Alright time for a real vegan/vegetarian thread and not a shit throwing contest

Alright time for a real vegan/vegetarian thread and not a shit throwing contest

Post about routines, meals/recipes, and other vegan things but try and keep it civil.


Guess you're right man

What's the consensus on palm oil? I know it's plant based but because of the amount of animals that die in the production of it can it still be considered ethical? I heard if palm oil is replaced by another oil it would take up about twice as much land so is the animal deaths a necessary evil just like the insects and rodents that die in the production of grains?

Thats actually a really good argument in all honesty. Food politics are super complex not just meat vs no meat. I'd say see if there are any brands that don't use murderous chemicals to grow the plants, You could also make arguments about quinoa and avocados. With the recent growth in popularity in quinoa and avocados the price has dramatically risen causing the people who relied on the grain to survive unable to afford it and is it better to cause a whole other population to starve or use the nutrient rich food as nutrient replacement for many foods.


Just do mct oil desu lad, probably onnit unless you can find one without palm besides them

Do you guys track calories and macros? How many protons/carbs/fat do you guys eat on average? On a bulk and on a cut?

Tropical oils (palm and coconut) are particularly unhealthy since they're unusually high in saturated fat. Avoid it as best you can.

post workout meal today

savoury protein pancakes 60g flour 30g gluten flout and 30g pea protein. plus oil, leek and a bunch of paprika, turmeric and onion powder. about 50g protein I guess. had it with some smoked capsicum, tofu/mayo, cashew cheese and tomato sauce all homemade. pretty heavy going but not half bad.

200g chips to top it off

started tracking about a week ago and I'm going about 20/50/30 protein carbs and fat on 3000~ calories a day.

Will start on Tuesday! Thinking of doing Nuckols 3x squat, 3x bench and 1x deadlift, with chinups on the other 2 days.
Bless Aldi. Just finished a huge stew of lentils and black beans in tortillas with BBQ sauce or spicy hummus, and some spinach. Yesterday night I washed it down with chocolate oatly (fucking delicious but expensive and low protein), this morning with vanilla soymilk (not as delicious but better than cow milk, 5¢ more expensive, same protein).
Next meal is elbow pasta but I'm not sure what to eat them with. I've got some chilli sin carne mix, baked beans in sauce, hummus, BBQ sauce and some other plain legumes
Any vegans in Netherlands (particularly Delft)? Have a few questions
I will not tell you that you should become vegan, I will tell you that the picture you posted uses the same logic as that fat cunt that tried to get by on 35$ a week and blew her budget on 3kg grapes and kombucha or something
Don't stress the details too much, as long as you're not buying meat, cheese and eggs you're avoiding like 99% of unnecessary animal cruelty. If you can avoid palm oil even better, if you have to have a specific brand of pb cups that uses like 5% palm oil in the pb, whatever, do it. It's very low on the animal cruelty totem pole. Also this >With the recent growth in popularity in quinoa and avocados the price has dramatically risen causing the people who relied on the grain to survive unable to afford it and is it better to cause a whole other population to starve or use the nutrient rich food as nutrient replacement for many foods.
>Do you guys track calories and macros? How many protons/carbs/fat do you guys eat on average? On a bulk and on a cut?
I just eyeball it now but it's usually 100-150 g protein for 2000-3000 kcal with no supplements, soy meats etc. I'll order some vital wheat gluten to make seitan meatloaf next week

>Any vegans in Netherlands (particularly Delft)? Have a few questions

>Any vegans in Netherlands (particularly Delft)? Have a few questions

Me, but I'm nowhere close to Delft or the randstad.

For starters, I didn't see any tofu in the nearby Aldi and Jumbo. Should I go to an Asian shop, or do they stick it and I missed it?
Second, I got two cartons soymilk, one from "soy good" from Aldi and one from Jumbo (store brand name). They're both ridiculously cheap, less than 1€/L. What's the catch?

>They're both ridiculously cheap, less than 1€/L. What's the catch?
too watered down?
is there non-gmo label?

