That guy whos been lifting over a year with minimal gains because of his shit diet but hes too complacent to change it

>That guy whos been lifting over a year with minimal gains because of his shit diet but hes too complacent to change it

yeh, me

Delete this right now you piece of shit or I'll drop my 1pl8 bench on your neck you got that?

I have a lot of gains and solid lifts, but I just can't be fucked sticking to my macros/calories to actually finish a cut and be lean as fuck.

I just stay around 15-20% bodyfat, but I can OHP 60kg for reps, Incline Bench 100kg for reps, and deadlift 180kg for reps.

That said, I can't even think of a reason to get lean, nobody even gives a shit about me anyway, it's not like being lean would some how change that.

Also, 5 years lifting, so my lifts are all with 10/10 form.

Yeah 180kg deadlift for reps after 5 years ain't the best, but it's 8+ reps, and with slow deficits as well, not dropping the bar etc. I don't do those ego-retard form shit.

>me soon

what should I be eating? I don't cook. I'm so use to eating immediately when I feel hungry. is there some sort of easy "Veeky Forums cooking for dummies" image?

>OHP 60kg for reps
>Incline Bench 100kg for reps
>deadlift 180kg for reps
>5 years lifting

fuck. are you a really small guy, or hypogonadic?

Well, that's me. Hi.

Let's just get some facts straight.

1. I've never seen anyone at my gym OHP for a single, let a lone 10, like I do.

2. There's only 3 or 4 other guys at my gym that can Incline Bench 100kg for reps like I can with good form.

3. I've only ever seen 1 person at my gym deadlift 4 plates for reps like I do. The highest I've seen otherwise has been 3 plates at best, with a 2 plate deadlift being the "normie max" at my gym.

4. Despite these facts, there are still lots of big and muscular and lean guys at my gym who do not do any of the big compound lifts, they mostly all do meme routines and yet still are very muscular, unlike 99% of this board who just LARPs and E-stats all day long like the shut-in acne ridden kissless virgins they truly are.

Maybe if you actually lifted at a gym instead of your mothers basement you'd actually not be surprised by this at all.

same here man, 4 years and the same numbers except my deadlift is 160

not everybody is born high test, it's just that most people who are into working out are, that's why Veeky Forums has a skewed perception of what average progress is

all we can do is play with the shitty cards we've been dealt

This is easily one of the most honest posts that actually reflects reality ever posted on Veeky Forums.

You can tell if someone doesn't leave the house on Veeky Forums, how? They'll say that you can't be jacked without being strong at the "big 3". If any of these hermits actually left the house and went to a gym for once in their life they'd find out almost nobody does the "big 3" and lifts that are considered "novice" on here are actually 1/1000 at pretty much every gym besides some private elite power lifter/Olympic/strong man gym where nobody actually trains at besides the professionals. Not to mention all the people at gyms who don't even do the "big 3" still get jacked.

idiot everyone gets dealt the same cards its just how you play them


just passing by to confirm it with my gym too, and the same thing with the big physique guys doing "bitch weights" and machine work. Unless you lift in a pure powerlifting gym the weights described in your post kinda fit

The biggest change to my arms was when I started Curling and doing tricep extensions every day

and since starting that my biceps have got much bigger

why does Veeky Forums still meme so much

post body lmao

You can ask that question without posting ur own body in the pic related

Seriously, what's so hard about changing your diet user?

It's less changing diet and more an overall lifestyle

>must eat calorie deficit
>while lifting and trying your best to at least maintain lifts
>while doing cardio
>while not being able to sleep well because you're laying in bed wide awake with hunger pains
>while not being able to sleep properly because you're on stimulants (to maintain lifts in the deficit)
>while not being able to concentrate as well at work or school
>while having your mood turn to shit because you're hungry

Cutting is fucking awful, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

This meme has grown too much. If you're not a bodybuilder or working within a time frame then cut that shit out right now you dumbass

You should find a serious gym, then. You're a medium-sized fish in a tiny pond.

>You're a medium-sized fish in a tiny pond.

Except there's 15-20 guys who are bigger than me who have been lifting 10+ years who don't do any of the big compound lifts who would probably snap their back if they tried to pull my 4 plate deadlift for a meme while I'm resting.