fell for the antiGMO meme

What a brainlet

Almost noone eats all of an animal, they tend to just eat the meat and skin, some eat the internals or the brain or the eyes but they don't get sick from it
Eating berries off strange plants has a higher chance to make you sick than almost any animal
Predator's liver is about the only exception considering the amount of vitamin A

He clearly said "Excluding" those part. refeering to only eating the meat... try to read.

>a diet causes a deficiency when you don't make sure to eat enough and eat varied foods

oi vey

I had iron, vit D and iodine deficiencies while eating dairy and meat. doesn't matter what you eat, you have to cover your bases

I don't think you know what that word means. anyway eating meat stuffed with antibiotics is causing real problems, short and long term. this is so well documented I'm starting to wonder if this is bait.

Can you post the well documented studies please?

yeah, nutrition's bullshit, you can literally just eat ripe fruit and be perfectly nourished lol

the body only needs iron and simple sugars from food, all starches and fats break down to simple sugars, and iron attracts all else to it

> (You)
>He clearly said "Excluding" those part. refeering to only eating the meat... try to read.
Guess what retard, he wrote all of it, excluding the bones. Better luck next time.
Now eat all parts of a tree excluding the roots.

been vegan 2 years now, is good

>falling for a documentary that even most vegans say is boogus

What do vegans think of fish?

Fish is an animal therefore off limits.

Sources or it didn't happen.

Money says the "researchers" and authors of those so called rebuttals are receiving funding from the beef and dairy industry.

>especially given the absolute SHIT-tier quality of meat that we get here in the states.
That brings up an interesting point, actually. The studies that show vegan/vegetarian diets have better health than meat-eaters in general, do any account for the quality of meat?

You might kill yourself in moderation as well

I don't see how that's an argument. Agirculture allows is to separate good plants from bad, domesticate them for best results, and mass produce them for plentiful availability. Same with animals.
Unless you're planning on living in the woods, I don't see how this is relevant. Sure it's fine as far as why we started eating meat, but it doesn't have anything to do with whether we should continue.

Also, you'd possibly still get sick from parasites, etc. Not to mention whether or not you're allowed to cook the meat in this scenario.

Easier than scavenging the same amount of calories through naturally growing plants.

Why the fuck would eating an animal's nose kill you if the rest of them wont? Because iz gwoss? We live in a world where bull testicles are a delicacy in some areas.
Organs can be dicey, sure. But you don't HAVE to eat them, that's a completely artificial limitation to insert into the comparison. And 'lel eat random berries in the woods, it'll be fine' is a really irresponsible position to hold, that's what killed that Into The Wild idiot.

Junk food is not a mystical new type of food, it's just regular food turned into shit.
A potato chip is derived from potatoes. Saying to eat potatoes in moderation is not the same as saying you should fry the shit out of them with fat and salt and eat that in moderation.

>Watches propaganda movie
>Falls for propaganda

Jesus user, Jesus fucking christ. Hopefully you don't want some nazi propaganda and become a nazi because your to fucking stupid to think for yourself.

Anyways, enjoy your plant based diet. Nobody fucking cares what somebody else eats.

>Hopefully you don't want some nazi propaganda and become a nazi because your to fucking stupid to think for yourself.
Ah, it's fine, we'll just sit him down in front of Sound Of Music and he'll be right as rain again.

It can be good but if you do it wrong the results are devastating. I felt supreme when I first started doing it (about four and a half years ago) and my endurance was unmatched. I didn't really know about nutrition though and, combined with leaky gut syndrome (which I've always had), I slowly became deficient in a variety of things. My performance started getting worse, I started becoming more lethargic and training less, and just put it all down to depression or didn't think about it at all. I was fully anemic for about a year before I finally understood what the problem was. It sucks, and in many ways I feel like I lost a couple of years of my life because I felt so shit and became so anxious and depressed because of it. That's an exaggeration but it was a very bad time overall.

I blame it on myself for being ignorant, but the information just isn't clear enough. When you have leaky gut syndrome like I do, you can get ill so quickly because nutrients are leeched from your body. I've been doing better now, and know exactly what I'm doing but people need to be more careful desu.

Given that human beings aren't evolutionary designed to catch and eat prey should be a good indicator.

We don't have grasping claws, fangs for tearing flesh, speed to catch prey, sharp eye sight for spotting prey, and of those elements. Nor, do we have the digestive track designed to handle meat. Google the difference between the digestive system of a human and a bear, dog, cat, whatever (omnivorous animals).

The very fact you have to cook meat before eating it and pasteurize milk before drinking it - or you'll die - should be another huge red flag.

