/fph/ gains goblins personified edition

anyone have the one with her with the bloodborne or whatever edit in the tree?

Cheeseburger, cheeseburger,
Little ball of meat,
Fried burger, grilled burger,
Eat Eat Eat!

Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!!!





just how pathetic does one have to be to shit on some random chick on an anonymous image board?

still doesn't make you any less a loser, my friend :^)

Holy shit my sides

>caring this much

Maybe drugs ARE the answer
Wtf is going on here tho

Hahahaha you're fat

Ayyyyeeee little fatty? Cry to your dumblr






> t. fatass

whoever took the time to make this, cheers

sorry, it seems you're still a loser

hahaha btfo Joyce

God, it hurts so bad to be Canadian. This is like watching a condensed edition of CTV news. Trump, please annex us.





could this be her(it)?

>annex us
like we want your shitty problems to deal with on top of our own

I dont understand this world anymore. this has become quite clear after watching this video.

Is a 500 kcal breakfast ok?




>didn't even finish the full meal

The real crime here.

>normalfags find this funny
are they even human?


at first I thought the book alone was the joke ... cheesus. Its like watching heroin addicts buy their shots at amazon ... just impressive.

For real though, there is no way that nigger would still be fat after that long. The cold alone would have made him lose weight.

atleast im not fat

normalfags find anything funny. their memes are absolute shit
>when you are doing x erotic thing in y public space to z edgy thing

He's why the rest of the nights watch starved
That's why Jon sent him to the citadel, he's their problem now


not everyone can be an autist bruh.

true, but he was pointing out that it's a TV show and it's kind of absurd that the individuals ability to suspend disbelief extended to everything else in that show except for that relatively small detail.

Fire breathing dragons and cloud pregnancy's are magic though. Come back to me when they announce tarly is a wizard.

look man I ain't Adonis but that is no skirt. that's a damned table cloth.

>I can extend my disbelief to include the existence of magic
>I cannot extend my disbelief to an actors weight not changing in the way their characters weight would change in the real world

seriously? so I'm assuming you're also upset that Daenerys isn't ugly and retarded as well?

Its more that apart from the magic parts the world works in a fairly realistic way. And I never even though about it in the first place until I saw that picture.

>impossible ideal
We don't want them to be some barbie archetype, just not 300 pounds overweight.
Guarantee this author wrote this knowing they'd make bank off of self conscious fatfucks.
First they buy your book, then they go in for treatment at your hospital.
Double dipping, I guess doctors are pretty smart.



I'm not familiar with Old Country Buffet, but with a quick google... is she calling pic related 'individual serving size pots'? Is she taking multiple full trays and eating them by herself?

Looks like a foie gras...
Anybody as the same thing with liver comparison?

Anyone with the story of the woman that unknowingly got pregnant and miscarried?
That one stayed with me.

kek I posted this in yesterday's fph. Some user on /pol/ made it.

To be perfectly fair he also stays fat in the books so it's really GRRM that should be asked this. It's not the actor's fault for continuing to look like the source character.

The only gainz goblin you need to worry about is your own damn self.

Unironically deep.

You're looking for Papa Nurgle from warhammer 40k.He is known also as "Grandfather Nurgle," the "Lord of Pestilence" and the "Lord of Decay." He is the oldest of the four Chaos Gods and is the most directly involved with the plights of mortals, particularly humans who suffer so acutely from a fear of death, perhaps the oldest fear of that species. While Nurgle is the God of Death and Decay, he is also the God of Rebirth.

Disgusting, reminded me of pic related


>he just left and told us to holler when we found out wtf was going on
Are doctors all this based?

>health at every size
Yeah, because pic related is totally healthy, Veeky Forums btfo

This has to be a shop

I can't stop laughing

You need at least 12 censors on this before Posting it on a sfw board

How the hell are her stretch marks so bad? I weighed way more than she does and my skin isn't like that.

Wonder how she put her socks on...

>the one with the bigger heart is a better person!

Fatties will use this as a counter point to this image and call it logic

>And there was no Yoda.

Had me kek. Than it had me puke a little in my mouth.

Only buffets I've ever been to were all Chinese, but I'm going to give the world as a whole the benefit of a doubt and assume those "pots" are akin to the soup mugs one would normally find at those places. Short, wide plastic mugs that, to be fair, generally hold between 12-16 oz, so that's still a fucking lot if you're shoving more than 2 in your face.

