Veeky Forums always shits on manlets

>Veeky Forums always shits on manlets
>The most popular guy I know who fucks any girl he wants is literally a 5'5 ripped manlet

I'm 6'1, he fucked my onneitis the same night he met her and has another girl I know (who's literally a model) begging for his attention.

height is a meme

The only thing that matters is face and how ripped you are.

>being this desperate of a manlet

manlet is only but a state of mind

I'm not even memeing, son.

I wish I was.

Got cucked by someone smaller than my 13 year old nephew

>The only thing that matters is face and how ripped you are.

The only thing that matters is social value, luck and timing

girls want guys with high social value and this varies depending on group (athletic groups value muscles and fitness more etc) and high social value always comes with social skill.

Timing as in she needs to be single and ready to date and luck because you need some to make her fall

This is what you need, height, face, money, muscles and all others can provide you with social value but you need social value

shoo manlet, we ain't buying your fabricated story here

Why would I lie about being cucked.

Fucking hate my life, I genuinely do. This guy fucks girls left and right, dresses well, seems to come from a good family, is ripped and has hundreds of people liking his pictures on facebook, has 6k followers for some reason etc.

Meanwhile I can't even get a single girl to fuck me and I look like a pudgy shit because I fucked my bulk up.

The guy is also younger than me by a year, to add insult to injury.

Honestly just kill me. I want to die.

>Got cucked by someone smaller than my 13 year old nephew

I'll bet he wasn't smaller than your 13 year old nephew in the ol' dick department, naw mean?

Interesting fact - dick size does not scale relative to body size. Manlets have one of the largest average dick sizes in the entire animal kingdom.

OP, I'm 6' 3.75" tall, have been since I was a teenager (I'm *cough cough* significantly older than that now) and while in the past I've defended so-called 'manlets', I've turned the corner on that: You 'manlets' have to TOUGHEN THE FUCK UP. If you can't take harassment on the internets from anonymous jackasses (at least half of which are probably also manlets, LOL) then you're NEVER GOING TO MAKE IT IN THE REAL WORLD. Learn to deal with it, to let it roll off your back like water off a duck's back, and even to joke about yourself, laugh along with them. Seriously the best defense against people who have this attitude, either just making a joke out of it or the odd ones that are for some reason serious about it, is to NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. If you do you're letting it get into your head, then you're DOOMED. So HARDEN THE FUCK UP already, starting with today. Even I, who know and respect manlets, are going to give you shit for your own good. Get used to it.

Nothing you can say will make me hurt more than I already am.

I am literally dead inside.

Manlets have bigger dicks it's a known fact

>having a oneitis
>making it

Pick one

>Manlets have one of the largest average dick sizes in the entire animal kingdom.

bro, the only people here to shit on manlets or shorter guys are angry short fucks.
Same thing with cuck posting and race baiting.

They are miserable and want to share their misery.
Everyone is a little jelly of manlet gains.

at least baby-dick manlets know how to have a laugh.

lol at anybody arguing that height doesnt matter.
almost all girls like tall guys, anybody whos had a girlfriend will tell you this.

this, manlets have it so easy

youre overthinking. everybody just wants to have a good time with someone. for the girls who are shallow, the visual stimulation is enough. for the majority, its about finding someone you enjoy spending time with as a person. thats all you need to know. there is actual science behind the girls dont know what they want (for example they couldnt guess whether they were aroused or not in studies where they measured the blood flow around their vaggo)
just keep going out out and eventually you can find someone you click with

What if you don't want "someONE" and you want to fuck a lot of girls and have girls be interested in you?

I have no doubt everybody on Veeky Forums could find an average/below average girl to date, but nobody wants that

be social and put yourself in situations where are a lot of alcohol and drugs. female friends can help you hook up too

>, but nobody wants that
I wouldnt mind dating/fucking a 5-6/10 but those are in short supply
No joke, i have no idea on how to meet those

Sounds good, doesnt work.
Most girls seem to be very content on not hooking up and most clubs/bars are 90% men and 1% girls (9% employees)

"Let me give you some advice bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion Lannister, the greatest manlet of them all.

inb4 GOT is shit

youre doing it wrong. if you worked in a bar/club environment with an entrance one week and you could tell who is there because he actually wants to be here to have fun and who is there for the sake of being able to tell he was there. similarly, girls can tell whether you are interested or she is just another number you desperately try at that night.
you want to treat the girl as a regular human being and your goal is both of you having fun.
thats why pua is autistis shit. its much better to try to build a connection with the person and if she is having fun with you, there is a chance for sex. you wont fuck everyone but eventually you will have sex

It doesn't matter how ripped, tall or good looking you are. The only thing that matters is your charisma. You can be an average looking guy and still get all the girls you want just by being good at conversation.

>you want to treat the girl as a regular human being and your goal is both of you having fun.
I do this every time, everytime i meet a girl i treat her as a regular human being and my main motive is to have fun and get to know her.

Problem is like i said girls are in very short supply, ive been single for two years(almost 3) and ive met and dated 5 girls. I get dates from almost every girl i ask out so i dont think im ugly looking so inb4 "youre ugly"

I genuinly do not find girls to ask out/get to know

post pics of him

>I look like a pudgy shit
Well fix it then wtf are you doing, use this girl who's riding the tiny train as fuel to improve yourself, not bitch to some Persian kaleidoscope forum about how no girl wants you.
2 options here thicco
>1. Complain and cry and feel bad about your self worth because some roastie who is fucking dudes her first night meeting them
>2. Improve yourself, fuck hotter girls than the one you're stuck on now and feel better about yourself in the process
Everything is on you, your self worth isn't pinned to girls and manlets and other people