But, people don't care. They want their BBQ chicken and ribs. They want their bacon and eggs. Trying to open people's minds to an alternative eating style is a waste of time because you're up against generations of commercial indoctrination by the agriculture industry. For every study that shows an unbiased link between meat and bad health, Big Agra will ensure there are a hundred commercials and rebuttal studies telling you "Beef! It's what's for dinner!" And, there is no correlation between eating their shit and your bad health.

I mean the stats don't lie people. Those in plant based diets have an exponentially lower rate and risk of heart disease, diabetes, GERD, hypertension, and a myriad of other ailments. The numbers are clear.

But, they don't care. They buy into the lies about B12 and protein and every other falsehood pushed by profit driven companies and the so-called scientists they sponsor.

>The very fact you have to cook meat before eating it and pasteurize milk before drinking it - or you'll die - should be another huge red flag.

This is an argument for raw vegan diets only. You can't eat raw beans either, or raw grains, or whatever else vegans eat. In fact, I'd rather take my chances with a raw steak than with a bunch of raw beans.

>stats don't lie
>scientists are paid
Is this the vegan equivalent of the Jews?

That's complete BS. You CAN eat raw beans. They'll taste bad but they won't kill you. Cooking them is to adjust for taste and texture.

No, it's call to not be a fool. When you read an article take the extra time to research the scientist behind it. Who does he work for, where does he receive his funding, so on. Not all scientists are shills, you just have to make sure the information you're getting isn't bought and paid for.

So is this guy a bad scientist as well?

This guy had some solid studies and ideas

Doesn't support my idea, so yes

You tell me. Where is the department of nutrition from East Carolina getting their funding? Where is this guy getting his grant money? Does he have ties to the Ag industry?

>Another fruitfag added to the list
Good, more meat for me



You think this is limited to just Oil and Gas?

>Go out and find another animal (bird, mammal, fish) and eat it. All of it excluding the bones. Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and all other organs. See if you live

From what I understand this is actually very healthy for you--you create a stock or soup from the bones etc. for example fish head soup and people do eat many animal organs (liver, heart, kidneys, brains, adrenal glands, tripe, sweetbreads

Dunno man can you show me where his money is coming from ?

Lmao. You're delusional. Even just soaking them doesn't make them completely safe to eat, plenty of people get nasty reactions to them. Besides, what's the difference between soaking and cooking? Why is soaking totally natural and fine, whereas cooking apparently is unnatural and therefore bad for you?

Make a video of you eating 100g of raw, dry beans.

RAW. He's telling you go out and eat the whole animal RAW and see if you live.

You're a simpleton if you can't see the difference between eating a hand full of raw beans and a raw pork chop.

I'll do the beans if you eat three raw pork chops.

So is this raw business only limited to food? you don't mind the shitloads of processing that occurs to give modern lifestyle and medicine. Why are on the internet or using tools?

I'm not arguing that you should eat EITHER of them raw because I'm not a fucking retard.

Now you're just avoiding the main point.

>bruh muh meat

I said the fact you can't eat meat raw should be an indication you're not meant to eat it. YOU started babbleing your dude-bruh BS about "you can't eat beans raw either" - to which I corrected you.

Now you're just trolling.

No dumbass. You're arguing that meat must be bad for you because you have to cook it, and saying that this explains why vegans are healthier, live longer, and so on, despite the fact that vegans eat food that they have to cook as well, which by your logic should make their diets unhealthy.

I know all your shitty arguments, mate. I was a vegan for years and made the same dumb points. I barely even eat meat or animal products, so it's not like I'm a raging carnivore. I barely eat meat because I think plant food is generally better for you. I'm just pointing out that your argument is shit.

plant based diet fixed a bunch of my shit. Acne cleared up. Depression and anxiety cleared up. Mood and motivation went through the roof after a couple weeks. I stay slim without counting calories. easy to bulk when I want- with beans nuts and seeds.

wfpb is easy mode for staying fit and healthy. Do recommend.

No genius. I'm saying meat is bad because it's full of carcinogens, fat, chemicals, and other BS. The data shows people who eat a meat based diet are far less healthy than those on a plant based diet.

Then someone brought up the fact you have to cook your meat before you eat it - to which I added to the OVER ALL set of reasons not to eat that shit.

Do you even read bruh?

> to which I added to the OVER ALL set of reasons not to eat that shit.

That's exactly the point I'm arguing against. Do you not understand how someone can take issue against an individual point in your argument?

>I said the fact you can't eat meat raw should be an indication you're not meant to eat it.
Humans can eat raw meat and raw meat is part of the cultural cuisine in some societies. I don't even know what you're talking about. Ever heard of sushi? Mett? Tartar?

The reason raw meat from a regular store cannot be consumed safely is because that meat is contaminated with bacteria, most of which originate in the intestinal tract of the slaughtered animals, which you can in fact not eat.

