Cutting General

>be cutting
>get down to 169 from 178
>stuck at 169 for over a fucking week
>decide to have a refeed day because Im losing my mind
>weigh myself
Im never gonna make it

Are you doing enough cardio brother?

No, is it really that important?

Im sticking to strictly 1700cal a day though, so I should be losing weight regardless. I just fucking hate cardio brah ;_:



If your weight loss has stagnated it's a good idea to throw in at least some cardio to burn the extra calories off. That's a low caloric intake but it doesn't matter if you still aren't burning them

Do you have a desk job? If you're not moving much during the day you really need to throw in the cardio maine

And how much physical activity do you do a week (sport, cardio gym etc) if counting gym only count lifting time not your rest periods.

Im just a college student on break rn so when Im not at the gym (6x week, 1.5 hrs a day) im basically laying in bed.

Once I go back to school in a few days ill be doing a lot of walking to classes though

Fuck, we're in the same rut OP. Quite literally, went from 177 to 169 when I weighed two days ago, weighed again and it's 171.4. Been sticking to 1500cal/day though, and cardio at least three times a week

very easy for water retention (which goes up with cortisol, which goes up with a calorie deficit) to mask weight loss over a time period as short as a week

don't worry about it, stick to the 1700 calorie diet, you will probably randomly wake up 2lbs lighter soon

do you really only need 10% body fat to have visible abs or do you need to actually work those suckers out some

Take some exemestane, OP.


28 6ft 185lbs
Trying to lean out. Been cutting/focusing on caloric defecit recently
Bf% guesses? 20%?
What weight should I cut to?

Heights? Bf%? Abs?
I'm trying to estimate where I am right now, at your guys' weight.

How tall are you

>mfw cutting is literally ruining my personality
>cortisol/stress is worse than before
>constantly pissed off or tired
>way more socially autistic, feel uncomfortable looking girls in the eye for some reason
>dont even want to go out and drink with friends like I used to, just want to lay in bed
idk if Im doing something wrong but this feels like shit

pls b over soon

How do you have the same body type as me? Also i do really need to cut but im afraid of loosing muh gains

Just think of the body you'll have at the end.
Just not drinking is already doing wonders for you even without considering the unecessary calories.

Just go run nigger

Post body (n n nohomo)

You also are kinda flabby with wide hips?

Think bear/fridge mode is my ultimate potential. Can't ever get abs and waist is just as wide as shoulders

Maintain protein intake and you should maintain muscle if not actually squeeze out some more.
Wish this meme would end.

What's the best method for cutting? And why is it fasting