>Linda Bacon

got em

He loses alot of weight in the books actually. Enough to make him have loose skin. I don't know what path show took but it's probably his choice not to lose weight


>This was considered morbid obesity in the 90's
Are we witnessing the end of Rome?

Kind of...

>>I can extend my disbelief to include the existence of magic
magic is explained and stated, the fact that a person won't lose weight under Sam's circumstances suggest hat the physics in westeros are totally different than in our universe.
thats a can of worms you don't want to open just because a cunt "actor" doesn't want to stop eating like an ethiopian refugee.

Sweet foods are far more fattening.

A starved person wouldnt actually be able to eat a lot at one time since their stomach is shrunken.

When they were showing him scrubbing and working all day in the citadel first thing i said was how the fuck is he still fat. I really thought it would cut to him being skinnier.

what the fuck


Guys, I've a question. I've been fat all my life and I've been doing the cloth pile all my life. The idea behind it (apart from being convenient for the lazy bastard) is that clothes you've worn are no longer clean, so you can't put them back in the drawer or the clean clothes might start smelling eventually. But at the same time it's inconvenient and wasteful to throw a shirt in the laundry basket because you've worn it once or twice.
So what do you guys do?

Because nobody in the show established magic permanent fat as an existing element. It's absurd.


So why not just pull out an AK-47 and shoot the dragon? It's fantasy!

>implying """""refugees""""" are starved

I imagine the average ethiopian, refugee or not, is starved most of the time. Niggers are practically one missed meal from being skeletons.

Reminds me of the classic
>if you're pregnant and fit the baby doesn't have room to move

Nah, Ethiopia is doing pretty well nowadays all things considered. Zimbabwe is the new Ethiopia, they recently hit the threshold of "we cant even steal for food, there is literally nothing to steal"

short female body

while I agree with the message, this is such a shitty edit lol it looks like a shit meme some Facebook mom would post

I agree. It's no different than acting like this guy

Is this sort of shit common in America?

nurse here, most hospitals have at least 5-7 nurses for every 1 doctor, so if it doesn't seem life threatening and we can handle it, the doctor usually has something more pressing to do.

>he'll be saggy and boring
have these people not seen fit old people before? I've legit met an 80 year old man who looked 50 tops. If you're fit you usually stay in shape unless you're a lazy fuck.

behavior like that is more degenerate than cuckoldry

yeah, day doesnt go by without seeing one or two negresses floundering on the road. eventually you just dont notice it anymore

Just look at jack lalanne.

Are you retarded? Game of Thrones is set in a world where magic and dragons exist. Are you trying to say it also exists in a world where weight loss does not exist? Shut the fuck up

Overweight people cannot get away with reusing clothes again and again, as they sweat too much and the clothing soils faster. Just use the dirty clothes bin, and if your shirt doesn't smell, put it aside on a clean shelf and wear it again. A relatively clean shirt shouldn't affect the other pieces of clothing in your closet. You should not be wearing any clothes that smell regardless of how lazy you are.

As a NEET, in decent shape, with good hygiene, I can get days and days out of a shirt without it having any scent to it at all, and weeks out of pants or jeans.

>being this autistic about a single character.

Besides. It's easily explained by him just being a lazy shit and spending all his time in the cart. Everytime he goes somewhere he's riding in a wagon. Hence why he's still fat.

That's true but I wouldn't tell that to these people. Not that I don't believe that you can be fit and old, but rather I want them to stay unfit and suffer.

I don't want to help these fucking people.

Why do people assume a person is boring because they go to the gym for less than a hour everyday? Seriously I bet the average fit person lives a more interesting life than this artist ever will.

The most fit friend I've met his normal life includes

>participating in the yearly tough muddle
>riding dirt bikes on weekends
>being a army artillery coordinator
>going to parties
>going to regular family events
>voulenteering at the county fair
>being a roadie for a local band

And I don't even keep regular tabs on the guy.

you sound disgusting, just because you think your dirty clothes don't smell doesn't mean others can't smell it. I don't know how many autists I've known that think their dirty clothes smell fine, but in reality they smell musty as fuck and everyone else smells it except them.

For real, who doesnt change their clothes every day?