The meat of an animal that is butchered carefully and hygienically can be consumed raw. Industrially produced meat is not processed carefully BECAUSE consumers are expected to cook the meat.

You are also ignoring that there is a widespread consensus that humans evolved in tandem with cooking and that human physiology and anatomy cannot be understood without cooking. Hominins have been cooking for a very long time, anything from tubers, wild beans and vegetables to meat, organs and eggs.

The better argument is true carnivores don't develop atherosclerosis. You can feed carnivores a diet full of cholesterol and saturated fat for years- even thousands of times more lard than they'd normally get in their diet- and they won't develop any atherosclerosis. Same isn't true of humans. Or any other apes/monkeys that have been tested.

We cook vegetables to make more nutrients available (and for taste reasons)- we still get plenty of nutrients from raw vegetables and aren't at risk of contracting parasites and diseases that are normally living in plants (contamination comes from manure fertilizers). Meat, on the other hand, is cooked to kill parasites and harmful organisms that humans haven't evolved to handle. Again- dogs and cats are fine with raw meats- because they've evolved to handle the parasites, bacteria... etc.

Is anyone actually arguing that we are carnivores?

Reminder that eating meat allowed our ancestors to evolve large complex brains and that cooking and eating meat is natural and healthy.

Doesn't matter if people are arguing we're carnivores specifically. Anyone arguing humans have evolved to consume animal products regularly or semi-regularly (more than a serving or two per week) is ignoring the differences in outcome between species that have evolved to regularly consume animal meats- dogs, cats, rats and those that haven't- humans, non-human primates, pigs, and rabbits when fed large amounts of animal meats.

The best we've done as a species is collect some bacteria that breaks down animal products- and some of us even break down lactose. The metabolites of these bacteria are generally harmful- but not to the degree that would prevent a human infant from reaching sexual maturity and creating offspring.

We are indeed not carnivores, but also far from being herbivores. We cannot even digest cellulose. That is why a healthy, balanced diet can include vegetables and meat.
Otherwise, I fully agree that the meat industry is disgusting and harmful to us and the planet, but that means we have to change the industry, not stopping eating meat. I grew up in a small town where people raised their own animals and plants and there's nothing bad about that. Factory (processed) food, being that vegetables, fruit or meat is another topic.

>we cannot digest cellulose -> meat is healthy
I'm not following..
>there's nothing bad about that
t. expert on nutrition

">we cannot digest cellulose -> meat is healthy
I'm not following.."
B vit deficiency much?
How about:
Since we cannot be either totally herbi- or carnivores, we could be eating a diet containing both groups of food sources.
Otherwise please tell me what is wrong with a portion home raised (branded organic and free range in some places) and butchered chicken breast grilled with some rice and broccoli and tomatoes. I hope it's not going to clog my arteries.

>we cannot be either totally herbi- or carnivores
Why say something so obviously not true? Some communities live carnivorously, like the inuit. They survive alright but have relatively short lives. Some communities live herbivorously, like the Californian seventh day adventists. They have the longest life expectancy in the world.


We don't want facts getting in the way of

>muh bacon and eggs

They aren't vegans however.
They are relatively active, normal height, eat modestly if little, have strict spritual lives, have low stress levels, and eat both plant and animals.

There is no such thing as a long lived strict vegan society on any corner of the globe.

Just tiny little groups of mentally fucked up people.

Not true. Almost half do not eat meat.

A large portion of them are, and they may be even better off.
>yeah but they exercise and--
Stop moving the goalposts. Think before you say things.

Animal products like milk and cheese aren't vegan user.

Red Meat Kills:

Disease Higher in Meat Eaters:

Dairy Linked to Cancer:

Meat and Dairy are NOT healthy. Keep falling for the meme and die before you're 60.

There's no goal post to move user. And I never said exercise. I said physically active.

You can't claim that veganism makes people immortal but completely ignore everything else that makes it actually work.

There are 100% sedentary clinically obese vegans(meaning no meat or animal byproducts) who're a twinkie away from a fucking heart attack.

What about them?

So then you're not arguing we need meat, you're arguing we need some sort of animal derived food. Well part of the vegetarian population are in fact vegan. Apparently you can live herbivorously. You were wrong.

I hope you realize the Seventh Day Adventists have a fundamental religious belief that meat and/or animal products are unhealthy and that medical science should be infiltrated to promote that belief ("Medical Evangelism"). Unsurprisingly, the studies about the health of the Seventh Day Adventists come from the Seventh Day Adventists. SDAs also co-founded the American Dietetics Association, which continues to be a propaganda mouthpiece for vegans to this days (e.g. vegans writing statement that veganism is healthy and safe, peer-reviewed by vegans and published in their own little journal)
Their cult leader Ellen G. White already had religious visions about meat being the cause of every disease of civilization in the 19th century.
