Veeky Forums BTFO



We have one YLYL already, stop.




is the first pic what Americans consider "fit"????


>fit athlete



This was never funny







Someone post the fixed version please

Except the fuck that alcoholics are judged, and as a ex-smoker my choice was constantly attacked by the government. But the worst part is, nothing beats the visual pollution of obesity.

asshurt burgerican

threads like this remind me why I'm so fucking happy I decided to sort myself out instead of becoming a resentful blame-shifting piece of shit
thanks Veeky Forums

ho yes

Why the fuck did he make it a gif?

>don't judge people or let them judge you
>proceeds to judge people

Holy shit. Never seen this before. I love it.


fucking pepperoni pizza phone case

What the fuck is this bitch on about? If she was a landwhale the kid would be roommates with a large medicine ball of lard


>Even if they do care, they're dicks. if someone is going to write you off because you're too fat, or too thin, or you have weird knees then screw'em. You don't need to be friends with idiots.
There's a hundred things wrong with this comic, but this really stood out.
When I was going through my worst phase, 4 years ago, a friend came up to me and pretty much told me I was fucking up, I was cutting myself off from everyone, and that I needed to work things out. At the time I hated him for this, I created some distance between us, and I kept going downhill.
6 months ago I got out of my stupor, and realized how right this guy was. I started sorting myself out, and went through 3 excruciating months fixing up my worst habits.
I then phoned him and we pretty much spent the summer together. Once he realized that I was actually trying really fucking hard to do things better, he propelled me forward. He's now my best friend, and life is looking better than ever.
Never shut criticism off. The first job of a good friend is to tell you when you fuck up.

This person has a point though, Veeky Forums sure seems idle when talking about steroid abuse or binge drinking.


People do indeed talk about those things on this board. What are you talking about?
Being fat is a problem that is more connected to the Veeky Forumsness of the average person so it is talked about more.

Veeky Forums rips on people who drink all the time.

Steroid use is whack but at least there's an end goal there to be able to work harder.


Despite this person's begrudged revenge fantasies and emotional damage, the reality is that a post collapse USA will likely be ruled by "right wing probable nazi douchebags" with survival skills and fucking guns. Parasitic bloggers will not be in charge of anything.

I wish I knew what was this blog.

>carbohydrates are literally the only way your body gets energy
Wonder if these people realize people went on for days without eating before agriculture.

Good friend. Happy for you user, but keep going.

Wait do you actually think it's steroids that the guy in that panel is doing? Lmao

This is what feminism offers men. Funny how their version of "masculinity" is more toxic and crippling than the actual, classic masculine virtues that they decry as toxic and harmful to men...

this one is actually true

Exactly. The reason why obesity gets so much shit is because EVERYONE can see it, and EVERYONE can agree is looks gross. So they want people to not be obese.

Same, if anyone knows post link plz

>Look away crybabies
>Makes 3 comic book pages crying about how no one cares about people who workout


Same here brother

The weak would rapidly learn far greater fear of the strong. Some might survive. The armed, strong, skilled and ruthless would rapidly form the dominant leadership of new tribes, with status being based on contributions to the group as opposed to membership in privileged classes.

In short, imagine a world ruled by /k/ommandos, Veeky Forumsizens, and /out/, where those without useful skills or capabilities basically either suck the cocks of their superiors or starve.

We've strayed too far from His light...

When the race war starts I'm just shooting fatties on all sides

Binge drinking isn't visible, an epidemic across the nation, or being promoted as something that is acceptable by people.

Literally all 3 of those assertions are flat-out wrong

And obesity is gross and it's terrible, but last time I checked nobody killed an innocent family driving around in their car because they were intoxicated by a big mac

That's retarded, we actively discourage people from those things, why would being a fat pig be any different? There are always anti-nicotine ads on the packs, additional taxing on alcohol, drugs are straight-up illegal, and the last one, idk is this a workaholic? That's a very specific group, that's kind of hard to tackle systematically, since the people don't actually share much in common.
And obesity is easy to spot, easy to fight and yet there are apologists and people who try to promote it. Thank God they are only a tiny minority.

So... is Veeky Forums doing the cock sucking (no homo)? Because I don't see being able to squat lmao 4pl8s being useful in a survival situation.

Well, this would flow if you think I cared about them at all as a person. I couldn't give a shit if you want to be healthy or not, being fat just lets me know that you are lazy, have no self control, no pride in yourself, and no will to improve yourself. I despise those aspects of people, so that's why I hate fat people. I couldn't give a shit if they were unhealthy.

You maybe. But only if you want to: stronger people are harder to kill and generally more useful.

In what hellhole is something like that allowed? Don't tell me it's a university.
Also first part of point 3 is actually an argument.

Stronger and bodybuilder sized people that depend on a gallon of milk a day are far less useful in a post society world.
They'd be shot and or raped by roving bands of aryan nationalists in weeks.

Harder to kill by what? Or whom? In this scenario only the society "falls", the infrastructure and technology stays, and guns pretty much render physical strength obsolete in combat.


Modern medicine literally advises people with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia to engage in 2-3 sessions of moderate physical activity each weak to reduce pain and progression of the condition. Doctor probably told her not to engage in anything too strenuous and she thinks it means she has carte blanche to be a lazy landwhale.