>For starters, I didn't see any tofu in the nearby Aldi and Jumbo. Should I go to an Asian shop, or do they stick it and I missed it?
Not every supermarket carries the whole assortment, I'm from Hoogeveen and both Aldi and AH don't carry a whole lot of vegan stuff either, but from my experience Jumbo is pretty decent.

>Second, I got two cartons soymilk, one from "soy good" from Aldi and one from Jumbo (store brand name). They're both ridiculously cheap, less than 1€/L. What's the catch?
Look at the ingredients on the side, Lidl soy milk contains 6,9% soybeans while Alpro only contains 6,5% soybeans, there isn't really a catch I guess since usage of GMO soybeans is fairly rare in Europe.

I just looked at the protein, calcium and B12 content. Here is a pic of the labels
(Apparently 5.9% soybeans both, but alpro had the same protein (3g/100mL) so I don't think it has more soybeans)

>is there non-gmo label
I don't see one on either. What's bad about GMO?

If you want you can make your own oat, rice or almond milk instead.

Especially making oatmilk is incredibly cheap and I use it for making pancakes, for calcium I just use molasses (100g contains 800mg calcium) as topping to sweeten the pancakes and you have a delicious and cheap meal without all the synthetic supermarket crap.

I don't know if you're on the vegan discord but I'm probably gonna post some recipes at some point next week.

I'm not on the discord
What exactly makes supermarket soymilk crap? Isn't the type of vitamin used in the fortification process the same as in the sublingual spray?

By the way, I just snacked on a tortilla wrap with 50 g spicy hummus, 150g spinach and a bit senap & dill mustard from ikea.
Holy shit that was good. But it's Sunday and I'm out of tortillas and hummus

Fucking use the palm oil if you want to. If you care so much about the environment, you'll better start killing yourself and as much humans as possible while you're at it.

Why do vegans care about insects? I get that intelligent animals like cows and swines don't deserve current conditions in the meat industry but your average insect isn't much smarter than your average plant.

>Why do vegans care about insects?
I don't care about insects and am vegan, but I wouldn't eat them because I think they're disgusting
Would you start driving at 5mph for fear of toddlers randomly flying to your windshield?
Would you tell a human who broke into your house to sleep and eat breadcrumbs off the floor that he should go ahead and keep doing it? (Same with farms and crops)
Would you let a human to stick a dirty needle in your calf and drain some blood?

If no, then it's perfectly ethically consistent to be vegan and kill insects

eating insects is way less bad than eating mammals and birds and fish, but it's still needless killing of an animal. personally i wouldn't really have a big issue with things if all people ate were crickets

thinking about going vegetarian (just for three meals a day) sometimes not even for that, not for moral reasons but because I heard it's healthier, is this true? should I go mostly meatless?

afaik there's not really a big difference between a "normal healty" diet and vegetarian

i'd sooner cut out dairy than meat, if i only cared about health.

oh, thanks are there any healthy cookbooks you'd recommend?

idk, i don't really follow non-vegan stuff

Look into the mediterranean diet. It's considered a "semi-vegetarian" diet.

Mainly whole grains, legumes, fruit, veg, and nuts, with fish a few times a week, other meat once a week or less, and dairy as a flavoring.

>Muh comfort
Just eat meat you fucking pansy, already have the mindset for it

Veganism is practicing a lifestyle that excludes participating in practices that exploit animals.

That does not automatically assume that vegans care about insects... unless they were being exploited.

Eating whole foods is more important towards health than just cutting out meat. Don't eat processed food. There are plenty of vegans who are unhealthy because they just eat processed vegan food.

As far as meat goes, sourcing is the most important. You can still be healthy and eat meat in moderation. It's just hard, because unless you know or are the farmer yourself, you really can't trust the product. Organic and free-range doesn't mean shit, but grass-fed is better than not.

I would give it a try and stick with it for a while to see if you notice a difference. Do keep in mind that dairy and eggs are not healthy, though.