I've kind of been stressing about this, Veeky Forums. Are my only choices to track my food or get fat? I mean...

I've kind of been stressing about this, Veeky Forums. Are my only choices to track my food or get fat? I mean, I'm fine with tracking when I'm cutting and bulking. But it starts to wear on me. Is there ever going to be a point where I can just eat like a normal person and not have it fuck everything up?
I'm kind of a contradiction because I have a big appetite, but every time I eat until I'm full, I feel like I overate and hate myself. Tracking relieves that feeling for me because I know I'm hitting my numbers, but I don't like the feeling of being glued to MyFitnessPal for the rest of my life. I feel like the only one who can't relax when going to a restaurant that doesn't have nutrition info, what am I supposed to do?

Don't go out to restaurants. Stay at home and eat like normal people. Figure 4-5 meals that include breakfast and lunches and skip dinners. When you do have a cheat meal it will be an exception on the rule.

uhh yeah, retard. It's called cardio

2500 maintenance + 300 lifting + 400-700 cardio is 3500ish. Add a 500 for a "healthy" bulk and you're at 4000 calories a day. 4000 calories of moderately clean food is a shit ton, meaning as long as you're not eating fast food everyday you're going to have absolutely no problem with your limit

if you're a lazy fat fuck that wants to eat out every night without doing cardio and doing 10 sets of squats a week as your "lifting", sorry you're doomed to be a fat fuck

Skip breakfast. Eat as you normally would for lunch dinner. You'll cut out 700 calories. Don't drink too much

As you get more experienced you should be able to estimate your calories, and portioning isn't complicated so as long as your weight is doing what you want to do and you aren't being a retard in your meat:carb:veggie ratio you should be totally fine unless you want to be like 10% bf.

That's not even what he was asking in the OP you dumb fuck. Learn to read before you sperg out.


Yeah it is, you literal mongoloid

Increase your calories expended and you never have to count a calorie again. Otherwise you will have to count when you go out or you will "overeat". Get some reading comprehension, 18 year old faggot

Eventually you'll get good at guessing calories on your own. This feels abnormal to you because you are just starting.

Don't hate yourself for setbacks, hate yourself if you let it become a habit.

Jesus christ you really are a fucking idiot.

Don't eat out. Become trad Catholic and don't eat meat on fridays and fast 2 months out of the year. Lift heavy. You'll be fine.

ho dis qt ?

OP I dont count my own stuff. The trick is to just know the rough estimate of everything you eat, add it up, and eat slightly less than that to make up for variations and then make your eating habits hit that estimate. Its pretty easy and becomes routine once you get into it.

Just eat the same thing every day with a perfect macro and micro balance based on your height and weight, there is no need to keep track throughout the day. If someone offers you food, don't eat it.

Wtf I went to uni with this jewess. Weird to see a photo of her on fit.

If you want to be like 8% or less, you probably will have to track. If you're ok hovering at 15%, you probably won't have to track.

I overeat a lot too, I actually make a game of eating as much as I can and it's bad for me I know. Maybe focus on chewing and forcing yourself to take a pause in between meals. Sometimes before dinner I'll just eat something small, and then after 20 mins I'm not hungry anymore and I eat way less for dinner. Try to mix it up and see what works, if you keep doing what you're doing nothing will change (sounds obvious, but breaking routine is very very hard)

Over time you get used to recognizing how much you can eat without going way over your limit. You just have to pay attention desu, like you don't have to stress as much over eating a bunch of veggies or lean meat but if you're eating a five guys burger that shits already 1,000 calories so you better get a goddamn water with it and not soda.

Something I really had to start doing was not drinking all my calories. I would drink a shit ton of sugary stuff and even though I cut out soda it wasn't good enough because I was drinking a lot of sweet tea or gatorade or those sweet fruit juices. Water is a good friend.

When you go out to eat just don't get fast food, make sure you get a large portion of protein and some steamed veggies or a salad with oil and vinegar. Its not that hard.

Made this Mongolian bbq with no noodles or sugary sauce. Just veggies and meat. Fucking awesome for 12$ when it came out to 2 huge meals.

A huge benefit of cooking for yourself regularly is that you will slowly but surely be able to eyeball what 1000 calories looks like. Or 20g of protein or 50g of carbs. If you cook the things you like to eat, and weigh everything out and read the labels every time, then you'll be able to grab a burger and a beer and know to adjust your meals before and after to fit your goals without stressing

The worst part about cutting is feeling weird when you eat with friends, but a little prep and planning ahead gives you a lot of power and confidence. I don't really need MFP any more but I guess I like the habit now

Went from 20% bf to 16.3% I know it's not good but not bad either right? Been lifting hard for about 2 months with results while portioning, the occasional light snack at night, and cutting out all soda for water.
Will I eventually stop progressing unless I get to dieting and counting calories or can I continue how I am?

i'm suicide cutting on 1500 kcal for 2-3 months now.

I'm doing a weekly refeed and taking in ~2500kcals is pretty hard now.

If you wanna lose weight and you dew it you should be loud and proud and continue to work hard.

Normally I'd cook for myself and that makes it easier but my mom has started to prepare me personal meals that I've got no idea how much to consume.
Most of the time it just makes me eat half of the meal and putting the other away while I snack on guacamole and chips or some other low count portion if hungry. This fit life is confusing senpai

Two good meals a day (don't believe the breakfast meme) and a healthy snack and you'll easily be within your maintenace.