Actually physical strength will still be needed.
But the toy strength, along with the pointless injuries, built in and can only be maintained in gyms and heavy lifting and even heavier eating will be seen as insane and stupid unless they litterally have a lifestyle that depends on that strength.
And most people won't have much need of it.

As for guns...yeah. But the most brutal and violent would still be more powerful then people with a gun and no will too or skill at using them.

>loin cloths
>people starving
>permanently camping
Yeah sure sounds like infrastructure and technology are exactly the same.

not here, it might be considered "average" though in some places. it's just what fatties consider fit and athletic to be on the bad side of "average".

can you imagine being so insecure about what other people think that you demand other people not be allowed to think that way?


>people don't care except when they do

I'm more pissed off at the fact that that is NOT a goji bowl than the dumb fatty.


I think this every time, it's so fucking unnecessary.

actually i believe everything written here to be true

wouldn't in a food scarcity situation, the people who are used to low calories or fasting be better able to cope?
the ones with high daily caloric intake will feel weak and be useless for a while.

(i'm someone who eats a lot)

Maybe, but in some situations being tired and lethargic because all your energy is from burning your excess fat is better than just dying because you didn't have enough stored calories. The real confusing part is that she points out that thin people died out but fatties somehow kept their bulk.

Exactly this. Sometimes hard words are the best. Keep that fella close to you.

This, when I used to smoke I'd have people giving me dirty looks all the time, and even when I smoked on my porch and not in public. On top of that, of course people look down on druggies/alchies and to a lesser extent pasty computer nerds

This is so gay.

>society collapses
>no more insulin
>no more scootypuffs
>every able-bodied person required to work
>fatties think they'll survive

>Veeky Forums BTFO
LOL no.

All I see in this entire thread is one extreme or the other: either you're a bodybuilder, or you're a fatass who's going to get heart disease and diabetes and die young.

The REAL REDPILL is a BALANCE. You don't spend every goddamned spare minute in the gym -- or reading books. You don't only eat 'beneficial' foods (regardless of them tasting like shit), you eat some things because you like them, because that makes life more enjoyable -- and enhances your quality of life as much as being fit and healthy.

Oh, and the myth that we'll all be fat and saggy later in life is just that: a myth. You can be fit and healthy right up to the day you die, pretty much, the only reason people don't is they buy into the societal meme that you have to slow down when you get older -- which of course is bullshit.

So spend as much time building your mind and personality as you do your body and you'll like what that does to your overall life -- and ignore the extremists.

>comic is more overly defensive bullshit
>its actually true

Are you all stupid? This is obviously a fat fetishist. Nobody says shit like that unironically or unerotically.

I lift, but I would never insult people who don't. I'm more secure in myself than that. By showing a cartoon where 'normies' talk behind fit people's backs, insulting them, we can see that 'normires' are pretty hateful and maladjusted.

>you will never bulk this hard

All of these are great arguments to end socialized health care.

>weird nipples

ay brahs were all gonna make it

>implying i don't denigrate shit posture

There's a reason infantry are all fit. Guns aren't light. Ammo isn't light. Armor isn't light. Gear isn't light. Being able to move fast is a lifesaver. Being able to carry heavy loads long distances is a key part of the job.

Pop over to /k/ and ask how important fitness is in the military. All other things being equal, a Veeky Forumstie is going to do better than a fattie in combat.

Functional fitness, m8. Those who forget Rule No.1 will regret it

You have an amazing friend. Keep him close, everybody needs a person like that in their life.

Yeah, but a fat faggot who guzzles a gallon of milk a day does a bottom heavy babby's first powerlifters routine and has the cardiovascular endurance of an asthmatic 80 year old is isn't fit.

Infantry mostly does bodyweight and farmers carries or just carry the heavy loads they have to carry every day.
That shit about deadlifts and squats? That's for athletes and dumbfuck hobbiests.
As a matter of fact, special forces personel are FORBIDDEN from squatting and doing deadlifts.


>super fit athlete

All of those addicts know that they are ruining their lives.

Fat is not healthy, neither are those addictions. However, don't start going around telling everyone how it is okay to let themselves go to that point. It's fucked up to have a movement that supports and encourages laziness and irresponsibility.

The reason so many people are speaking out against fatties is because the western culture doesn't see fat shaming as a norm. Instead of saying 'You've gotten fat', they say 'You're beautiful'. We shouldn't be encouraging that shit.

Being fat itself doesn't concern people, the concern happens when you start slinging your delusional shit around thinking it's fact. Don't lower the standards of health, it's just going to make the newer generations more fucked up than it already is with its 1000+ gender identifications.

I want off this ride.

Is this shopped? Those can't be that poor bastards nipples

>Infantry mostly does bodyweight

>he never squatted an attacking bear out of the way

Stay plep

Not arguing with you, mate: fit outdoorsman > Zombie Rich Piana > Veeky Forumsizen > dyel > lardass when SHTF

>what I've learned is that no one - unless you're a dick - cares if you're fat

WTF, even fat people don't want to date fatties. How can fatties delude themselves?

How so? Smoking is disgusting, alcoholism is a disease, and heroin addiction is life-destroying. Obviously we look with disdain (if not disgust) at those who are ridden with vices. I don't see any hypocrisy at all. If heroin use was the number health plague ruining America today, we'd be heaping scorn on that daily. But, as it happens, it is obesity that's killing most Americans today and so we focus on that. There is zero hypocrisy in any of this.